Monday, December 8

the only shopping I've done so far is online. I be lazy as hell.

last night was bizarro. josh and I went to warehouse to a drag show/Christmas pageant thing put on by some folks we know. we were dreadfully out of our element. I drank a nauseating number of gin and tonics.

I've realized that I could be a club kid, and have fun doing it. but it would necessitate drunkenness. as much as I think that thoreau was a pretentious blowhard, he said one smart thing: "beware of enterprises that require new clothes." my credo: "beware of fun that requires substances;" it means that either you're lame or the thing that you're going to do is lame.

I now have a netflix membership. it's the greatest thing in the world. so this weekend I watched:

the bicycle thief. I disagree with the masses who claim that it's one of the greatest films ever made, but it is good. a very compelling story, simply done and relatable.

what's up, tiger lily? disappointed. woody allen meets mst3k ought to be funny, but isn't. there are a few big laughs, but scattered ones.

lawless heart. holy shit. I saw this in nyc in march and had to see it again. it is tragic how few people seem to have seen this film. I think...drumroll might be my new favorite movie. ever. seriously. rent it asap. no, just buy it.

eban came over today to watch football with josh. I made homemade potato soup. I generally pooh-pooh my own cooking, but damn it turned out tasty.

I need to pick out at least one friend to say that I've been to prague with. then, when we're around people who don't know any better, I can turn to him/her and say, "remember that blahblahblah in prague that time...?" and he/she will play along and we'll laugh heartily. the other person will think we're the shit for having gotten into mischief in prague. I'd like that.

but for now, mischief in bed. ooh, that sounds bad. just sleep.

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