Sunday, December 22

the whole holiday shebang took place tonight. me, the 'rents, Granny, Debbie/Laura/Patrick, Jeanne, and Jim (Jeri Ann was home sick, and Aunt Debbie was home with her sick dog). went okay, but I almost didn't wake up in time to get ready for the 2:00 supper. my stuffed mushrooms disappeared quite rapidly, as always. almost no one wanted the wassail. aw, screw em. got some nice gifts, although I can't open mine from the parents or Rick until Tuesday.

dinner party last night with Sis and the crew was good too. Mom's spaghetti always rules. found a good shiraz to serve. the tiramisu turned out bee-u-tee-fully.

enough about food. two weird dreams last night, both musical. in the first I was in Binford talking with friends about "March to the Scaffold" in Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique. that's the piece where the drums signify the falling guillotine and the rolling head of the corpse. in the dream, I realized after hearing the music that it wasn't safe for me to go outside, so I refused to leave. I was terrified. oh, well. if you're gonna have a nightmare about a piece of music, that's the one.

number two. I was sitting at some sort of autograph table with Thom Yorke and he was graciously signing various things for people and accepting gifts. one person walked up, handed him a slim blue booklet, said "Merry Christmas," and walked away. the booklet was the 1989 annual from my elementary school. Thom and I had a good chuckle over my chubby kid picture. I have no idea what that means.

on a last "note" (haw haw), Deb got me the Flaming Lips CD. I entertained the crowd with it while I taught Laura to play ERS. she kicked my ass. this semester I should really go visit her; I miss her so much! although she was totally on crack tonight. she kept throwing rolls against the kitchen cabinets and laughing manically. you can so tell we're related when things like that happen.

turned on the Game Show Network tonight thinking "heh heh, bet Betty White will be on. she's always on."

nope. Adrienne Barbeau. even better.

I am finally watching "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid." Katharine Ross is in it. we have the same birthday. only she's 62. she rules.

sadly before the flick is over I have to leave to go on a carriage ride with Mom and Dad through Lotito Park and see the Festival of Lights. I do NOT feel like it, but Mummy hasn't felt well and it would be selfish of me not to go since it'll make her happy. wagons roll.

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