Thursday, February 14

friends and snow. those two things make me very happy indeed. take my word for the friends. see the snow here.

Wednesday, February 13

nadine, you are keeping me from sinking into complete insanity and ruin. thanks.

only, just in case you lie down on the job, I've got my power of attorney papers all drawn up. take note, mom.

at least I can still joke a little. google something like "psychotic episode warning signs," leaving out the quotes. yeah, I have most of those. I was rereading some of my older entries and trying to figure out when I last really felt...together. at peace with everything, not disillusioned with all the day to day stuff.

last may. ish. then last month it really began to spiral.

I've had some chipper posts since then, surely, but reading between the lines it really has been that long since I've felt satisfied with my life.

I think it's time I started using my shrink's office for something other than picking up prescriptions.

Tuesday, February 12

let's talk for a minute about scream queens. as an aficionado of both rotten and redeemable horror films, ladies labeled as such have made great contributions to my life. when the viewing public labels the ultimate scream queens, however, they tend to only pick those who have been in films of note. this is unavoidable; after all, how many people have actually seen "mari-cookie and the killer tarantula in 8 legs to love you?" I know I haven't. but it seems unfair that a label that intrinsically should be applied to fringe b-movie stars gets slapped on, say, jamie lee curtis. time and time again. nothing against jamie lee, mind--I'm a big fan. but I reviewed the resumes of several notable screen queens on imdb, giving them a point for each film they've made that can be termed horror. how does she stack up?

(yes, I actually went to the trouble to tally all those films and make this chart. I am the KING time waster.)

so I'd like to give a big shout out to linnea quigley, aka trash from "return of the living dead." may she never stop crankin em out.