happy turkey day, everyone. I write this in the wake of a truly marvelous thankgiving dinner, courtesy of rick and pam (that's my brother and his fiancee, to those of you not as hip to my world as you OUGHT to be). so much for taking off any more weight, at least for these few days. man. four days of not being at work. I feel like I'm doing something wrong. the only downside of the holiday was stopping by the coffeehouse yesterday afternoon and finding that they'd already closed. fuckers.
as t-day departs, Christmas looms. I've never done all my own shopping before, with all my own cash. it's a daunting prospect. I may ring in the new year from a well padded booby hatch, but hopefully have some fun getting there.
I'm going to go curl up with a bad book or something. will update with all the philosophical and intellectual insights sure to come out of a trip to the old homestead. may your sleep have the depth of a tryptophan addict's.
Thursday, November 27
Sunday, November 23
I knew as soon as I wrote about being miserable that life would perk up. actually, it has; I had a really nice weekend. last night was the disband/tigerbearwolf show/cd release party at gate city. then to a party on lexington ave with that whole crew--not as good as the last one, but really fun. got some properly embarrassing pictures.
today I talked to cassie for the first time in aaaaaages. I guess it was kind of a good thing that we hadn't been in touch since may, as I actually had things to talk about, heh. I sho do miss her.
car has been tended to. go me. lots of laundry getting done. keep going, me.
joined friendster. I advise everyone to do the same.
thanksgiving will be spent at rick and pam's house. that'll be nice, but I really hope that pugsly doesn't go off on too many tangents about k-mart. I think I actually get sunday off, too, but I won't know until tomorrow.
time to fluff and fold, y'all.
posted by Jeremy at 11/23/2003 11:04:00 PM 0 comments