what a wretched few days. on wednesday I woke up sick. not starting to feel sick, not on the verge, but full on sick. went to work, but not on thursday--went to urgent care instead. it seems I've caught a highly contagious virus that basically causes your stomach and intestines to go on strike, as well as causing fever and aches. I felt well enough to go to work tonight, but I'm so weak; I can't eat anything at all without seeing it again a short while later. supposedly it'll blow over in a day or two. I just hope no one I know gets it. only then will they understand the true meaning of the word hatred.
I bought a swank leather chair at garden ridge on sunday, and since then have been trying to arrange transportation to get it here. I think I'm going to have to resort to ratcheting it to the top of the volvo. if only I could get an old woman to sit in it on the way home, a la granny clampett.
justin is the greatest guy in the world. I know that's a non sequitur, but it just felt right to say.
off to get some sleep that hopefully won't be punctuated with trips to the fabled porcelain goddess.
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