well, back to normal. or some semblance thereof. lots of sleep today; also, began the clean-up for tomorrow night. course we'll just have to it again, but oh well.
james lunderville is in town visiting, the sweetheart. he stopped by for a chat, and will be in attendance at the qfs party. talking to him always leaves me with a strange sense of self-satisfaction. I guess it's because I asked him out and he turned me down, yet it's never stopped us from interacting on a completely normal, friendly level. that's unusual, in a very good way...shit. I just realized I asked him out over two years ago. time does fly.
oh, the festival went well. after the first film all but two people left. but they were a great two. and now, except for taking a little final and writing one solitary play scene, MY SEMESTER IS OVER!!! which means that...college is over. that's so weird.
before I lapse into complete sentimental goop, I'm goin in for some shuteye.
Saturday, April 26
Thursday, April 24
I opted to skip out on sleep in favor of finishing all my scholastic shit. probably not the best course of action when recovering from an illness, but at least I'm out from under my work. and I got some yummy stuffed french toast at ihop this morning.
I'm about to wrap up my one-act play. it's called "see the bunny." it is an utter piece of crap. but huey really liked where it was going, so I've kept on with it. but reading it makes me want to barf. such melodramatic middle school claptrap. that's what I get for writing from experience, heh.
the film "festival" is being held tonight. I'm also anxious for that to draw to a close. I hope I don't fall asleep during one of the films I'm showing. well, if I gotta sleep all day tomorrow, that's fine.
now that I'm no longer sidetracked by sickness or schoolwork, my worries are now completely focused on my lack of employment. I feel sure that the n&r position has been filled by now; have to get on the horn with my contact there and try to dredge up something, anything. I really hope I don't have to deliver pizza or something to pay the bills. you know, its a real shame how many people I know who are in my position: $100k educations and working in retail, if not worse. it's funny how long it takes to find out that bachelor's degrees--with the possible exceptions of business and education--aren't worth the paper they're printed on. so disheartening. "reality bites" should be shown to every incoming first-year. stupid of me not to see it until fairly recently.
last week I mentioned my mission to come clean to a long-term crush. said mission still exists, so here's hoping he shows up at the qfs party this weekend!
anyway, time to play nintendo or something for two hours until class. too bad naps don't agree with me.
posted by Jeremy at 4/24/2003 09:11:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 23
illness-addled brain blurbs:
the standard of coolness by which everyone should be measured: the two old heckling guys on "the muppet show." if you can even come close to being that badass, you're doing just fine.
the only true idealists are virgins.
the 1977 tv movie "night terror," with valerie harper, is in fact the greatest film ever made.
in regard to gregory peck's behavior in "the omen:" if I'd been in his position, I'd have been more than willing to listen to alleged murder plots against my wife. even accusations of my son's birth mother being a jackal wouldn't have seemed too strange. but once someone tells me to go to jezreel and see the old man bukenhagen, I'm outta there. that's just too weird.
favorite classic crayola color: cadet blue. it's taken me 22 years to realize that.
things I classify as "genius" (that is, cleverness tempered by dementia):
1) orbitz (the beverage)
2) writing "linda" on everything in the bathroom
3) the international ramp festival (in wv, of course)
4) "sanford and son"
5) the dullest blog in the world
posted by Jeremy at 4/23/2003 04:26:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 22
so it has come to my attention that I have every symptom of SARS. that's comforting. apparently it's starting to run crazy on college campuses--nicole's got it. given the 4 in 100 fatality rate, I should probably see a real doctor soon. if no improvement by thursday, I will. I did miss classes today, but there's too much to do to lie around being sick. film festival to organize, research paper to finish, etcetera. what an inconvenient time to fall ill.
time for something cheerful...let's see...nope, nuthin. my isolation from the outside world has left me bereft of any amusing anecdotes. once my brain and my voice start functioning again, we'll see.
posted by Jeremy at 4/22/2003 05:54:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 21
blecch. last night at wal-mart I started feeling sort of woozy, so I went to bed pretty early. woke up with a swollen throat, nonexistent voice, fever, chills, aches, and lots and lots of sweat. lucy at student health thinks it's just a viral thing that I'll have to wait out, so we'll see. my temp was 100.2 at last check, whee! I don't think I'll be able to do class tomorrow, though, and have e-mailed profs to that effect.
more evidence that I'm held together with spit and baling wire: I was in the underground on saturday listening to josh play when a big chunk of one of my teeth just breaks right off. I wasn't even biting on anything. guess I'll have to get it capped.
I've basically just been sitting up long enough to let my bed dry out a bit--everything I've touched in the past day is damp--so I think I'll return to ye olde sickbed and maybe pick out some awful movie to watch.
posted by Jeremy at 4/21/2003 11:06:00 PM 0 comments