another long non-writing interval. but talk about a whole lot of nothing going on! well, except for work. not once have I had to work under a 10 hour shift all week. well, time is money, and money is good.
I'm going insane. there's a pulsating high pitched noise outside that sounds sort of like a tuning fork. it's just soft enough to make me wonder if I'm imagining it. grr. annoying.
having a tough time at the supermarket lately. I'm running out of ideas for meals that are quick, easy, cheap, tasty, and healthy. here's an idea. someone needs to invent this special lasagna, see. it should come in one pound servings. it must be fat free and under 100 calories, despite being made with premium meats and cheeses. it should cost fifty cents. also, it should require no preparation or heating appliances. instead, a special magic wand will be provided that, when striking said pasta, will instantly heat it to the proper temperature. someone invent that.
was going to spend a day at the beach, but the forecast calls for storms. besides, I have to get up and drive to winston on sunday to hang with family. well, the ocean will still be there later.
hilarous conversation at work tonight about using a seadoo as a hearse. but you really had to be there.
I should really go to the guilco graduation, but as it's in five hours and I haven't gone to bed yet, don't think I'm gonna make it. sitting through one scorching hot grad ceremony was enough, truth be told.
am REALLY getting psyched about seattle. it's a shame that ali won't be able to get the apartment with holly and myself if I move. but miss golightly and myself together in "b-field with all the cool stuff" (affectionate nickname for seattle) would be a blast to end all blasts.
off to dream of the space needle.