sunday we signed the contracts for the house, yay! it should be finished on june 24th. soon I'm going to set up a really annoying webshots gallery to which I'll add pictures every time a nail is driven in. we also selected our interior colors and materials, which was dramatic. picture me flinging myself over a table littered with plastic chips and carpet samples and crying, "NO! I simply cannot live with those countertops!" well, it wasn't that bad. but it took some time to reach consensus on everything. now if we can just get our lender(s) to do what we want. we've got loan approval, but we're not happy with any offers so far. get it together, people. I've got a credit score in the 700s and full documentation of a healthy income, so you will kindly do my bidding and not fuck with me.
oral-b brush ups are such a good idea. why didn't someone think of them years ago?
once again I should update my film blog with more info on this, but I just don't feel motivated. suffice it to say that napoleon dynamite was one of the most disappointing movies I've ever seen. also on the short list of most boring and most pointless. what am I missing here?
hopefully I can fall asleep soon so that I can hit great clips tomorrow and take advantage of their $5.99 sale. isn't my life a hoot?