okay, here's the deal. it is now june, so for all intents and purposes 2008 will be half over as of the end of the month. I know that's not exact, but six months is six months. I'm speaking to the Hand of Fate, to the Cosmos, to whatever forces drive the business of my life independent of my own actions.
I want a do-over.
starting july first, I say we just consider the remainder of 2008 its own year. 2008.5, 2008 redux, 2008 final draft, what have you. I'd really like to see some wrongs righted. I'd like to get up every day without dreading what fresh hell is next. I'd like to open the umbrella and NOT have it be raining from underneath. and in all honesty, I'm not interested in justice. I'm not interested in what is "fair." what I want is for things to go my way this time. I ask all this respectfully and with the inkling that just maybe I deserve some better fortune than what I've experienced since this past january or so.
pretty please with sugar on top?