Monday, February 9

new at petrified fountain: bubba ho-tep. see, I told you I'd review something new.

wackta weekend. little party at mary hobbs with the carra crew that got busted up and slapped with a fine. I paid out eight bucks for beer that got confiscated. hey, it was worth the excitement. although it might not be worth the alcohol fine for our gracious host, though we all offered to chip in.

to chapel hill tonight to see the aforementioned film. also went to strong's coffee, where I boggled at the energetic groups of fresh young collegiates talking about important things. culture and things. I thought, "gee. I miss doing that." then I realized that I never really did that. oh well.

signs of continuing spiral into madness:
1) newly piqued interest in kraftwerk
2) wearing a tie when drinking ritz brand soda (even with no one around to chuckle at it)
3) increasing ability to relate to aunt ada doom in cold comfort farm
4) overhearing at least one conversation a day that I dismiss as "bourgeois"
5) wondering too often if getting shot in the leg with a small caliber bullet could really hurt all that much


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