Friday, July 16

ever drink pomegranate juice?  as I just discovered, it's good.  but damnably expensive.
at work I'm moving into an actual cubicle, which is very exciting (until now I've just had a sort of desk with built in walls).  I need to think of things to get agitated about so I can pace back and forth between partitions.
I'd like to nominate don henley's "dirty laundry" for the most striptease-conducive song ever.  come to think of it, all don henley songs lend themselves to burlesque.  I can even see a slow, contemplative bump and grind being done to "boys of summer."
nothing new with "the dave situation," by the way.  currently drama free, knock on wood.
does anyone know where I can get a statue of the venus de milo with a clock in the stomach?  you'd think those would be easier to find.  maybe I'll just have to make due with a rain lamp.  I'm feeling awfully kitschy lately.
going to get new glasses on saturday.  old school indie hornrims or professional black wire frames?  part of me just isn't ready to let the scenester image go; I might have to stick with the former.
sheetz burger and fries for dinner.  the exercise bike calls.

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