gracious me! sofia coppola and quentin tarantino are dating? I don't know what to think.
speaking of filmmakers, I think I came across as a real asshole at work tonight for defending woody allen a little too vehemently against some critics. but it's not my fault that people are stupid.
and as a final word on the subject of hollywood, I've decided to be annoyed with scott caan. I realized that, although no one man embodies my physical ideal, he's awfully close (for those who aren't aware, short, dark haired, muscle-y guys are my type). but he has this bad habit of being in either lame "guy movies" or artsy flicks too obscure even for me. I'm tired of gazing longingly at still photos; he needs to do moving things that I can enjoy. wow, did that come out wrong...wait, no it didn't.
admitting a weakness for fun, old fashioned, good pop music is nothing to be ashamed of. as such, I'd like to highly recommend the cardigans' back catalog. first band on the moon is such a great record, but from what I've heard of life it's even better. and can I find it anywhere in greensboro? hell no. guess can get some more of my business.
finally saw office space. pretty good. the similarities to my daily routine are pretty crazy. there's a woman in the ratings department whom I've really begun to worry about; I think she might set the building on fire someday.
think I'll lie down and concentrating on digesting my waffle house and slim jim dinner.