Friday, May 2

I'm dead on my feet, but can NOT go to sleep without blabbing about wilco first. the show was phenomenal, one of the best I've ever been to, and I'm not alone in thinking so. sarah stringfield bought ali's ticket (she was sick) and went with us. off we went to asheville.

had a great dinner at a downtown noodle shop, then over to the orange peel--a great venue, pretty big but insanely nice and without a bad place to stand. joseph arthur opened, and he was very impressive--a kind of one man folksy radiohead. the crowd was pretty responsive to him as well.

then wilco. I had hoped for either "monday" or "heavy metal drummer;" that's all I asked of the entire show. they played both. "red eyed and blue," "sunken treasure," "misunderstood." many that I didn't know very well, which I liked--gives me incentive to listen to them more. all were amazing. and the crowd was a great one, very welcoming and appreciative. they knew they were loved. only down side: most obnoxious drunk guys ever in front of us. but nothing short of a random sars outbreak could have spoiled that show. to quote shelley duvall in "annie hall:" "transplendent. that's the only word for this, transplendent." mayhap.

so now it's off to sweet, sweet musical dreams, courtesy of jeff tweedy and his fellow "queens of electrocana."

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