Friday, September 12


if you're going to have the bad taste to ride in the bed of a pickup, you should at least look happy to be there.

"wooly bully" (by sam the sham and the pharoahs, of course) is one of mankind's highest cultural achievements.

60s beach movies: so awful that they're wonderful.
surrealist films: so wonderful that they're awful.
80s teen flicks: isn't it awful how wonderful they really are?
cheaply made horror flicks: isn't it wonderful how awful they really are?

grapefruit juice has a horrible aftertaste.

as a Christian respectful of non-Christians, group prayer makes me uncomfortable (case in point: last night's 9/11 memorial gathering at o.d.).

all coffeemakers should be named barney. I have logic, but don't feel like explaining it.

I wonder if this is true--
new york:chicago::barcelona:madrid?
it seems like it would be.

the adjective I'm least impressed by: very
the adjective I'm most impressed by: green eyeshade ("In a speech in Iowa broadcast on C-SPAN Thursday, Dean elaborated on his green-eyeshade economics.")

I think that if someone gave me a fruit roll-up the size of arizona, I'd be able to eat it. thankfully I'll never have to find out.

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