sorry about the lack of updates to the nor'easter gallery, but until recently most of the work has taken place on the interior; the exterior completion just sorta exploded. but check out the new pic (author's note: webshots is being a big ol bitch as of publication, but keep checking back)--as you can see, we almost have a finished product. just need to get the trees, bushes, and major appliances and we're set! got a great deal on the insurance, too. a month and counting until the move...I get tired just thinking about it.
it's a few days late, but:
five things i learned at the greek festival in w-s on sunday:
1) at times, greek folk music sounds suspiciously like prog rock. I mean, you KNOW goblin must have toyed with a bazouki at some point.
2) cheap white wine tastes much better when you call it retsina.
3) you can get nesting dolls painted to look like pretty much anything. space shuttles, the beatles, and most importantly...nuns.
4) compared to other ethnicities, there seems to be a startlingly high number of muscular men under 5'10" who can claim greek heritage. just my "greek love" even more happy connotations.
5) greek coffee goooooooooooood.
so yeah, the greek festival pretty much kicked ass.
due to inclement weather I drove cedric to work today--such a good car! it's a shame I don't use him more often, but what a petrol guzzler. and in 'phelia I have the added perk of knowing that I can take 25 mph curves at 50 without even squealing the tires. not that I'd, ahem, know anything about that.
another misheard lyrics experience: in robert palmer's "simply irresistible," one hears the line "that kind of love is mythical." for me it was once "her cannelloni's mythical." I wish it really was. I love the idea of mythical cannelloni. can't you just picture fauns and satyrs dining on pasta while unicorns graze nearby and lutes play in the background? I know I can.
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