so I've started taking these B complex mega vitamins. I think they've already done a lot to lower my stress levels--not one hysterical crying fit since I've been on 'em. B vitamins are also supposed to lessen "mental confusion." so why did I lie awake for an hour the other morning pondering this: if kato kaelin, johnny cochran, and judge ito were the three stooges, which ones would they be? I'm open to ideas on this one, but be prepared to justify your choices.
colleen parked next to me at work last night, and I noticed that she has a bush/cheney sticker. I really did not need to know that about her. it must be haverized.
haverize - verb. to purposely forget unpleasant or unwanted information.
source: the friends of bartleby slang lexicon, revised edition, 2005.
I've never been a tonight show fan, and so was unaware of the existence of the fruitcake lady until I was sent one of her video clips in a forward. I truly believe that she is the funniest human alive. if you've got high speed internet, watch some of these hellaciously amusing clips.
willow's in bed, and it looks comfy. off I go.
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