Thursday, March 6

I feel very grainy at the moment. I'm in a conundrum: should I try to go to sleep and trust myself to rise at 10:15 for class, or just stay awake? I slept until after 2:00 today, so an all-nighter shouldn't be a problem, but I'm really zapped. I would be asleep already, but charles was here until 2:30 and then I went to have a bullshit session with carra about this (great) short story that she's submitting in a competition. so I just walked in.

I went to see ernest again today, but we didn' t have much to talk about as I won't see the doctor until friday. however, he called jim hood and got him to e-mail richie zweigenhaft for me. basically jim said "jeremy told me I could tell you he's crazy and ernest is trying to uncrazify him. that's why he hasn't been coming to class. please be nice and let him make up his work and not fail. thanks." I felt bad that ernest did that, and told him that it was like asking for a get-out-of-jail-free card. "well," ernest sez, "if you have a card, you ought to use it." I guess. and after all, graduation is at stake here.

gaaa...I think I may try the whole sleep thing after all. wish me luck in waking.

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