Friday, June 27

sorry for not having updated in a few days, but every time I've tried of late blogger has been updating their system. or something. anyway.

the interview last night went really well, BUT--we were all told that about 15 candidates would be competing for 8-10 positions. instead, over 30 of us are fighting for 6. so the outlook is somewhat grim. but man, what a sweet job it is. any workplace that lets you come in wearing whatever you like and actually encourages listening to your discman while you work is excellent.

I'm growing very weary of the anne geddes babies. I want to develop my own series of baby photos that simulate wee ones shooting up heroin, wielding sharp objects, flipping off the photographer, etcetera. not because I encourage deviant behavior in chilluns, but because I feel that the market for such imagery is vast. enough other people are anti-geddes, I think. I hope.

I've picked out a car to buy, a 2000 nissan maxima. silver with gray leather, 29k miles. the 'rents hit town on sunday with veronica to try and negotiate a trade. sniff, sniff. but I suppose part of me is a little psyched at the thought of getting new wheels, however much I adore the old.

tiffany called the other evening; sho was swell hearing from her. she's all about hitting frisco together and splitting an apartment, a winner of an idea. no, not an idear. we'll just see what the future holds.

josh stayed over last evening on his way to d.c. we watched man of the century, a very interesting film. if you've got a weakness for 1920s culture, I recommend it.

no coffee all day and I'm about to swoon. better hit tate street asap.

Monday, June 23

what an incredibly neutralized day. only two things of note have happened:

good news received--I go in on thursday for the follow-up interview that I mentioned, which is wonderful. jobs are great. money is great.

bad news received--I have to trade in my car. so much money is being poured into the repairs, and the mechanic says that it's only a matter of time before one electrical snafu after another starts happening. keep this in mind, potential vw buyers. granted, most people would be overjoyed at getting a new(er) car, but I feel as if a doctor has told me, "your daughter is just too sickly. best swap her for another." but best to be practical, suck it up, and choose a reliable-if-boring japanese something-or-other this time.

I really do need to stop eating sour gummi candy all the time. that has nothing to do with anything, just a note.

I have no idea what happened to the past few days. such a blur. I understand why yesterday was...I'm a big fat bum and went to the friggin beach again. stayed up all night sos I could get there early, ended up getting there later than planned to find that there were no parking spaces. anywhere. ended up parking across the bay and walking a hell of a lot. by the time I got back to gso last night I was delirious with fatigue. I actually got lost in town trying to get home; I shouldn't have even been driving. but I learned the hard way about the parking. be forewarned: anyone's welcome to come with me when I go to the seaside, but I'm leaving by 6:00 a.m. at the very latest. period, no exceptions.

still haven't gotten to see all the real girls again. but it's still playing, so this week.

did see network tonight, finally. great flick. verrrrry disturbing.

carra has finally returned, devoid of much sunburn and full of piss and vinegar as before (non-southerners: that means she's mischievous, it's not a bad thing). good to know that she wasn't permanantly touched in the head by bonnaroo badness.

oh, my aforementioned interview went quite well. I'm hoping that I'll be contacted for the follow-up interview within a couple of days. see, they need 15 or so people to do this job, and so far only 5 candidates have passed muster. so I feel fairly confident. I'd really love to get this job as it pays $10/hr, which is more than others I've tried for. though it's sad, that kind of money seems like a fortune to me now! also some other interesting job prospects on tap. my outlook is somewhat brighter, although my bank balance is perpetually somewhat lower.

have I bought the new harry potter book yet? naturally. no midnight sale for me though; wal-mart had plenty of copies left when I went early on saturday, although I've heard that many places sold out, so I guess I was lucky. not sure how I feel about it yet--I'm about 200 pages in, and it just seems that harry's gotten very...crotchety. but that's a teenager for ya.

so off to do some reading. don't take any wooden galleons.