Saturday, February 15

new weekend. today was v-day. it was nice; charles and I ended up at china king in h-p because we couldn't get in much of anywhere else, but it was good. we just hung out here after that, doing our usual things. quiet but really nice. I'm lucky to have charles, and I hope he knows how much I appreciate him.

wednesday night I was an usher at the chuck d lecture in dana (for those of you not in the know, 1. what rock do you live under? and 2. he's the mastermind behind public enemy, one of the most influential hip-hop groups of all time, ever). what an amazing speaker. I love it when my favorite ideals (i.e. higher education, individualism, tolerance) are espoused by someone who can be seen both as an authority figure and someone who's in touch with my generation. I sure hope people take his words to heart.

chapel hill tomorrow w/ali to see almodovar's "talk to her." why it hasn't opened in GSO is beyond me. at least we get to go to the japanese steak house; ali's giving up meat as of this weekend. crazy.

I've been webstreaming a lot of internet stations lately. try this one:
(sorry, the damn url link thing isn't working again)

it's the best one I've found so far. of course, those of you in the listening area should listen to 90.9 fm whenever possible...especially saturdays from 2-4 p.m. :)

oh, I almost left out the most important thing. I'm typing this on "sebastian," my amazing new hewlett-packard machine. techie stuff: 256 mb ram, 120 gb hard drive, dvd-rom, cd-rw, and a top of the line sound card and speakers (not taking a chance with cheap audio hardware again!). I'm in love.

note to ashley: update your damn deadjournal. you can't still be wearing those peruvian socks.

gotta go to bed else I won't arise in time for my radio show. that would suck, as it would be the 6th or 7th time. ali just has too much fun up there alone; we can't have that.

Sunday, February 9

well, weekend's winding down. friday night was kickin at the hildebrandt party. some bands that no one had heard of and a lot of incredibly drunk people, including yours truly. we had a pretty good crowd at our place, too, with john, hannah, gabe, and leslie all stopping by to visit.

it sounds so middle school, but the highlight of my evening was thus: I was wearing my "I will kiss the boys" t-shirt and plaid pants, which prompted jack hilley to randomly walk up and plant a wet one on me--the cheek, that is. "just obeying your shirt," he said, and I returned the favor. it made my life; I've had a crush on jack for 2 1/2 years and I don't care who knows it!

more kissing--I was walking up the steps and hannah kissed me chastely on the cheek and started yelling about how she'd just made out with me. "no, hannah, THIS is making out," I slurred, and showed her how it was done. she was delighted, and it was all in good fun. so aside from getting franzia sloshed all over me (at least not much got in my mouth), it was a nice evening.

funny things said under the influence of no drugs whatsoever (ahem...possible irony):
"you want to set me on fire because I think zydeco involves rice and beans?"--me
"he's gone mental on account of the witch skin!"--ashley

josh and I got pork chop sandwiches today at the snappy lunch, a rare treat. mmm...nothin like a lard laden lunch.

saw "the hours" friday night. amazing movie, but it made me feel like (or should I say "reminded me that") my life is very trivial.

when I was a kid and my family was still practicing Baptist, we had this nice minister named reverend farrah. mom likes to talk about how he held me as a baby and said, "I get a remarkable feeling from him. he's going to do great things," or something like that.

will I? how great will they be? or have I somehow already done them? what standard should I use--should I try to found a leper colony, or content myself with helping old ladies cross the street? I want so much to accomplish something, to be of some use as a human being. before that, though, I have to decide what path to take to best do it. I just wish I could wake up one morning--soon--and know what is the right thing.

all I do is bitch about the same crap over and over. next entry WILL be a change of pace. and by that I mean...