can I just say how amazing the belle and sebastian show was, as expected? they did a lot of new material but blew the dust off some old stuff as well (stuart had to actually pull out lyrics at points). the crowd was close to sold out and very responsive--hope that'll make the band play nc again! and I got to be more jealous of anyone than I've ever been. they were taking requests and one guy yelled out "DYLAN!" exceptionally loud. so stuart and stevie dragged him up on stage to sing "like dylan in the movies" with them. hugs were exchanged all around. I hate that guy. but damn, good show.
got a flu shot at work on tuesday. two winters of nastiness are enough.
no fun halloween stories; I was at o.d. people brought their cute kids around for candy, though, which was fun.
sarah love, carra and I are going to tate st. coffee at 8 to bitch about how we let the dcfc show sell out and not get tickets. well, we're going to carrboro tomorrow night anyway to try our luck. ben gibbard is too cute not to.
y'know, all I ever do in here is catalog my life. I never say anything thought provoking or philosophical. so here: daisy wheel printers. how have they affected the human psyche? feel free to comment.
Saturday, November 1
Monday, October 27
what a fantastic weekend. saturday afternoon josh and I headed off to lexington for the barbecue festival. we met mad dog at lexington barbecue and joined him for sandwiches and hush puppies at the kitchen table in his westfalia van. I felt so badass. then the three of us went downtown to fight the crowds and see the pig races.
later that night josh and I went to see the old 731 crowd at their house on lexington avenue; it was eban's birthday. maybe it's just because I've been so socially deprived lately, but I think it was the best party I've ever been to. I swilled down 100 proof soco and talked sex with sarah sherman and her "truly bisexual" boyfriend. got up enough momentum on the porch swing to turn into inside-out boy. just kind of circulated and felt fabulous. I'm glad every weekend isn't like that...I'd never want to leave gso, heh.
tonight I'm calling in sick to work and going to see b&s with sarah love. I swear, if I called and kristy said, "come in or you're fired," I'd quit. I will NOT have stuart murdoch within an hour of me and not see him.
I have a date tomorrow, coffee in high point with michelle's pal travis. I already don't like him, but it can't hurt. he keeps clogging up my voice mail with messages, so I should give him some face to face time.
happy birthday to carra today!
peace out.
posted by Jeremy at 10/27/2003 03:57:00 PM 0 comments