emmet otter's jugband Christmas is now available on dvd. anyone want my vhs copy?
scene from my life:
(jeremy rummages in desk, takes out ballpoint pen, scribbles on paper, sighs)
"why can't I ever find a functioning pen, dammit?"
(puts defunct pen back in desk drawer for the nth time)
now I'm really going to sleep.
Saturday, December 11
what a wretched few days. on wednesday I woke up sick. not starting to feel sick, not on the verge, but full on sick. went to work, but not on thursday--went to urgent care instead. it seems I've caught a highly contagious virus that basically causes your stomach and intestines to go on strike, as well as causing fever and aches. I felt well enough to go to work tonight, but I'm so weak; I can't eat anything at all without seeing it again a short while later. supposedly it'll blow over in a day or two. I just hope no one I know gets it. only then will they understand the true meaning of the word hatred.
I bought a swank leather chair at garden ridge on sunday, and since then have been trying to arrange transportation to get it here. I think I'm going to have to resort to ratcheting it to the top of the volvo. if only I could get an old woman to sit in it on the way home, a la granny clampett.
justin is the greatest guy in the world. I know that's a non sequitur, but it just felt right to say.
off to get some sleep that hopefully won't be punctuated with trips to the fabled porcelain goddess.
posted by Jeremy at 12/11/2004 05:21:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 7
I dreamed last night that I was working in a dairy. dream dictionaries are a load of crap, but if you believe them that's one sweet omen.
posted by Jeremy at 12/07/2004 10:26:00 AM 0 comments
picture this: everyone you know.
picture them: knowing everything about you. everything.
now answer this: where did everyone go?
posted by Jeremy at 12/07/2004 04:45:00 AM 0 comments