on celebrities:
there's not a lot to be said for ann coulter, but the woman's legs are right up there with rupaul's in terms of overall quality.
it's taken me 24 years and numerous viewings of will ferrell's snl routine, but I've finally realized how funny robert goulet is.
am I the only person who thinks that demi and ashton make a positively adorable couple?
the only celebrity whom I believe should actually have a reality show: phyllis diller. even if all she did was play bridge in every episode, I'd rather watch her than hulk hogan any day.
Saturday, July 9
Sunday, July 3
ongoing drama: did NOT find any bookshelves yesterday, although a great meal at the cheesecake factory was had.
more of same: probably a good thing that we didn't find any, because I had to go out and spend $360 ($280 after rebates) on a new monitor tonight after the old one died. okay, so I didn't HAVE to get a flat screen. but damn it looks good.
tomorrow is officially the last day I'm a resident of 4109. worked like a trojan (one of mom's expressions) for hours today to get the place cleaned out and still am not quite finished. looks like I'll be celebrating the 4th in the empty apartment with the vacuum cleaner.
speaking of the holiday, I almost drove off the road last night when I was startled by a neighbor's giant uncle sam figurine on the roof of his/her porch. menacing.
boyohboy, do I need to take a shower.
posted by Jeremy at 7/03/2005 10:56:00 PM 0 comments