Sunday, February 15

[here was typed a rant about snow making greensboro shut down, but what's the use in complaining anymore? at least it's pretty outside. hmmph.]

ali, you mentioned needing "a plan." I almost have one formulated. brace yourself...I'll get back to you with specifics soon.

I'm starting to become concerned that I have a lot of repressed anger. it's become common for me to have these upsetting dreams in which I blow up at someone over nothing. I just start yelling at everyone around me like a madman. better that than actually doing it, I suppose.

I've taken some of my speedy pills and am washing them down with some of Gate's finest brewage. objective: to wear myself out by cleaning frantically, relax in a hot tub, get up early to go to Tate Street and do character sketches for a few hours before work.

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