Thursday, August 12

the teenage and twenty-something guys of america really need to stop trying to look like johnny knoxville. there's a lot to be said for the man himself, but as a mainstream look it's gettin old.

why aren't there many songs written about ships anymore? I think it's a shame. come to think of it, trains don't get sung about much either these days. the world's songwriters need to start giving mass transportation props again.

someone needs to randomly give me $35,000. that's about the difference between what I can afford to spend on a place to live and the cost of one of the new lofts at smothers place downtown. grr. well, the planned purchase is still almost a year away. anything could happen.

recalling an excellent observation bryan and I made some years ago: any food that can't be improved by adding peanut butter can be improved with barbecue sauce. the two magic culinary liquids.

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