strangest portent ever: barbara fritchie coming up twice in one day in two unrelated contexts. not that I should mention it. I talk way too much about omens and portents, especially when...well, actually they usually DO signify upcoming events in my life. only with me the events are usually good. great, now I've probably jinxed whatever it was. I'm way too superstitious for a Presbyterian/raised Baptist/deemed honorary Reform Jew/turned pseudo-Quaker.
regardless of how inflated or minute our egos, I think we all see ourselves as the stars of the sitcoms that are our lives. do you ever wonder if maybe you're not even on the air anymore? that maybe you're really just a supporting cast member on someone else's show? or could it be you're only an extra?
too much shep does stuff to my brain.
speaking of my brain, though, this is the second straight day I've been in a genuinely good mood. I literally cannot remember when this last happened. I'm just not going to question it.
Thursday, April 24
Sunday, April 20
I can't even laugh when I read this. it's way too close to being straight truth.
posted by Jeremy at 4/20/2008 05:22:00 AM 0 comments