Saturday, December 24

wow. just when you think you're wise to the ways of the world, you find out that brothels have websites (careful--they's boobs on this website, tee hee. be sure to check out "the menu!).

sorry. when I'm in wv the urge to waste time can get a little out of hand.

Friday, December 23

by the way, I uploaded a few more pictures of willow. these are more recent. sorry the banister ones are a bit blurry, but it's hard to get a cat to stay still for a camera at times.

have you ever turned on the t.v. thinking "there's nothing good on," yet somehow the best thing that could POSSIBLY be on is? it's one of the greatest feelings ever.

thanks, amc, for showing desk set this morning. even though I own it on dvd and have probably watched it 20+ times, somehow it was just perfect today. everyone who likes romantic comedies should see it. everyone who doesn't like romantic comedies should see it. if you think that the phrase "mexican avenue bus" is amusing, you should see it. in short, if for some unearthly reason you haven't, see desk set.

next post will probably be post-Christmas. that said, happy holidays everyone!!!

Thursday, December 22

you know, it's awful to say, but sometimes crazy people are just funny.

I've decided that I don't like stomach tattoos--not of anything, not on anyone. it smacks of white trash to me. or, I suppose, "black trash" as the case may be.

I hate it when rings (the kind worn on one's finger) get water behind them and make funny noises.

I worry way too much about finding glass in my food. it's not normal. it probably stems from an early childhood incident of staple-in-the-hot-fudge-cake at shoney's. no, seriously, it happened.

speaking of food, ever added smoked salmon to alfredo sauce? it's gooood.

Saturday, December 17

the last few days have been emotionally polar ones. a friend of mine is moving to alaska, which is a sad thing indeed. no one that I could label "a good friend," but someone that I truly wish I'd spent more time with. and he's moving to alaska. a bold move by any standards, one that makes me think about all the chances I haven't taken. studying law out west. studying film up north. all the adventures I passed up on. even thinking back on my life a few years ago--going to shows, partying on weekends (or during the week), learning...anything. I used to be alive, dammit!

not that I have anything to legitimately complain about. I don't regret any of the choices I've made, because they've provided a means to the fulfilled, comfortable life that I lead now. I guess what I'm wondering this it? am I done? an actualized life at the ripe old age of twenty-four? no more adventures, no more prospects? I just don't know if I'm ready to accept that.

there's this mental image that always pops up when I ask myself, "who do you wish you were?" I see myself in greenwich village, union square I think. it's a fall day, cool and breezy (of course it's usually breezy in manhattan). I'm wearing a tweed jacket over a sweater and jeans. I'm holding a 35 mm movie camera. I look up, I smile, and I revel in all the life around me, wanting to take it all in, to capture it.

this from the guy who is too lackadaisical to even take up cinematography as a hobby.

on a completely different note, is it too much to ask that a supermarket carry peanut butter cookies? harris teeter at friendly center doesn't, unless they're well hidden. no major brands, none in the deli, no bake your own (except ones that have reese's pieces). grr.

Sunday, December 11

well, it's turning out to be the best weekend ever. all my doubts about the lion, the witch and the wardrobe were laid to rest. it's an amazing film--beautifully shot, superbly acted, and astoundly true to the book. and I have a reallllllly big celebrity crush on william moseley (peter), the marvelously lame sort of crush that is usually peculiar to 13-15 year old girls. in fact, since I never inline images anymore and should get back in the habit:

I mean, come on!

how can you not find that adorable?

speaking of habits, my talk here has been unhealthily guy focused of late. I should really mention ladies how bout that miss hathaway? pretty bodacious, huh?

trip to winston tomorrow to complete (???) Christmas shopping. money's not my main holiday obstacle this year--it's creativity, or lack thereof. you know what I like? when people I know just say, "get me _______." that is music to my ears. failure to have done so this year may just mean a gift card, people. and I'm also weary of this "oh, you don't have to get me anything" crap. OF COURSE I DON'T HAVE TO GET YOU ANYTHING! I could be a selfish bastard and spend all my money on myself, but I'm a damn nice person, dammit! if I had some idea of what to buy you, it would be bought and paid for! I'm asking for your help, here! HELP ME ALREADY!!!

aah, much better.

Friday, December 9

y'know, MILF is a fun acronym to throw around. but the ripoff, DILF, just lacks dignity somehow. I wish that someone would come up with something else, but the best I can do is Dad I'd Like to DO. DILDO. that's just no good.

that said, I think that MILFs and DILFs differ in more ways that just sex. MILF can be applied to pretty much any attractive woman who is in her mid-thirties or older. but in my opinion, DILFs are different. the same age requirement applies, but by my definition a DILF isn't a guy that I would necessarily consider conventionally "hot."

in establishing whether a man fits the mold, I picture myself at 13 or 14 being invited to a sleepover at a friend's house. guy in question is friend's dad, and as such exudes a fatherly air of maturity and protectiveness rather than the raw sexuality of, say, an a & f model. a boy-next-door turned suburban commuter. of course I'm going to this friend's house because I enjoy his/her company...but there's also the chance of seeing his/her dad walk around the house shirtless. if I can imagine the guy in that scenario, he's a good candidate for DILF-hood. and there really aren't all that many.

some of my celebrity DILFs (go ahead and laugh; I already know my taste is weird):

jason bateman (easily #1)
tim robbins (fading fast, but still got it for now)
brian krause (of charmed fame)
scott bakula (a timeless classic, in my opinion)
kevin spacey (the dimples give him an edge)
julian mcmahon (um...actually I think he's #1. sorry jason)
mike nelson (shut up, he is SO)
adam baldwin (without the lame facial hair he's cultivated of late)

john cusack and alec baldwin were both close, but they've started to look a little too old and a lot too chunky, respectively.

do let me know who should be granted the coveted DILF status in your opinions.

and if anyone knows why I devote my precious time to silly posts like this, let me know about that as well.

Tuesday, December 6

like the harry potter series, I put it off as long as possible. but in a similar fashion, I'm ashamed to say that I finally got sucked in.

the da vinci code. quick snickering and just read the damned thing. seriously.

this weekend I must see the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe. I'm sure that most of y'all are aware of my narnia obsession. as such, this weekend will either rule beyond comparison or suck most righteously, depending on how much justice is done to the book. furthermore, I know I risk the wrath of at least 50% of other narnian fanatics by saying this, but I truly believe that the magician's nephew should have been made first. this website offers a number of theories on the matter of reading order that I hadn't considered.

Thursday, December 1

ocelots are from africa. so why is has one been spotted running around fisher park? that's just weird.

on a completely unrelated note: after existing for about two years now, my street can finally be located on mapquest. huzzah! my house exists after all!

Tuesday, November 29

the wedding was very pretty. and you gotta love a reception that offers both italian food and unlimited wine.

speaking of beverages, ginger ale is a very underrated one. if you're reading this and like it at all, go buy some.

message for the g.p.d.: stop hanging around outside central library! when I have books to return it's so much easier to park in the bus loading zone with my flashers on and run them inside (audio books can't be returned outside at that branch, why I dunno), but I'm not going to try that with cops around. so I have to find a space in the parking deck, turning a 60 second task into 4-5 minutes. that's just not okay. I'm fine with enforcing laws and all that bushwah, but not at the expense of my personal conveniences.

Friday, November 25

happy thanksgiving, all. posting live from the mountains of wv, where everyone is still basking in yesterday's festivities. got up at the crack of dawn (10 a.m., which IS the crack of dawn if you have to work until 5:00) and drove to justin's family in mount airy for lunch, then here for dinner.

my sister is getting married in about an hour and a half. I love having an excuse to wear a suit, but I'm glad it's not a daily necessity. of course laura's in town for the event with HER new fiance, travis, whom everyone likes very much. all these people getting married! it's enough to make you want to barf, really.

I promised myself I wouldn't mention the new harry potter film until I put together a full post about it, but I'll go ahead and say that it is great. and I do plan to do a full review for the first time in a year--I'll try and get to that within a few days. sunday justin and I are taking rachel to the imax theater in raleigh to see it on the big (read: five story) screen. that should be pretty amazing.

time to start getting ready for the big event! let's just hope I can still fit into my suit. hmm, maybe I should have checked on that before...

Saturday, November 19

y'know, I'm actually feeling ready for Christmas this year. not that I've gotten all my shopping done--not even close--I just don't feel that the preparations have started too soon. however, that said, I do NOT think that radio stations should play holiday music literally around the clock. I'm a notorious station surfer; my drive to work is a constant cycle between five frequencies. switch over to all Christmas/all the time and you diminish my available stations by one. hear that, preset button number three? cut it out already!

I dreamed last night that I was a character in a television drama about college life. nostalgia much?

naturally I'm going to see the new harry potter flick this weekend. I'm trying to go into it without too many preconceived notions. still, after number three I'm wary.

work news: the head of my department left the other night. no notice, nothin. just out the door she went during the middle of the work "day." quite dramatic. we're all sad to see her go. apparently some tension with upper management just escalated a bit too far. being in the trenches I wouldn't really know, m'self.

thirrrrrrrsty. must go drink gallon of tea or like substance.

Monday, November 14

lame quiz results time!

You're Fred!

Which Angel character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Toonces!

Which SNL Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


Which Family Guy Character Are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, November 11

I would never want to be known as an alcoholic, but being referred to as a "dipsomaniac" would be pretty sweet. so many beautiful words fallen into disuse!

Christmas is coming up, folks. shortly after that, the birthday arriveth. need gift ideas? here's all you need, the oft updated wish list. go buy me stuff. after all, I've only got two birthday's left for a while. like I've always said, I'm stopping at 26. 27 just sounds too close to 30, so I'm going to be 26 until I'm at least 38, at which time I'll actually turn 38 and stay there until I'm 50. after that I'll just wing it. the way I see it, as long as I stay away from sun and cigs and moisturize religiously, I've got the bone structure to grow ancient quite gracefully. if I have to dip into the grecian formula, so be it. but I refuse to go bald. eh, why worry? often hair loss is caused by an excess of testosterone. let's see..."jeremy has an excess of tes...t..test..." I can't even finish typing it without giggling.

speaking of appearance, I've been on the diet train and have lost roughly ten pounds. five more and I treat myself to a new outfit. ten after that, I kill myself because life will never get any better. actually I'll probably just put all back on and them some when I scream, "I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE," fill an IV drip with olive oil, and spike myself the hell up while chowing down on loaves of french bread and wheels of mozzarella.

Saturday, November 5

remember when I wanted to be a filmmaker?

Sunday, October 30

thanks to shana's lj for clueing me in to this amusing website.

Thursday, October 27

I smell sex and candy here.

who's that lounging in my chair?

who's that casting devious stares in my direction?

mama, this surely is a dream.

Thursday, October 20

I think the best possible song for a quote-unquote indie pop band to cover would be "wichita lineman." are you reading this, ben? just because death cab signed to a major label doesn't mean you can't still have some fun.

having just reviewed the previous paragraph, I find my use of quote-unquote quite humorous. I bet it'll annoy all kinds of people, too. expect to see it again.

speaking of songs, even though it wasn't intended as such, fire island should adopt "twistin the night away" as its theme. think about it: new york, people who "are so gay," queens? it seems obvious enough to me.

I'm the last healthy person in the nor'easter; everyone is currently or has been very flulike. wish me luck staving it off.

I have a great american respect for baseball, but I'm getting pretty tired of evvvvvvverything on fox getting pushed aside for it.

Wednesday, October 19

anyone who lives in, has ever lived in, or has ever heard of the triad should read this.

Saturday, October 15

james bond should NOT be blond. I feel very strongly about this.

Thursday, October 13

worst radio edit of a song ever: "walk on the wild side." I understand the necessity for a bleep or two, but one entire verse gets cut out and the other verses are strung together. the choruses are cut, but then one chorus gets tacked onto the end. jeez, why bother to even play it?

Sunday, October 9

all things considered, I have a wonderful life. my job isn't exactly what I want to be doing, but I'm lucky to have it. I have fabulous friends, a spiffy house, and the greatest guy ever to share it all with. in the grand scheme of things, this is the happiest I've ever been.

maybe it's this happiness that has made me feel so overcome with guilt about things I've done before. mistakes that I've made in relationships years past keep surfacing in my mind like corpses. several times before men--beautiful, intelligent, caring men--have hung their hopes on me, planned the rest of their lives around a relationship with yours truly. obviously I'm glad that those relationships didn't pan out, but each time I've been the one to smash their dreams. I could never do that to justin, nor would I ever want to. and I'm older and hopefully wiser now. but that doesn't stop me lying awake and thinking of the promises that I've made and broken.

a lot of it comes down to this memory that's on a continuous loop in my mind lately. I'm in the apartment of...well, let's call him fred. I'm in fred's basement apartment waiting for him to come home from work. fred loves me, and I love fred. we've been together exclusively for several months and have already spoken of a lifetime commitment. I'm sitting on the sofa when I see his car pull in. he gets out and runs down the stairs. he runs. just because I'm there.

I broke it off with him four months later, in a cowardly and juvenile fashion. but even if I'd done it diplomatically I'd be bothered. we were supposed to be the rest of each other's lives. but I think that part of me knew all the time that it wasn't right. I guess that's what really gets to me in each of these past romances. part of me knew, but I kept smiling and nodding. sure, my relationships tend to move fast, often before I realize what I'm getting into. and in each case I really did believe--for a while--that "it" COULD work. but none of these justifications can undo what I did.

maybe it just speaks to the depth of my feelings for justin that I feel this way. if anything happened to us I'd be destroyed. in addition to the "relationship survivor's guilt" of late, I've started developing disturbing takes on other issues. the remarriage of a widow/widower, for instance. if someone completely gives him/herself over to someone else who dies, how could he/she dare to make a similar commitment to another person? if the spouse was truly loved in the first place, how can the survivor even entertain the notion of picking up the pieces and moving on with someone new? call me radical, but I just couldn't.

sorry to ramble so much. but I wouldn't be awake at 6:00 on a sunday morning if I hadn't been preoccupied all night. well, maybe I can get some rest now.

Monday, October 3

the first thousand words update in a while: six shiny tate street festival pictures. wish I'd taken more, but there it is.

Sunday, October 2

I'm going to try and revive the lost art of letter writing. not e-mails, not postcards, but letters. thanks to electronic communication and such, people are forgetting how to properly structure correspondence. ten years from now people probably won't be able to indent a paragraph or align a salutation to save their lives. not me, uh uh. I respect grammar too much. so I'm going to order some good quality personalized stationery and get a wax seal made with my scottish family crest on it to make em look swank. if you find this pretentious, well...yes, I agree. but it's a great idea, no? so many of y'all can expect requests for snail mail addresses from me soon, hopefully.

it's sad that so many regional department store chains are being sucked under, but I can't help being excited that the big unnecessary hecht's on bridford parkway will soon be the big unnecessary macy's.

had a swell time at the tate street festival today with carra, julie, emily, ashley, and a host of guilford characters that have made only an occasional guest appearance for the last couple of seasons. I really do need to work on infusing some new--or old--blood into the series before my life gets cancelled. I don't even want to THINK about how many millions of households aren't watching me these days.

it's official. villarosa = best marinara sauce ever. next time I go I should just ask them to fill up one of the tea pitchers with it so I can pour it over everything liberally. well, maybe not the tiramisu.

Saturday, October 1

so much good stuff in the news! click on these:

woo hoo!

also, I found these amusing:

Wedding Etiquette

A couple of things you should know before a Vermont same-sex wedding.....

1) On the day of a gay wedding, it's bad luck for the two grooms to see each other at the gym.

2) Superstition suggests that for good luck the couple should have: Something bold, something fierce, Something trashy, something dirty.

3) It's customary at gay and lesbian nuptials for the parents to have an open bar during the ceremony.

4) Gay wedding tradition dictates that both grooms refrain from eating wedding cake because it's all carbs.

5) It's considered bad luck for either of the grooms to have dated the priest.

6) During the first dance, it's considered unlucky to use glow sticks, flags, whistles or handheld lasers.

7) For good luck at the union of a drag queen, the bouquet is always thrown in the face of a hated rival drag queen.

8) A local saying from colonial Northampton: A lesbian who owns a horse will never tell a lie, But a lesbian who votes Republican will leave you for a guy.

9) The wedding singer is not allowed to play/sing Let's hear it for the boy, YMCA or I will Survive.

10) The father of the Bottom pays for everything!

Wednesday, September 28

wouldn't it be nice if you could take a leave of absence from your life?

but I suppose, like taking a leave from work, there's the danger that you won't want to go back.

sorry. not in the best of moods lately, I guess.

Friday, September 23

this makes me happy.

just need to sound off for a minute. I read an infuriating editorial yesterday in which the author actually had the nerve to gleefully tout $4-5 per gallon gas prices as a means of sticking it to the nation's SUV drivers. I'm the first to decry the SUV craze as wasteful, but what about people in my position? I already drive a car that gets 30+ miles per gallon, but I have an unavoidable 50 mile (round trip) commute per day. moving closer to work is out of the question, as is leaving my company. given staggered shifts and varied overtime, car pooling is not a viable option for me either. last but not least, I REALLY don't need to hear opinions like that from someone in D.C., a city with a commendable public transportation system. in short: stick it.

while I'm on the subject, some more information I dug up: guy A goes to his local toyota dealership and buys a new corolla. guy B goes to the same dealership and buys a prius. both guys drive an average of 15,000 miles per year. "ha ha!" says B. "this little number will save me enough money at the pump to pay for itself!" the awful truth? over the next five years, the only way that he can come out ahead of guy A and his corolla is if gas prices immediately rise to over $10.00 per gallon and stay there. wow, let's hope not.

anyone else psyched about corpse bride? I know I am.

as for print entertainment, I'm currently reading john irving's setting free the bears. granted I've got 200 pages to go--that I will finish--but as of right, what a pretentious load of bull. we've got viennese milkmen beating horses, naked guys running outside and biting people on their necks, and policemen forcing innocent bystanders to be beekeepers. and somehow it all ties in with vietnam.

Thursday, September 22

so I got to work tonight and within two hours developed a nasty headache. it got progressively worse while the office seemed to get obnoxiously bright. to cap it all off, I got nauseated. goody's powder couldn't touch these symptoms, and I had an odd suspicion as to what might be causing them. I drove home with the windows down, changed my shirt and rinsed off a bit, and shortly thereafter felt fine. diagnosis: migrane headache brought on my the scent of my favorite cologne--which I hadn't worn for several weeks. can reactions like that develop so suddenly? if so, then I guess that $50 worth of dkny be delicious will go to waste.

speaking of money, I'm stressed beyond belief. I really feel that working during the day would make me much happier at this point. with the pay cut, we might JUST be able to pay the long as josh was living with us. if he moved out and we couldn't rent his room, we'd be forced to sell the house.

and there's still another issue. working days would make me feel pressured to go to grad school. but what for? will someone please tell me what my mission in life is already? I currently have a great job that I love and co-workers that I adore. it's just that I hate being away from justin. jeez, life is frustrating.

time for current events with jeremy:

scott peterson. not one of the world's finer individuals. there's no true defense of cold blooded murder, certainly not under the circumstances in which he committed it. I'm sure that the majority is with me when I say that he is, in fact, a vile human being. I rejoiced when he was found guilty. although I'm vehemently against the death penalty, I can't muster up any sympathy for him. he's scum, vermin, a monster.

none of this changes the fact that he's hot.

go ahead. gasp, clutch your chest, think me a heartless son of a bitch. but somewhere deep down inside, you know it's true.

Monday, September 12

yeah, yeah. the bill's going to be "terminated." I get it, we ALL get it.

speaking of homos, I was driving home the other night and realized that I'd like to move to san francisco. right now. the crisp air, the great chinese food, and the stunning scenery would more than make up for the fact that the sidewalks roll up even earlier than they do here. I just have to convince justin, buy some trendy clothes so I won't feel underdressed, and find a job paying twice what I make now so I can afford to eat. then there's josh and rachel...well, I guess gso will have to do for now.

hard to believe that it'll soon be time to dry clean the old sweaters. strike me down if you want, but I'm so glad that summer's almost over. bearable temperatures, holidays, and--yes, that's right--movies that are worth watching. I've got an eye on the indies, you'd better believe it. if anyone gets to see either thumbsucker or junebug before I do, let me know how they are (note to shana: junebug = alessandro nivola. reason enough).

does anyone else find it disturbing/appalling that, despite the recent oil crisis, the wheels of nascar keep on turnin? on top of the obvious big issues that this nation has, these little issues just keep me convinced me that, across the pond, our british cousins are just shaking their heads in dismay in our general direction. of course, there's no need to look that far. I'm sure that the head shaking in canada has made the populace look like they're watching a tennis match. lucky bastards.

Wednesday, September 7


things I learned this weekend:

1) the black gay pride celebration in atlanta is very well attended.
2) dragoncon, also very popular.
3) the previous two events, when combined, make for fascinating people spotting.
4) bone's in atl = best steak ever.
5) never try a product called "bitter apertif" from italy.

all in all, we had a fabulous time.

Saturday, September 3

words to live by: "save a horse. ride a cowboy."

I spent my drive home from work thinking out the particulars of a superpower that would essentially be the ability to change people/things that I didn't like into fish sticks. talk about ending world hunger. I don't like a lot of things.

I came home and ate a lot of fish sticks, too.

[NO ADDERALL+NO CAFFEINE / HOUR OF OVERTIME] (squared) = most kafka-esque night at work ever.

best way to spend twelve minutes and ten seconds of free time: listening to "the low spark of high heeled boys" by traffic. it's also a great way to get from furnitureland south in jamestown to my parking space at work--said drive also takes exactly twelve minutes and ten seconds, give or take a chord or two.

Wednesday, August 31

seeing cars parked in isolated areas at night with their parking lights on is creepy.

still diggin the ipod.

am taking justin to atlanta this weekend as an early anniversary present. room at the ritz-carlton, fun at ikea and the world of coca cola, etcetera. it'll be a nice change from the norm.

my throat has been incredibly swollen for almost a week. I think it's just sinus problems. I hope, anyway.

[insert pointless, whiny complaint about gas prices here]

that's all for the moment.

Monday, August 22

it's official; I've joined the dark side. today I bought an ipod mini. but since justin did as well, at least I'll have evil company. do I need it? no. what am I going to use it for? not completely sure yet. but it looked good on paper. and it sure is cute. don't worry--I can say with ABSOLUTE certainty that I will not be putting either of the included apple stickers on any of my belongings. those people frighten me.

mom's doing really well. her physical therapy is intense but not impossible. tuesday's her birthday, and I wish I could be there for it! josh's was today. he'll enjoy being 24. there's something unsettling about one's age being a prime number. my 23rd year kept me on pins and needles.

that's pretty much it for the excitement. besides, it's either put the laundry in the dryer or let it mildew. I'm thinking dryer.

Sunday, August 14

update: do NOT buy the plastic test tube shooters. ever smelled airplane glue? imagine that odor as a taste.

Saturday, August 13

well, it's the apocalpyse. after ten years of dial up my parents got dsl. I just don't know what to do.

anyway, mom's surgery went great. she's in some pain, but not from the leg--instead of doing the surgery under general anesthesia they decided to go the safer route and use a spinal anesthetic, and her back is bothering her. but she could get to come home as early as tomorrow, probably monday if not.

I got to see my aunt and uncle in the hospital as well, the ones who live in winston-salem. funny to drive this far and visit with them here.

tonight I took justin to the liquor store here (NOT the abc store) to show him fun stuff that you can't buy in nc like premade jello shots and plastic test tube shooters of peppermint schnapps. I only wish that we had ghetto pleasures like that down south!

that weekend at home is happening sooner than I thought. my mom fell last night and broke her hip. it's not serious enough to require replacement, but she has to have surgery in the morning. I'm headed home in the afternoon. keep her in your thoughts, y'all.

Friday, August 12

since I work in the transportation industry I probably shouldn't say things like this, but you know those big pieces of shredded tire that semis leave in the middle of the highway when they get a flat? am I the only one who thinks that the drivers should have to go back and pick those things up? they're a menace.

for years I've enjoyed the dubbing of kernersville "k-vegas," and yesterday I heard an appellation on the radio that's almost as good. the lexington area called "l.a." north carolinians will appreciate that.

I've decided that what my life really needs is a big dose of trouble. not trouble with the law or anything, but a sort of close encounter of the drunken kind with a crowd of mixed company. I need to get kicked out of some store or other. I need someone's significant other (not mine, naturally) to get annoyed with me. I need to find myself deep in conversation with people that I don't even like. remember that ideal party I mentioned a while back? this would be a good time for it.

I'm just vexed that my life has become so socially insular. I love the odd night out with nadine, heather, and crew, but they're too few and far between to curb my appetite. other than the people I live with, I can only think of two people in gso now that I could conceivably call and hang with, and then there's the problem of finding the time. being a grown up sucks. if you're reading this and haven't gotten there yet, PLEASE have some wanton fun for my sake!

not that life isn't about to get a bit more interesting. rachel's living with us for uncg's fall semester; she moves in tomorrow. I have no objections to one of the world's most beautiful and charming women living under my roof, of course, and her financial contribution to the nor'easter household is welcomed.

on the lighter side, my dad came down last sunday and fixed my lawnmower (which I nearly destroyed after hitting a vent pipe in the yard), and I'm going up to bluefield next weekend. I've always loved my parents more than words, but I have such a heightened appreciation of the time I spend with them now. I boggle at what a little shithead I was as a teenager--I'm so glad the three of us got through it without any lasting trauma (other than my own guilt complex).

I've typed my way from one end of the triad to the other. time to stop.

Thursday, August 4

the powers that be are against my getting from point a to point b, for some reason. my usual route home from work is completely closed off, and every alternate that I've tried is either closed or seriously under construction. it just isn't fair. a 30 minute drive home is bad enough without having to traipse down every acussed woods road between here and trinity to get home in under an hour.

las vegas is attacking the high point furniture market with one of their own. this is a bad thing. I'd like to ask my faithful blog readers to join me in being part of the solution: boycott las vegas! it's quite simple. just don't go to las vegas. I'm also considering sending blank postcards to the vegas chamber of commerce to show them just how NOT in vegas I am. another thought: anonymously mail them printouts of travel itineraries to atlantic city and/or reno. viva las vegas my ass!

lately I've come to believe that if my life gets any more banal I'm going to lose all coloring and appear only in black and white. all retro coolness aside, I don't think I'd like that. boring boring boring boring boring. jeremy's world, the big snoozefest. granted I'd rather have boring than bad, but I could do with a little interesting/good.

Thursday, July 28

I've discovered the best comfort food ever: graham crackers (the honey ones, not cinnamon) and nutella. yes, lately I've been getting very comfortable indeed with that combination.

I really hate it when people refer to their son/daughter as "the baby" when the damn kid is old enough to walk and talk. this idea is unfortunately supported by I love lucy, in which little ricky is referred to as "the baby" until he's about twenty-three years old. if you are such an imbecile that you can't remember your toddler's proper name, you shouldn't be a parent.

I don't even want to talk about the approaching dawn of the school year. I dread it just as much as justin and josh, if not more. I've gotten used to justin being around all day, every day. I'm feeling lonely already (and yes, I know that I'm clingy and dependent, but if he doesn't mind neither should you).

I should read audio books for a living. all the best male narrators are named jeremy...well, my two favorites, j. piven and j. irons. just hand either one a cereal box and have them whisper sweet nothings of thiamin and niacin into my ear.

speaking of, justin and I have begun lists of rules to enforce when we take over the world. one of mine is that jeremy piven will no longer be allowed to remove his chest or stomach hair. he will be required to check in for an inspection every two weeks to ensure that it is intact. if not, he shall receive six months in prison, followed by six months of probation, during which time he must always wear a t-shirt in public with a picture of patrick warburton and the caption "this is what a real man looks like" on it.

sorry. it's a big deal with me. trim if you must, guys, but a little fur is a good and manly thing.

anyway, I've got totino's crisp crust pizza to eat.

Sunday, July 24

sorry it's been a while, but most of what has gone on lately has had me too perturbed to even bitch about it here--not good, eh? one of the tires on the miata blew out the other day. after fix a flat failed to repair it and I discovered that I was without the tools to install the spare, I had no choice but to slowwwwwly drive it home (could have called aaa, but I guess it just didn't occur to me at the time). anyway, I DID call aaa the next day for a tow...which took two hours to arrive. I go ahead and get taylor's auto to put four new tires on. I drive out of the parking lot and hear/feel a horrid scraping coming from the troublesome wheel. turns out part of the trim had been knocked loose and was hitting the tire, rendering the car undriveable again. finally I took it to city motors where they repaired the trim properly for free. best place ever. but anyway, it was a dreadfully annoying week.

trip yesterday: to concord to shop and buca's in pineville to eat. great stuff, as always.

finally got around to mowing the lawn this evening...although the mower hit some kind of vent pipe in the yard and sheared the top off. guess the water folks will have to come out and take a look.

I LOVE JUSTIN SO MUCH! (sorry, just really wanted to see it in print at the moment)

I think most people know the term "nymphomania," but did you know that that word can only apply to females? if you want to call a boy a horndog, you have to say that he suffers from "satyriasis." just a fun word to be able to throw around.

I could spout off random crap for hours, but the damnable heat has drug me out. I think I'll collapse under an air vent for a while.

Monday, July 11

since I moved I've found the best bridge in greensboro. it's a little one on 16th street called the billy "crash" craddock bridge. attractive railings and a sweet little hump in the middle that can leave a flutter in your stomach if you hit it at a decent speed.

of course I had to look into who this craddock gentleman was. since I find it amusing--because it's almost absurdly thorough--I've posted here an excerpt from the minutes of the june 3, 2003 greensboro city council meeting at which the structure was named:


WHEREAS, Billy “Crash” Craddock has served as an unofficial ambassador for the City of Greensboro for many years and in many places throughout his worldwide career in entertainment;

WHEREAS, the youngest of thirteen children, Billy Wayne was born June 16, 1938, at what is now 2406 Hubbard Street in the White Oak community just south of 16th Street where he became known as “Crash” Craddock while playing high school football for Rankin School;

WHEREAS, his singing career began when he was a member of a group known as the Four Rebels who played for the teenagers at the Fairview Recreation Center about 3 blocks from the 16th Street bridge;

WHEREAS, his music career was launched after an appearance on the Arthur Godfrey Show, which led to nine number one records and appearances on The Dick Clark Show; The Academy of Country Music in Los Angeles and in Nashville, Pop Goes The Country in Nashville, Nashville Now, Crook and Chase out of Nashville, The Grand Ole Opry and The Wellborn Brothers Show;

WHEREAS, national and international stardom in the music world has not kept Crash from his roots in Greensboro where he has remained throughout his career, raising three children, playing the role of father, brother, grandfather, neighbor and friend to those in his hometown;

WHEREAS, Crash’s lesser known but important appearances include a benefit softball game for autistic children of North Carolina; an Asheboro benefit enabling a loan payoff to the children’s ball field; Hospice benefit in 1999; and many additional hours to benefit those in need;

WHEREAS, it is both deserving and appropriate that the bridge located on 16th Street be named in honor of Billy “Crash” Craddock.


That for the many years of devoted and outstanding services rendered to the City of Greensboro and its citizens by Billy “Crash” Craddock and as a deserving tribute the City Council does hereby direct that the bridge on 16th Street shall be named the “BILLY “CRASH” CRADDOCK BRIDGE” in honor of this dedicated citizen.

(Signed) Donald R. Vaughan

Saturday, July 9

on celebrities:

there's not a lot to be said for ann coulter, but the woman's legs are right up there with rupaul's in terms of overall quality.

it's taken me 24 years and numerous viewings of will ferrell's snl routine, but I've finally realized how funny robert goulet is.

am I the only person who thinks that demi and ashton make a positively adorable couple?

the only celebrity whom I believe should actually have a reality show: phyllis diller. even if all she did was play bridge in every episode, I'd rather watch her than hulk hogan any day.

Sunday, July 3

ongoing drama: did NOT find any bookshelves yesterday, although a great meal at the cheesecake factory was had.

more of same: probably a good thing that we didn't find any, because I had to go out and spend $360 ($280 after rebates) on a new monitor tonight after the old one died. okay, so I didn't HAVE to get a flat screen. but damn it looks good.

tomorrow is officially the last day I'm a resident of 4109. worked like a trojan (one of mom's expressions) for hours today to get the place cleaned out and still am not quite finished. looks like I'll be celebrating the 4th in the empty apartment with the vacuum cleaner.

speaking of the holiday, I almost drove off the road last night when I was startled by a neighbor's giant uncle sam figurine on the roof of his/her porch. menacing.

boyohboy, do I need to take a shower.

Saturday, July 2

went to sheetz for a sandwich and fries after work, a not uncommon activity for me. what WAS uncommon, however, was waiting for thirty minutes for my food. my past several experiences at the revered establishment have not been up to par. I've written a scathing e-mail to the company. grr.

going to durham today to look for bookshelves. it's becoming too hard to convince myself that the cardboard boxes on the living room floor are working as a decorating scheme/storage system.

my neighborhood has an ice cream truck AND an avon lady. I knew there was something edward scissorhands-esque about this place.

I'm reading a most enjoyable book, boogaloo on second avenue by mark kurlansky. unwanted side effects of reading said book are eating too much rich pastry and confusing the hell out of everyone by peppering my conversation with even more yiddish than before.

schluffy time.

Friday, June 24

well, I'm back online now in the new digs. what with the hellish experience of moving and all I haven't had much time to update. but the house is looking better than I could have imagined. scores of people have been in and out, installing things and repairing little flaws that we've found (so far just a crack in the window moulding and a bubble in the foyer floor, nothing big). I'll have to take some photos and post them as soon as all the boxes are unpacked and everything put away--probably sometime in october.

and yes, I got my dyson. it's all that they say and more. justin mentioned that the design reminds him of the proton packs in ghostbusters. although I'm glad I don't have to strap it to my back, it's not a bad comparison.

the security system was installed by adt today. burglars beware. it's nice to have, especially since I'm not accustomed to living up here yet. it's creepy. no sirens, no traffic noise, no drive-thru speaker at taco bell. and dark! I think I might actually have seen a star the other night. hard to believe all this is ten minutes from downtown. well, with all the recent residential and business development it could be a limited time only deal, but hopefully it'll last a while. seriously, though, a new house's foundation gets poured every week. literally.

speaking of development, demolition of the old carolina circle mall has begun. I am so upset that I didn't try going in and exploring it first. can you imagine a better prospect for urban exploration than a derelict two-story shopping mall that once had a ice skating rink in the center? it's a wet dream. I may try poking my head in yet, although I might cover it with a hard hat first.

almost time for work. that hasn't changed.

Thursday, June 16

so this morning justin called the attorneys and found out our final closing costs on the house. we had initially been quoted about $1400.00.


so I'm getting my dyson vacuum now.

Monday, June 13

sorry that I haven't been as punctual with the updates as usual lately, but the bulk of my time has been consumed with packing boxes and doing other move related things. I haven't gotten an ulcer yet, but give me time.

I enjoy spending so much more time with justin, naturally. under his good influence I've actually been getting up at the previously unheard of hour of 1 p.m. yowza.

a new link on the left so that everyone can keep abreast of what laura's up to.

also, a new system. my guestbook will stand--and feel free to take advantage of it--but in case anyone wants to comment on a single entry (and by that I mean you, shana, since no one else cares about me enough to comment on my blog), just click on the wee plus sign at the end of said entry.

and it's off to do a little shopping.

Monday, June 6

oh, and: upstairs neighbor? not dead. such a disappointment.

Sunday, June 5

we had the final nor'easter walk through on friday and went back today to measure for blinds. so I took and posted quite a few interior pictures in the gallery. some are serious, others I took some pseudo-artistic liberties with. take a look.

Tuesday, May 31

back in gso after a nice weekend in wv. I love visiting my parents, but it always makes me emotional. being back in my old house reminds me of how much simpler my life used to be, and how much ambition I had. and even though I know it's melodramatic, I find myself thinking that my family is disappointed in me, and that I don't deserve all the support they've given me over the years. I know the former isn't true; the latter may be. I'm just hard on myself--I've always been my own harshest critic.

moving day is drawing nigh. craziness. so is the rilo kiley show. happiness!

my latest product endorsement: cool mint moisture shave by kiss my face. you'll never apply a razor to anything else again.

time to shower so I can have hair UNlike alfalfa's. wow, I'm an anachronism.

P.S. speaking of anachronisms, this website is fuh-nee.

Wednesday, May 25

it's official: I have become a disgustingly conspicuous consumer. I just ate over $6 worth of smoked salmon in one sitting. actually, one standing--I was too much of a pig to even leave the kitchen counter.

I've become concerned that my upstairs neighbor is dead. he just moved in last week; I saw him once and said hello sometime last wednesday. but I haven't seen him since. his blinds are never opened. but what really triggers my suspicion is that his car clearly hasn't been moved since we spoke. some tree or other released a hurricane of seed pod things last week, and the ones on his bmw remain undisturbed by wind or wiper. did he go out of town in another car? strange thing to do right after a long distance move (bless him, he's from new jersey). I hate to think that I'm sharing my building with a corpse.

I'm still angry with myself for not dragging my ass out of bed and watching the burlington building implosion on monday. the first major implosion here since 1971 and I sleep through it. if you feel my pain, wfmy has some nice video.

Tuesday, May 24

in response to justin's entry: amen to that!

Friday, May 20

sorry about the lack of updates to the nor'easter gallery, but until recently most of the work has taken place on the interior; the exterior completion just sorta exploded. but check out the new pic (author's note: webshots is being a big ol bitch as of publication, but keep checking back)--as you can see, we almost have a finished product. just need to get the trees, bushes, and major appliances and we're set! got a great deal on the insurance, too. a month and counting until the move...I get tired just thinking about it.

it's a few days late, but:

five things i learned at the greek festival in w-s on sunday:

1) at times, greek folk music sounds suspiciously like prog rock. I mean, you KNOW goblin must have toyed with a bazouki at some point.
2) cheap white wine tastes much better when you call it retsina.
3) you can get nesting dolls painted to look like pretty much anything. space shuttles, the beatles, and most importantly...nuns.
4) compared to other ethnicities, there seems to be a startlingly high number of muscular men under 5'10" who can claim greek heritage. just my "greek love" even more happy connotations.
5) greek coffee goooooooooooood.

so yeah, the greek festival pretty much kicked ass.

due to inclement weather I drove cedric to work today--such a good car! it's a shame I don't use him more often, but what a petrol guzzler. and in 'phelia I have the added perk of knowing that I can take 25 mph curves at 50 without even squealing the tires. not that I'd, ahem, know anything about that.

another misheard lyrics experience: in robert palmer's "simply irresistible," one hears the line "that kind of love is mythical." for me it was once "her cannelloni's mythical." I wish it really was. I love the idea of mythical cannelloni. can't you just picture fauns and satyrs dining on pasta while unicorns graze nearby and lutes play in the background? I know I can.

Saturday, May 7

some literature, for a change.

I firmly believe that less than one percent of the world's population understands the true nature of homosexuality. as far as widely published writers go, I'd narrow that to less than one-tenth of a percent. and yes, I am including ACTUAL homosexuals in this number.

I know that it's a grandiose statement, but I have come to the conclusion than jonathan kellerman may be the only author I've ever read who really has a grasp on homosexuality. in case you weren't aware, kellerman is a wildly successful and prolific mystery/crime writer known for the "alex delaware" novels. delaware is a psychologist who spends more time entangled in l.a. crime scenes than he does in his profession, much to the delight of kellerman's faithful readers. delaware is a confirmed hetero, but his best friend--an lapd detective named milo sturgis--is gay. alex and milo pool their resources, trap the bad guys, and crack the cases.

these books are not pulitzer material. kellerman has come under fire for poor character development, faulty logic, wild coincidences, etcetera. all the bugaboos that plague nearly every mystery writer, in other words. but the alex delaware novels are fantastically entertaining reads, and I enjoy them a great deal.

so back to my original point. what makes milo sturgis THE gay literary character? well, let's see. he isn't known for his fashion sense. he sure as hell wouldn't be caught dead clubbing. he doesn't idolize judy garland or burst randomly into selections from rent. most importantly, neither he nor his partner is tragically succumbing to AIDS.

it isn't just that kellerman has made milo's character non-stereotypical. it's that his sexual orientation just doesn't matter. milo's homosexuality might get mentioned once in an alex delaware novel, and in general that mention seems primarily to clue in the first time reader who has picked up a book in the middle of the series. milo is "cop." he's "friend." he's "human being." being "gay" isn't even near the top of the list. which is why jonathan kellerman is one of my personal heroes. his own life clearly doesn't revolve solely around identifying as a heterosexual; he recognizes the inherent sensibility of this and applies it to a homosexual character. and God bless him for it.

have I been reading alex delaware novels lately, then? nope. what I've been reading is john irving's a son of the circus. some of you may have heard me discuss my history with irving. how I hated garp and swore off him forever. how I finally deigned to read the hotel new hampshire and changed my tune, and how a widow for one year cemented my eternal love for the man.

a son of the circus is far too complex a novel to summarize--at 800 pages, that's not surprising. but from the first chapter I was hooked, and was tempted to deem the book my favorite irving yet. have you ever loved a book so much that you slow down toward the end, dreading its conclusion? that's what I did. but finally tonight I got to the epilogue. one of the main characters has recently discovered that a close friend (almost a son, really) is gay after knowing him for forty-odd years. so this character, an educated and worldly man, starts volunteering at an AIDS hospice "to understand him better."


oh, john irving. I think I may have to give you a rest for a while.

Friday, May 6

and speaking of depression, a heart wrenching piece of news for the old greensboro crew:

wild magnolia's is no more.

stupid people not paying their taxes. dammit.

I'm starting to forget what it was like to make it through a night without feeling depressed.

since I've promised no more cryptic one liners, I'll expound. my job. still like it okay, but hate how it restricts the rest of my life. so I should change to day shift. pros: more time with justin and the ability to go to school at night. cons: money, money, money. I worry that I won't even make enough to pay my bills--if I leave the company I definitely won't. and what of school? what should I study? nothing motivates me but bigger paychecks, and no degree (with the possible exception of computer science, and jeremy don't play dat) guarantees a better job.

for right now, it's a moot point. I can't afford to consider a change until we're settled in the house. so for right now, I stay depressed.

yeah, that's enough expounding.

Thursday, April 28

the best word to describe life of late is bleh. but I think I know what could fix it. a party. I don't want to give one, nor do I want one given for me. just to be there. here's approximately how it should go:

9:30. I arrive with several others. Just a few have showed up so far, ten tops. Pleasantries had, drinks made.

10:00. I start to worry that the evening may be a dud, but someone interesting shows up with liquor and the news that more people are on the way. Within the hour, the stereo’s blasting and 30+ folks are milling around. A circle of pot smokers forms—I don’t partake of course, but take comfort in knowing that it’s there. Someone shows up that I don’t particularly like, but everyone else is friendly to him/her so I assume that I’m missing something.

11:00. Feeling buzzy, I get involved in a conversation with several people that I barely know in which philosophical and intellectual topics are bandied about. We discuss that we don’t see each other enough. Hugs are given and empty social promises are made—at some point within the next week pictures of said embraces will be developed and sent my way. Sidenote: historically at this point in the evening, I would have picked out a guy at the party as a potential make-out/hook-up partner and would increase my liquor intake to lower my inhibitions. As I’m very much spoken for these days, I decide who it would have been and hit the booze harder anyway.

11:30. A good friend of mine is tipsy and bitter about a negative interaction with someone else there, whom he/she is avoiding. For half an hour we retreat to a corner. I sympathetically listen to his/her ranting until he/she begins to feel better, after which we chuckle and quietly ridicule the offending party while watching him/her across the room. Again in a good humor, we rejoin the fracas. The undesirable who arrived around 10:00 leaves and everyone proceeds to discuss their hatred for said person. I feel vindicated.

12:00. Power hour. At least one indie rock song prompts a drunken chorus that makes me think, “Damn! I’m glad I know these people.”

1:00-2:00. Two people get partially or completely naked, two mysteriously disappear and reappear, and word makes the rounds that there are at least two people there that no one knows at all. I make good natured sexual overtures to my straight guy friends who won’t be offended by it. Someone says something hilarious that I write down on scrap paper. The next day I’m still sure that it was funny, but have no idea what the scrawl on the paper says.

2:00. I see someone that I’d rather not, and drag the 11:30-12:00 friend on a drunken walk to the nearest convenience store/supermarket for something as an excuse to hide. When we get back in half an hour, said person is gone. Close call. During the interim, a crafty drunken partygoer has been cooking—some surprisingly good snacks, probably involving fresh baked goods.

2:30. Just as the evening seems on the verge of winding down, someone shows up that everyone knows and loves—he/she lives out of town now, but is visiting. The party gets a second wind. An hour of reminiscing and gossip during which one or two ninety-pound weaklings finally throw up, lie down, and trudge home.

3:30. People begin to trickle out.

4:00. Six or seven of us remain; we sit on the porch quietly talking—the stereo has been silenced—until the residents of the house have all gone to bed.

4:45. Three or four of us are hungry, and the most sober of the lot drives us all to a 24 hour eatery for breakfast.

6:00. Stumble into own apartment, unsure of how I got there. Fall into bed and asleep around dawn.

This doesn't have to be followed exactly; it's a flexible guideline. If anyone is willing to attempt to reproduce such an evening, let me know and I'll bring the hooch.

Tuesday, April 19

all of justin's hard work on children of eden really paid off; his performance was stellar. the show itself was marvelous, of course. I know it sounds selfish, but I'm glad that justin isn't involved in any more theater projects for the time being--seeing each other so little was getting stressful.

I'm a big fan of the new hot hot heat album, elevator. critics be damned, I say it's a stronger record than make up the breakdown--they've proven that there's more to the band than being just "catchy." although it's still a hell of a lot of fun.

the whip's really cracking at the office. replacements for poor performers are being trained at the moment. a meeting was had last week, the gist of which was basically, "brace yourselves, because a lot of you are on borrowed time." thankfully my quarterly review was solid and I shouldn't have any reason to worry, knock on wood.

I'm discovering that terry pratchett's a lot of fun. huzzah for audiobooks!

time for some snackage.

Wednesday, April 13


I'm getting really tired of people who think that their life experiences give them carte blanche to be bitchy to all humanity. you think the world's given you a raw deal? boo fucking hoo. grow up, get over it, and start showing a little decency and consideration for other people.

I'm also tired of being the one to go to for all the favors, the one who can rearrange his life for other people, the one who won't expect anything in return. news flash: I expect plenty in return. I don't begrudge any of my friends anything that I can give, but fair is fair. if that makes me selfish, selfish I am.

too many people have this image of me as a doormat. maybe ten years ago, but not now. try to walk all over me and you'll find me standing on your back wearing cleats.

(author's note: oddly enough, no events have prompted all this tonight. no one specific has made me angry, and nothing has happened today to tick me off. I guess I'm just hormonally pissy. that doesn't make me any less sincere.)

Saturday, April 9

I know the whole point of the game is to come up with the best answer yourself, but just in case you ever need to resolve a dispute this is phenomenal.

by the way, did y'all know that pam grier is from winston-salem? just what I need, more evidence against the home team in the ongoing gso v. w-s coolness debate.

update: have just learned that jackée harry is too! but--sorry to disrespect the dead one and his loyal fans--the annoyingness that was howard cosell was also. which just about cancels both out.

ha! I've always wanted to be a rake. next stop: cad!

Your Seduction Style: Siren / Rake

You possess an unbridled sensuality that appeals to many.
The minute you meet anyone, you can make the crave you almost immediately.
You give others the chance to lose control with you... spiraling into carnal bliss.
A dangerous lover, you both fascinate and scare those you attract.

Wednesday, April 6


note to self: cut back on cryptic, whiny, one/two line pleas for attention when posting in blog.

I ask again, why do I never have any money?

I could never be a vampire. giving up garlic would be a fate worse than undeath.

you don't hear nearly enough about leona helmsley these days.

go here. donate money. get bracelets.

I drove home from work the other night with ophelia's top down. in the rain. it was totally sweet.

it's funny how a significant other really starts to become "your other half" after a while--the same comments, the same jokes, feeling incomplete when apart, etcetera. "better half?" well...maybe.

I must diet. if I start looking much more like an eggplant, I'll try to eat myself. which, I suppose, would take some of the weight off.

Tuesday, April 5

googling the phrase "miserable failure" ought to link to this blog.

sorry about the negativity. guess it's been one of those lives.

Friday, April 1

one of my favorite things is stopping for a railroad crossing at night, when I'm one of the few cars on the road. I turn off the engine and roll the windows down. I love listening to the sounds that the signals make. they hum and squeak as the barriers rise up and clatter into place in the wake of the train. I don't think many people think about that; they focus on the whistle and roar of the train and the ding of the warning bells.

I stopped for one tonight--in the middle of all this incredible fog to boot--and just wanted to share.

Thursday, March 31

in an alternate universe, it's mid day in new york. there's a breeze blowing--the collar of my corduroy coat is turned up against it, brushing the back of my shaggy hair. in my left hand is a coffee from the hungarian pastry shop; in the right, a super 8 camera. I'm walking past the cathedral of st. john the divine and wondering if I'll get any good footage today. I'm trying to remember what's playing at the quad tonight, and who might be free to go. I'm wishing that I'd brought my gloves. I stop for traffic at amsterdam and 109th and for a few seconds turn my face up to the sky, thinking about how fantastic it all is.

yep. life is getting dull around here.

Saturday, March 26

How evil are you?

I have just about had it with shoddy filmmaking.

a guy in the military is NOT going to have a thong tanline.

jeez. I could make such superior porn. it's all in the details.

Friday, March 25

I want to take a moment to talk about a very special man in my life.

he knows how important kind words and a smile are to me, and never fails to come through.

when the rest of the world closes their eyes and turns away, he's there.

so many people are unable to understand my lifestyle, my comings and goings at odd hours. he never complains about that, accepting it as part of the way my life works.

whenever I see him, he acts like I'm the only person on earth that matters--but for the two of us, the world could be empty.

and he knows exactly what it takes to make me happy.

he's the late shift pharmacist at walgreens. thanks for the zoloft refill, m'man. you rock my world.

Wednesday, March 23

speaking of pics, the new miatas are coming soon. I'm not sure how I feel about 'em. thoughts?

Sunday, March 20

new nor'easter pic.

Saturday, March 19

I watched vanishing point for the umpteenth time tonight.

I'm thinking of changing my name to "kowalski." just the one name, first and last.

but maybe I should sleep on it.

Thursday, March 17

I have to find out what's going on with my finances. last week I got the biggest paycheck I've ever had, thanks to working that sunday. guess how much of is left?

zip. or thereabouts.

I don't feel like I spend that much money. yet twice recently my account's been overdrawn. I'm just going to have to put myself on a strict budget and stop using my check card. too easy to lose track of everything.

however, extravagance aside, I'm going to try and put some money back each week toward a new dyson vacuum cleaner. for some reason I'm fixated on getting one, especially since the old 'lectrolux has become nearly impossible to maintain.

enough excitement for one day.

Tuesday, March 15

do you ever wake up, think about your life, and say, "no thanks. I don't want any of that today." yeah. it's one of those days.

Saturday, March 12

You Know You're From West Virginia When...

You only knew one or two Republicans as you were growing up.

You actually know someone who has sold their vote for a bottle of liquor.

You've never seen a local ballot with anything but Democratic candidates.

You think Senator Byrd should be nominated for Sainthood.

You've seen Senator Byrd's name on a sign in front of a bridge or highway construction project.

You know what commodity cheese is.

You've been asked to give someone a ride to the post office on "check day."

You know what "check day" is.

You have avoided the post office on "check day."

You've seen a picture of John L. Lewis hanging on someone's wall right between the picture of Jesus and JFK.

You know who John L. Lewis is.

You know what a Tipple is.

You know what a slate dump is.

You played on a slate dump as a kid.

You know someone who actually did go to Pruntytown.

She same guy got his head shaved and "fell down the steps" at the court house a couple of times before being sent off.

Everyone who works at the court house is related to someone else who works

You sometimes call a paved road "the hard road."

You know someone who has driven to a neighboring state to get "real beer" instead of the 3.2 stuff.

You've bought fireworks from the same guy with the real beer.

The state where this guy went might be called "O-hi."

"Vacation" means driving through Wyatt on the way to Morgantown.

Down south to you means Kentucky.

Stores don't have bags; they have pokes.

You cook green beans for hours.

You know what a real tomato is, and have a recipe for candy ones.

Your parents have threatened to have you sent to Pruntytown.

You can watch someone order a hotdog and know in what part of the state they live.

You know that Serpent Mound was not made by snakes.

You know at least one couple who went to Virginia or Maryland to get married.

You can change the oil in your truck without ducking your head.

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from West Virginia.

I need to get away, and I'm taking suggestions on where to go. I want to visit a city that I've never been to. I'm willing to fly, but I'd still prefer one east of the mississippi since I'll have a limited amount of time and don't want to spend all of it traveling. major destinations I've already done: d.c., new orleans, savannah, chicago, and new york. doesn't have to be a big city, just somewhere interesting. feel free to give me idears.

Friday, March 11

I'm afraid the windsor crew is building much faster than I can keep up with their work. a few nights ago I drove by and saw that the first floor was framed--bare bones, but exciting stuff--and went back to take a picture today. yeah. check out the nor'easter gallery to see what has transpired.

Tuesday, March 8

on financial matters:

the earnest money on the house is paid! construction is really humming along; pics to be posted soon.

filed my tax returns today. owed federal and got back state--I ended up being a little over $100 to the good. so much for a grand refund. but at least I'm not in the hole.

in light of my adventures making my car payment, a haiku:

the check must be mailed
scowling bankers lie in wait
buy stamps? pray, with what?

Saturday, March 5

I'm not sure what my "most prized possession" would be, but my car is high on the list--ophelia, my little go-devil. if pressed I could probably come up with 100 great reasons to own a miata, but tonight I thought of the greatest one of all:

you never have to worry about a psycho killer hiding in your back seat.

Wednesday, March 2

on today's episode of murphy's law: whenever you're in a hurry, you get stopped at every red light between points A and B. however, say you're driving while attempting to do something that really should not be done while operating a motor vehicle--eating a qdoba burrito, for example. inevitably every traffic signal, even at the notorious freeman mill road/florida street intersection (which has made many a poor soul late for various functions, I'm sure), will be green. which is why I finally had to break down and finish my dinner in the gateway commerce building's parking lot and was late to work.

the first "walk through" of the nor'easter is tomorrow afternoon. I get to hear all about drywall and things.

actually had to work last sunday for a bit. how can america be such an obese country with so many people buying nordictracks? they can't ALL be using them for creative plant stands.

Thursday, February 24

I can't decide which are more annoying, ATMs that actually advertise themselves as "24 hour banking" that are "temporarily out of service" at off hours (yes, BB&T, I'm talking about you) or post office stamp machines THAT ARE COMPLETELY DEVOID OF 37 CENT STAMPS every single time I check. hmmph.

Sunday, February 20

new nor'easter pic posted today.

Thursday, February 17

it's a few days late, but I forgot to mention what a nice v-day weekend justin and I had. dinner at restaurant j basul noble in high point and chocolate all round. best of all, we got to celebrate negative hiv test results! so if anyone needs any prophylactics, you know who to see--they're gathering dust, and for once that's not a bad thing.

my feelings for justin have that they've become more intense than ever. he's gone from simply being part of my life to being the most crucial element of it. every day I'm thankful--and amazed--to be with someone so intelligent, talented, funny, sexy, loving, etcetera. he's everything I ever wanted, and everything I didn't even know I wanted. to all my friends in need of some love, I wish the same for you. but not from justin. he's taken.

Tuesday, February 15

new gallery in thousand words. not much to look at now, I know, but hopefully it'll get more interesting.

so I read that mary kay letourneau and vili fualaau are getting married "according to a department store registry." after a little digging I found out which one it was and checked out their list. they're getting some nice stuff. most of the registry's been purchased, but a pickle dish was still available. I'm so tempted to buy one and have it sent.

lately it's becoming more difficult to ignore willow's resemblance to a lemur. hmm.

I think that if I become much more stressed I'm going to explode in a fiery ball of acid (of the reflux variety). it pretty much comes down to my job, honestly. it isn't stressful per se--far from it; I still enjoy my work--but its impact on the rest of my life is bringing me further and further down. I just have to keep reminding myself that I can't even consider any changes until we're settled in the new house. too many things between now and then that will cost money.

even worse is that I stay stressed over the good things in my life. have you ever valued something so much that you worry about losing it--to the point that it's impossible to get any mental peace, or even enjoy the aforementioned thing as much as you should?

I'm becoming as neurotic as a carrie fisher character.

Wednesday, February 9

once again, I find myself wishing that my life was as simple as it used to be.

Monday, February 7

a bit of personal philosophy: when you say "you're pretentious," what I hear is "I am dismayed that my mental capacity is too base and meager to allow for the good taste that you have. although my stubborn pride won't allow me to voice it, I salute thee."

the double fudge coca-cola cake is back at cracker barrel. hallelujah!

nice visit with parents yesterday. it's a shame that bad weather delayed their coming for so long, but they finally made it.

it's one of those weird days when, for some inexplicable reason, I'm looking forward to going to work. very odd. although not as odd as those nights when it's time to leave and I think, "no! give me more work to do!" I think that's happened twice.

Tuesday, February 1

sunday we signed the contracts for the house, yay! it should be finished on june 24th. soon I'm going to set up a really annoying webshots gallery to which I'll add pictures every time a nail is driven in. we also selected our interior colors and materials, which was dramatic. picture me flinging myself over a table littered with plastic chips and carpet samples and crying, "NO! I simply cannot live with those countertops!" well, it wasn't that bad. but it took some time to reach consensus on everything. now if we can just get our lender(s) to do what we want. we've got loan approval, but we're not happy with any offers so far. get it together, people. I've got a credit score in the 700s and full documentation of a healthy income, so you will kindly do my bidding and not fuck with me.

oral-b brush ups are such a good idea. why didn't someone think of them years ago?

once again I should update my film blog with more info on this, but I just don't feel motivated. suffice it to say that napoleon dynamite was one of the most disappointing movies I've ever seen. also on the short list of most boring and most pointless. what am I missing here?

hopefully I can fall asleep soon so that I can hit great clips tomorrow and take advantage of their $5.99 sale. isn't my life a hoot?

Friday, January 28

so I've started taking these B complex mega vitamins. I think they've already done a lot to lower my stress levels--not one hysterical crying fit since I've been on 'em. B vitamins are also supposed to lessen "mental confusion." so why did I lie awake for an hour the other morning pondering this: if kato kaelin, johnny cochran, and judge ito were the three stooges, which ones would they be? I'm open to ideas on this one, but be prepared to justify your choices.

colleen parked next to me at work last night, and I noticed that she has a bush/cheney sticker. I really did not need to know that about her. it must be haverized.

haverize - verb. to purposely forget unpleasant or unwanted information.
source: the friends of bartleby slang lexicon, revised edition, 2005.

I've never been a tonight show fan, and so was unaware of the existence of the fruitcake lady until I was sent one of her video clips in a forward. I truly believe that she is the funniest human alive. if you've got high speed internet, watch some of these hellaciously amusing clips.

willow's in bed, and it looks comfy. off I go.

Wednesday, January 26

I hate to make yet another bitch/moan post, but I feel bitchy and moany. everything's going all right these days--floors dry, house financing underway, all that--but there's just too much of everything. I need a break. just three days, I think. three days away from everyone and everything, just a comfy bed and books in a quiet place. too bad it won't happen anytime soon. but as soon as march rolls around (that's when stuff at o.d. will become less strenuous; we bought out another freight company and are adjusting), I'm gone. ain't sayin where or when, just that I'll be back. and I can't wait.

willow's surgery went well. get to pick her up tomorrow. poor baby!

not a lot else happening, so I believe I'll go eat some breakfast.

Sunday, January 23

the floors are almost dry, but now my toilet's leaking--the same one that was fixed a few months ago after my bathroom turned into a swamp. for those of you keeping track, that's NOT the same bathroom that had the shower curtain rod fall down. THAT bathroom is the one that had no faucets when we moved in. I'm seriously considering starting a separate blog to chronicle the pitfalls that occur in 4109.

but matters with the house are really taking shape. it's so much fun, like building a house in the sims. only real. with real money. that the bank will hopefully give us. that's the most pressing issue at hand.

the snow that was predicted didn't really materialize, mostly just rain. but it's sooooo cold. another fun electrical bill for next month.

gotta go run some more laundry through the dryer. the one upside to the great deluge of ought-five is that my room will wind up being cleaner than it's been for a while.

Saturday, January 22

my day.

woke up, as per usual. showered, like usual. began walking to my closet...squish. half of my floor was soaked through. the whole closet. the hallway. josh's bedroom. seems the imbeciles that park forest hired to work on the water lines fucked up. I was livid. thankfully maintenance cleared things up right away after I went in the office and pitched a fit.

but the incident has just made it easier for me to say this: DO NOT EVER MOVE INTO PARK FOREST APARTMENTS! I've never known of a complex to have so many problems. we've been without water several times without being notified. we had those lovely big holes in the ceiling for several days. the men who came to reinforce the patio left their junk everywhere and took a looooong time to do their work. these fucking buildings must be made out of balsa wood, they need so much done. but when it comes to what I need done personally (i.e. the water leak of last fall), maintenance is nowhere to be found. the office staff is nice enough, when they're there--usually they're not, even during regular hours. I can't wait to get out of this hellhole.

that said, I'm going to bed. at justin's, since the noise of the carpet drying fans is somewhat distracting.

Monday, January 17

it's so odd to be up and sitting around the house on a monday afternoon--I'm usually either asleep or at justin's. but mlk day has given the teachers some freedom, and we're all just chilling and watching the simpsons here. if we end up moving into the new house during the summer the neighbors won't know what to think, since we'll all be home like this every day. we're a little too old to be college students, and the neighborhood's too nice to live in on welfare. I'd hate to get a reputation for being independently wealthy. it'll make us a target for burglars.

speaking of the house, finally got out to ridge view and spoke with the builder rep yesterday. walked through a house like the one we want, and it was great. I don't foresee any problems with financing--justin and I are co-signing, and my credit score is over 700 as it is--so I hope that construction can get underway soon. LOTS of pics will be posted.

my moods are still up and down, and I haven't been able to get dr. mckinney on the phone yet. will keep working on that.

the 'rents hit town on sunday for my pre-birthday birthday dinner. anyone reading this is welcome to invite themselves!

I've been trying to be a better correspondent, as per my new year's resolutions. I've gotten in touch with many old friends lately and am loving it. the only problem is for them to find time in the afternoons to hang out with me.

enough time wasted at the computer. time to waste more time on the sofa before the grind!

Tuesday, January 11

a disturbing occurrence this weekend. saturday night saw a full fledged panic attack, the first I've had in over a year. not a very bad one, really, but they're never fun. I'd been feeling tense all day, and finally just lost it.

which brings me to a point: I am losing it. of late I've been feeling like I'm completely falling apart. my mind wanders to places that it shouldn't go, at least not so often. I worry myself sick for no reason, I feel violently angry for no reason. I can't control my feelings anymore. my zoloft is doing its job--no depression in the mix--so that's not an issue.

but that's not the worst. until recently it was, but now I find myself acting in ways that seem beyond my control. I say things that are inappropriate, and do things that I know are wrong. I can't stand myself lately, and I'm sure a lot of people are starting to share that feeling about me. no one likes to stand too close to a loose cannon.

and it's all made worse by the concern that, if I can't control myself a bit more, I'm going to end up losing everyone and everything I care about. justin's been supportive to no end, and so far the fam and the friends have been the same. but there's only so much one human being can take--don't I know it. and deny it though they may, I'm convinced that I will end up alone if I don't start treating people in a way that they deserve.

so I guess I'm going to have to talk with dr. mckinney about more than just meds for a change. I know enough about psych to surmise that a lot of my problems have arisen from an increasing awareness of both The Past and The Future, and that I need to start really dealing with both. because every day can't keep being a struggle. wish me luck, folks.

Thursday, January 6

hmmph. an unfortunate realization: for the first time since I've been working at o.d. I am flat broke. stupid car insurance. well, at least the bills will get paid. barely.

willow had her first trip to the vet on monday. she did very well with her shots. she had worms, though--got that taken care of. she goes in for spaying and declawing in a few weeks. I'm against declawing, but with the liking she's taken to my furniture it's either that or she goes back to live with mom (who would have her declawed). and I couldn't part with her!

a very exciting development: although I've been planning for some time to buy a house this summer, it turns out that I may get to have one built! there's a new development in northeast gso (read: EXTREME boonies) that offers stunning custom built houses at prices that are actually quite reasonable. it's not my ideal location--not ghetto, just rural; the nearest starbucks is at least fifteen minutes away--but if I live anywhere else in the city I'll probably have to settle for a condo or townhouse. and this way we can get things just the way we want. the three of us go out there on sunday to talk shop.

somehow I've got to scrape up the money to see the dentist. my gums are in bad shape, despite my persnickety oral hygiene. I refuse to taste blood around the clock if I don't at least get the sexy stigma of being a vampire.

realized something very important about justin today. he's even more amazing than he was yesterday. can't wait for tomorrow!

speaking of tomorrow, it's today. bed.