gaaa. stupid thunderstorms in tennessee. lightning put the morristown area phone lines out of commission--hence, old dominion's terminal there went night-night early. us high point folks had to stay late, as did the good people of salt lake city, to finish what they couldn't. long story short, I didn't get off work until 4:45. I swear paper clips were moving across my desk around 4. but I love me some overtime pay.
internet and cable will be coming to 4109 on monday. josh and I are each ponying up around $50 to enable said technology...sigh. my financial situation has begun to look grim of late. I've accrued a lot of unexpected expenses this month. but I get irritated listening to other people bitch about finances. so I'll stop.
carra leaves the homestead for the greener grass of guilford this weekend; it will be quite an adjustment for both of us. I'm going to have to actually buy buffy dvds. if I don't come in from work and watch at least one episode, I feel all weird. and I do so like the episodes with seth green. gee. wonder why.
going to winston tomorrow--er, today--with josh and brynn to see the david byrne exhibit at secca and he loves me, he loves me not at the stevens center. because, once in a while, it's fun to turn into a complete fop. I'm tempted to buy a pack of cloves to take.
I reread a wrinkle in time. honestly, it's not one of my favorite young adult books, but it was very enjoyable and I plan to finally read the other two. my favorite part: when mrs. whatzit is describing the power that people have over their respective fates. lives, she says, are like sonnets. we're given a strict form to go by, a form that's unchangable. but within the parameters of that form, we can express ourselves however we choose. we can live as we choose. it's a simple thing, but think about it: that freedom is simultaneously the most wonderful and frightening thing in the world. we write, we revise, we crumple, and we write some more. just one. big. sonnet.
I like that.
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