Saturday, December 6

the plague kept me out of work yesterday; I was up all night coughing. went to the doc-in-the-box across the street and got lots of pills. mmm...hydrocodone. back at the grind today, though.

must Christmas shop this weekend. out of town for it? perhaps.

so there are three kinds of people, I think. Yeses, Nos, and Maybes. a Yes sets goals, puts forth the effort to acheive them, and generally gets what he wants. I hate Yeses. a No sets goals, puts forth effort, and generally fails miserably. I feel sorry for Nos. a Maybe sets goals and puts forth no effort, but thinks that he could achieve them if he tried...when he's really just afraid of being a No.

I'm such a Maybe.

I'm starting to relate to john cougar mellancamp songs a little too much. this means that I'm either all grown up and nostalgic or incredibly lame. all grown up and incredibly, nostalgically lame? yep, that sums it up.

I have to go and scrounge up some food. I spent $7.25 on chinese at work and put the leftovers in the fridge there. given how much I ate, that's about $4.97 worth of food that I totally ran off and forgot in thomasville. grr.

Tuesday, December 2

well, it's happened. the plague that's been going around the office has struck me. so far I've got a swollen and sore throat, hacking cough, headache, overallache, and low grade fever (the kind that makes just brushing against your clothes hurt). those who have already been stricken have advised me to batten down the hatches for at least 2 days off my feet at home, but I'm not missing work unless the need is very dire. but if I'm not improved by wednesday I'll see what the doc's got to say.

according to his online journal, stuart murdoch is a) freshly single and b) sexually frustrated. heh...step into my office, baby.

I started writing this really pseudo-intellectual thingie today about paranormal versus supernatural fiction writing. my theory is that it takes more talent to write effectively visceral supernatural work because all the elements must be conjured up from scratch. in paranormal fiction, parts of it already exist--therefore, it's easier to make them frightening/disturbing; one only has to make them behave in abnormal ways. hmm...I was able to make that a lot clearer earlier. shit, I'm tired.

goal updates:
bank balance--decidedly unstable (stupid rent. stupid dry cleaning. stupid CVS. STUPID!)

I am so tired of credit card commercials in general. in every one, they show the card being swiped WITH THE STRIPE UP! hellooooo! that won't work! I don't care if you're showing off the name of your precious Discover card, let's have some realism here!

for some reason my nyquil's made me hyper. I'll go stare goggle-eyed at the wall (or perhaps wall-eyed, har har) and try to sleep. try.