just another happy peppy post to remind y'all that life is dull and unexciting. but better that than lively and filled with drama. I used to think that I'd trade my banal existence for some dramatic happenings any day, but I'm older and wiser now (note: I believe that I last had those thoughts about four months ago).
although changes are in the works. or are they non-changes? can something be said to remain static and yet be changed? I suppose not. then again, maybe there will be true changes after all. this is getting confusing. more to follow soon.
seattle comin up this weekend, which is sure to result in fascinating blog material. I wish that the thought of going didn't make me feel cranky. let's face it; it's really just the thought of losing sleep to make my flight that does it. I guard my sleep jealously. for those of you that don't already know the embarrassing tale, I tried to convince the bad news bearers (walter matthau) on the morning of 9/11 to let me go back to sleep.
buffy season 6 on dvd today! since wal-mart hadn't yet put them out as of 3:30 a.m., I'll have to hope that I can track one down this afternoon.
I miss carra. no connecting thoughts there, just thought I'd throw that out.
let the wild rumpus start! on second thought, I'll just go to bed instead.
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