it's a rare and beautiful thing when you can have what you want most in the world. tonight all I wanted was a piece of coconut cream pie and a cup of coffee, and damn if I didn't go to Jan's and get one. now if only that could happen with anything at my command. naw, I'd make too many rash decisions. people would be dropping down dead, surreal things like crows with the heads of dolphins would fly around just for my amusement. the world would only be safe if all I ever wanted was pie and coffee.
so I've decided against taking the psych GRE this Sat. not ready for it, don't need it, don't need to stress over it. the BIG one, however. that's a concern and a half. time to cram.
so N got into Lewisburg for med school. as if I needed more evidence that she rules! also a reminder to wipe the drool off my chin and get down to brass tacks. the proverbial deadlines approach. these grad school applications feel like the horsemen of the apocalypse bearing down, only I get 6 instead of 4. lucky me.
the question is WWABD? (what would Adrienne Barbeau do?)
on a darker note, I broke down a bit today on the phone with mom. I do a good job of keeping it hidden, but the pressures are really building. as a psych major, though, I realize that it's not the amount of stuff that needs to get done. it's my lack of faith in my ability to do it. that and the fact that making decisions anymore is like playing russian roulette with my entire future.
soundtrack for today: Denison Witmer's Philadelphia Songs. a new purchase, it sweeps me off my musical feet. very choice.
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