Friday, April 11

weirdness alert: I should really be in bed by now.

thanks for all the well wishes, all. we just might lick 'em yet.

have finally started watching "30 rock" and am unable to stop. it's not quite the greatest show ever *cough*the office*cough*, but if you like tina fey it's impossible not to enjoy it.

food for thought: in both the original ending AND the book upon which the film was based, ducky won. eat that. hint for the clueless--80s flicks, anyone?

the official wording on something that I tend to misquote...

francis: does it turn into a bed?

ida: yes, it becomes a bed. it's a special, magic sofa. it opens up for magic, lazy boy, and angels come and feed you grapes, and sing to you while you sleep, and it flies around the room granting wishes for boys who are stupid.

I've discussed with several people just what "loretta switt's automobile" should look like. I researched it and have decided it's an auburn boattail speedster. I should add that this has nothing to do with what she actually drives. just go with it.

and just for esses and gees, here's a picture of dad and I in my old wheels. I miss her.