not a lot of interest happening, but I need a brief rant.
I admit it, I enjoy listening to the radio. and yes, I mean commercial radio. I grew up on oldies and eighties tunes, and since my childhood was a pleasant one I rather enjoy reliving it through cheesy old brainless music. on my way to and from work I tend to switch back and forth between two stations (each catering to one of the aforementioned genres). a little motown here, a little genesis there, and I'm ready to knock out some bills. it's like junk food for my ears.
but the testostazene commercials have to stop. if I have to listen to old kermit-the-frog-soundin, impotence-curin, "I-sound-like-I've-never-had-sex-anyway" doctor richard cohen m.d. (men's health specialist) just one more time I think I may go postal. the airwaves are polluted with his nasal, annoying, horrendous voice. if messr. cohen and I ever meet face to face, he's going to need a lot more than testostazine to feel like "the man he used to be." he's going to need all the royalties from those radio spots to pay for reconstructive surgery. if I hit the number 4 preset on my radio, I'm lookin for some billy ocean. I do NOT want to hear about erectile dysfunction. even hearing the commercial once a day would be all right. but no, I have to hear it 5+ times. once I myself am over the dreaded age of 35 (according to herr doktor that's when things start to go downhill), maybe I'll feel differently--although I certainly hope not. at any rate, keep an ear open for reports of a wild gunman holed up in the city club and opening fire on downtown. I may just get pushed too far.
that wasn't brief. I apologize.
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