grr. aargh. the past couple days have found me in some very obnoxious moods, ranging from depressed to annoyed to downright postal. you know those times when you look around your life, see it as a prison cell, and muscle up to the bars and yell "LEMME THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!" yeah. perhaps it's the promise of the barbecue festival that has lightened my mood. at any rate, I'm now once again semi-sane.
this is where I have to interject that justin is perhaps the only aspect of my life that I tend to run to rather than away from. he's a saint to put up with me. hell, what I'm talkin? we're saints to put up with each other. a match made in heaven. heh. saints, heaven. I made a funny.
sunday I see the 'rents and granny and get my kitten! monday the new couch arrives. so many nice new things. well, my parents and grandmother certainly aren't new, but they're nice old things. um, that came out wrong. never mind.
did anyone see the video of fidel castro falling down a few days ago? I heard that he fell, and thought, "aw, shucks. that's too bad." then I saw the video. I'm sorry, but fuh-nee. he even knocked over some chairs, a la mary catherine gallagher. fidel castro, SUPERSTAR! I'm a mean person, but at least I know it.
P.S. have just learned that castro did in fact break some bones in the fall. dammit! why is it still funny? I'm going to hell.
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