I had one of THOSE nights at work. I've gotten so used to my job being predictable and smooth that the slightest little thing going off kilter gets me bent out of shape. if there was liquor in the house I'd say I need a drink. but wishes, horses. I'll just say I need kool aid. that I can satisfy.
still not over the ring. it's like when you first go out driving alone after getting your license. it feels great, it feels like the thing to do. but at the same time it feels naughty, like you're expecting someone to stop you. well, ain't nobody stopping this, muthafucka. if the world comes to an end tomorrow, vows are getting said during the apocalyptic fallout.
I always make resolutions, and I always break them. the sensible thing to do is not make any.
my resolutions for 2005
1) lose ten pounds.
2) until april, save every other paycheck for the house. after april, save at least $100 per week.
3) be a better correspondent where my friends are concerned.
4) make a definite decision about my career path and schooling.
5) be the best fiance in the world.
number five is of most importance. it encompasses keeping my relationship happy, healthy, and interesting, being open minded about wedding plans and contributing good ideas of my own, and getting said plans arranged in a timely fashion.
yikes. losing ten pounds seems pretty easy, eh?
Thursday, December 30
Tuesday, December 28
so I was going to wait a bit on this, but since justin did a blog post and it's all too easy to link there from here, now seems to be the time.
I got an engagement ring for Christmas.
did we move fast? sure we did. but I'm just as sure that it's the right thing. I wouldn't have accepted otherwise. I really believe that neither justin nor myself has ever been more sure of a decision. although there's still some shock yet to wear off. I keep looking down at the third left and thinking, "wow, it's there. it's really there." it seems impossible, somehow.
answers to FAQs:
1) Christmas night, about 11:30 pm. us, the floor in front of my unused fireplace, our other gifts and torn wrapping paper surrounding. it was inside a box inside a box inside a box inside a box. no official popping of the question--he was that sure, dammit. my reply to unasked question: "you did remember my size?"
2) white gold with five diamonds. the pics were blurry or I'd show y'all here. soon he'll be receiving one from me...seems only fair.
3) spring/fall 2006. gives us time to get the house settled and make the needed plans. and gives justin time to come to his senses, should he make the unfortunate choice to do so.
4) we might go to ma or vt, not sure yet. but there will be a ceremony/reception in nc.
but the whole sitch helps answer one of my questions too, one that's been buggin me for years. several times I've thought I've been in love, but it never lasted. I once asked a wise friend her advice. her take was that, if you can easily imagine spending the rest of your life with someone, then it's love. that seemed sensible enough. but now that I've got the real mccoy, I know that it entails a lot more.
for one thing: can you easily imagine spending the rest of your life without said person? if not, that's a good sign.
for another: does every dream of yours, every goal you have, everything you strive for, suddenly have new meaning and purpose? by that I mean--do you suddenly start thinking of those things in terms of how they apply to your relationship? another good indicator.
however, listen up, folks, because THIS is the strongest sign of all: you know you're in love when you realize that you're scared as hell...all the time. you're afraid because, no matter how wonderful things are, there's always a chance that something could happen. maybe nothing with either of you personally, but something caused by outside forces. you're afraid because, if something did happen, your life wouldn't mean anything anymore. and all the little scares, all the phobias, everything that you've feared before--none of it frightens you for the sake of "me" anymore. it frightens you for "us." that's love, friends.
but I'll tell you something else. it's worth it. I have much more than I deserve; chalk it up to being incredibly, insanely lucky. as unsure as I tend to be about my future, it's wonderful to feel so certain about something so amazing.
I'm the happiest guy in the world.
posted by Jeremy at 12/28/2004 02:49:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 26
a few Christmas pics in thousand words. more to come.
as per usual, Christmas day was a slow one--lots of sleep for yours truly. the evening got off to a rocky start, but ended on a high note truly worth writing about. but not tonight. in a few days, once I collect my thoughts a bit more...
posted by Jeremy at 12/26/2004 02:35:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 25
well, Christmas eve certainly was interesting. never spent part of it in an emergency room before. mom slipped and fell in the kitchen, hitting her arm on the barstool. the resulting bruise/blood blister was so nasty looking that a trip to brmc was in order, we all thought. the doc on call basically laughed us out of the hospital for being hypochondriacal (?), but better safe than sorry.
aside from that, things were good. the absences of madame matthews, mademoiselle phlegar, and monsieur bucher were notable and for the most part regrettable (translation: debbie and laura had to stay in pennsylvania this year. oh yeah--patrick did too). rick and pam, gran, aunts and crew were all about. the food was great, and the presents were better; lots of dvds for me this year! no snow, unless you looked at the top of the mountain. eh.
the holidays wouldn't be the same without booze, and I've discovered that I like white port. but I'm worried that drinking it is in bad taste, much like imbibing white zinfandel or wine spritzers. so don't spread it around.
jamie oliver = hot. I just watched him wash a cucumber. why can't my eyes be that blue, or blue at all? since that's not technically possible, why can't contacts agree with me more?
some guy online was talking about not being "biosexual." what the hell is that, wanting to hump flowerbeds? idiot.
the house is going bump in the night. either the dog or the ghosts are restless. either way, I'm used to it here.
I've loaned mum my copy of brideshead revisited until my birthday. that's brave of me, I must say. speaking of birthday, my amazon wish list isn't going anywhere. haw haw. hee haw, even.
speaking of hee haw, minnie pearl would be in bed now. I'll try to be more like her. well, the way she was. not now. she's dead. I'll sleep. not the big sleep. just a little one. a night's worth. or thereabouts.
posted by Jeremy at 12/25/2004 04:24:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 24
hershey's take 5 is the best candy bar ever. I haven't been so profoundly affected by a confection since my first fizzy bottle cap. everyone buy lots of them, because if they're discontinued I'll lose my will to live.
I wonder if I shouldn't talk with my friendly shrink about my views on sex, as it has come to my attention lately that they're skewed to a distracting point. I've always said that sex is sex: no strings, no violins, just 2+ people making each other feel nice. I've certainly had my share of encounters like that (the exact number is classified info, not to mention open to interpretation--besides, I like being a man of mystery). I've got no regrets, and feel no shame. but when I hear about other people behaving all freaky, I can literally get sick to my stomach just before I climb on my high moral horse. and there's not a lot I haven't done, so on top of nauseated I feel hypocritical. it's like I feel so threatened by sex--maybe because I've never been afraid to use it as a weapon myself. doctor jekyll and mister hyde warring within. could be I do have regrets. are they about what was or what might have been? I just wish I could stop making it such an issue.
that said, my current sexual behavior is perfectly respectable. by liberal standards, anyway. thank you very much.
now that it's available on dvd, I recommend that everyone (especially john irving fans) rent the door in the floor. good stuff; the section of the novel that it adapts is the most faithful adaptation I've ever seen. hmm...petrified fountain post? it's been a while.
I never create anything anymore. my goal for the upcoming week is to write something, even if it's just a freakin haiku. or take a few decent pictures. the mental stagnation is intolerable.
speaking of intolerable and/or upsetting things: stupid forsyth county getting the new dell plant. grr. also, almost as bad as "kewl" is abbreviating people as "ppl." grrrrrrr.
almost time to pack up the pussoir and head for the hills. and a hap-hap-happy holiday to all!
posted by Jeremy at 12/24/2004 01:29:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 23
today's word to the wise: don't let the cowboy hat fool you.
posted by Jeremy at 12/23/2004 05:10:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 21
st. peter's basilica has a coffee bar.
posted by Jeremy at 12/21/2004 09:09:00 AM 0 comments
ha! how perfect.
You're Mead!
What Type of Alcoholic Beverage Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
posted by Jeremy at 12/21/2004 05:23:00 AM 0 comments
great weekend. went with justin, josh, and rachel to the matisse/picasso exhibit at the nc museum of art in raleigh. I love museums. great works of art--even mediocre ones--intimidate me, but stir me in such wonderful ways. and seeing them with rachel is even better, since she seems to know which ones I should find intimidating! then to cheesecake factory for dinner and southpoint for final (theoretically) Christmas shopping.
you know, I hate to rain on anyone's holiday parade. and I hate even more to sound like a right-winger; anyone who knows me well enough to be reading this knows that I'm not. but I have real issues with non-Christians celebrating Christmas. I understand that, regardless of religious beliefs, it can serve as a time for togetherness and goodwill and family and all that good stuff. but for so many people, the only excitement to be gleaned from Christmas seems to come from exchanging gifts, decorating, and eating slightly better food than usual. take away the religious aspect of the holiday and there's not much left. it seems so hypocritical to me that there are people unwilling to acknowledge Jesus' greatness yet will use His birth as an excuse to party. I'm by no means intolerant--you'll never catch me trying to convert my atheist/agnostic/Buddhist/Wiccan/what have you friends. and voyage isn't going to turn into "scary Christian blog." it's just this one thing that bothers me. chalk it up to another one of my weird quirks.
I really will try to upload some new pics to my webshots account soon. I just need to snap and scan a few more.
jeremy's product endorsement of the moment: zilactin. you can feel that stuff working.
jeremy's product condemnation of the moment: cetaphil. jeez, plain water does just as well.
undecided on new year's plans. I actually DON'T have to work on either the eve or the day, so something's gotta happen. ideas?
posted by Jeremy at 12/21/2004 05:03:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 18
the most annoying thing in the world:
spelling "cool" as "kewl."
posted by Jeremy at 12/18/2004 06:36:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 11
emmet otter's jugband Christmas is now available on dvd. anyone want my vhs copy?
scene from my life:
(jeremy rummages in desk, takes out ballpoint pen, scribbles on paper, sighs)
"why can't I ever find a functioning pen, dammit?"
(puts defunct pen back in desk drawer for the nth time)
now I'm really going to sleep.
posted by Jeremy at 12/11/2004 07:42:00 AM 0 comments
what a wretched few days. on wednesday I woke up sick. not starting to feel sick, not on the verge, but full on sick. went to work, but not on thursday--went to urgent care instead. it seems I've caught a highly contagious virus that basically causes your stomach and intestines to go on strike, as well as causing fever and aches. I felt well enough to go to work tonight, but I'm so weak; I can't eat anything at all without seeing it again a short while later. supposedly it'll blow over in a day or two. I just hope no one I know gets it. only then will they understand the true meaning of the word hatred.
I bought a swank leather chair at garden ridge on sunday, and since then have been trying to arrange transportation to get it here. I think I'm going to have to resort to ratcheting it to the top of the volvo. if only I could get an old woman to sit in it on the way home, a la granny clampett.
justin is the greatest guy in the world. I know that's a non sequitur, but it just felt right to say.
off to get some sleep that hopefully won't be punctuated with trips to the fabled porcelain goddess.
posted by Jeremy at 12/11/2004 05:21:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 7
I dreamed last night that I was working in a dairy. dream dictionaries are a load of crap, but if you believe them that's one sweet omen.
posted by Jeremy at 12/07/2004 10:26:00 AM 0 comments
picture this: everyone you know.
picture them: knowing everything about you. everything.
now answer this: where did everyone go?
posted by Jeremy at 12/07/2004 04:45:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 4
I hate to quote myself, but I'm quite proud of a comment I made on tonight's lunch break:
"if the apocalypse happens tomorrow, someone's gonna have to resurface the ice."
I could explain. but do you really want me to?
posted by Jeremy at 12/04/2004 05:31:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 3
big news: changed shifts at work. I'm now a 7-3:30 employee. the extra hour in the evenings is nice, and there's some real closure in staying at the office until everything is done. and no more of that 5 o'clock friday crap.
I believe that I'm having some delayed aftereffects from the 2004 presidential election. until recently, my reaction was: "damn. bush won again." now, it's: "damn. bush won. again." what was left of my disappointment has turned into full blown dismay.
for anyone who's interested, my amazon.com wish list is posted just in time for Christmas--just search for jeremy ball (I'm the one in greensboro, duh). and please support triad health project: all you gotta do is, rather than going straight to amazon, go first to josh's blog and click on the amazon.com link on the right side. details of the fundraiser are also posted there. for all your holiday shopping needs.
by the way, how the hell did december get here so fast?
posted by Jeremy at 12/03/2004 08:11:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 2
Wednesday, December 1
what I want for Christmas: a 9 to 5 job.
position: I dunno, whaddya got?
location: gso metro.
salary: $35000+
my resume: I have a nearly valueless B.A.; its primary use is to make people think that I know what I'm talking about. I'm a charismatic self-starter who's qualified for just about anything, provided that it's nothing. I do NOT have 2-5+ years of experience in "the field," and won't be able to get it unless some poor sucker hires me. I'm detail oriented when it suits me. I'm independent and have experience successfully delegating responsibility and managing task forces (read: I'm a pigheaded boob who doesn't play very well with others). my strong suit is my uncanny ability to consistently show up on time (give or take 10 minutes), do my job relatively well, and leave as quickly as possible.
please contact me for a copy of my portfolio. if you want one without mustard stains, give me a while.
posted by Jeremy at 12/01/2004 04:42:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 30
and now: back to our jehosophats, who are really jumping!
posted by Jeremy at 11/30/2004 08:05:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 28
the holiday has improved my outlook considerably, I must say. thanksgiving was marvelous, especially since justin was able to be there! a few days at home--and off work--have been just the thing for helping me chill out.
trips home always have an odd effect on me, though. being in my old room takes me back to being 7 or 8 years old or thereabouts, back when your parents took care of everything for you. when nothing was more complicated than figuring out how much to charge for a cup of lemonade. when you could say, "I'm going to be...when I grow up," and no one would laugh--because growing up was so far away it was easy to reach for the stars. it all just makes me think about where I have to go from here, where I can go from here. I really want to make 7-8 year old me proud, somehow.
it's time for a shower and a nice, lazy-yet-semi-productive sunday.
posted by Jeremy at 11/28/2004 02:08:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 18
o.d. has put all the 6 o'clock folks on the 5 o'clock schedule for the rest of the month. as a result, the 18,956 things that I don't have time to do already aren't going to get done until december.
I have no money set aside to christmas shop. I have no money set aside for the house.
the apartment is a disaster. my cars are dirty and filled with junk.
I barely have time to eat anymore. when I do, it's usually fast food that is making me gain weight again.
I realized the other day that part of me was hanging in there waiting for some extended sort of vacation. real world update: I don't get those anymore.
my life has turned into one gigantic headache. stop the ride; I NEED to get off. at least for a little while.
posted by Jeremy at 11/18/2004 03:47:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 17
notice a new link at the top of the page. click and see. as time permits, much more will be added. note: if there's anything there that your mother shouldn't see, feel free to drop me a line and it shall be eradicated.
posted by Jeremy at 11/17/2004 04:39:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 15
news flash: once again, I have a functioning cell phone. same number. call, message, pester.
posted by Jeremy at 11/15/2004 02:25:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 13
weekends rule. I'll just come and and say that without hesitation.
someone needs to buy me this. there's no price listed, but I'm sure it would be reasonable to ask for as a Christmas gift.
justin got the scorpion tattoo on thursday. if he gets any hotter he's going to spontaneously combust.
on that subject, I'd like to take this opportunity to send out a message to all the losers out there who've dicked me over in the past (sure, puns intended). upon comparing each of you to the current squeeze, I find that you all have several things in common: you're ugly, stupid, mean spirited, and generally quite lame. thank you so freakin much for giving me some of the most hellish moments of my life. I'm making time with the greatest guy in the world these days. since there can only be one, you obviously are not. eat it.
conversely, a shout out to the fellas who've done me right, and there are several of you: thanks for the memories. I'm sorry that things didn't work out; I still love y'all. some of you probably want to spit at me in the street, I admit--that you never have makes you paragons of human kindness. I hope that you're all living well. you give homos a good name.
posted by Jeremy at 11/13/2004 04:29:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 9
I really like the phrase "half past give a damn." I'm also quite fond of "frumptious wheeze." even if they do have completely different connotations.
I think a great superpower to have would be the ability to predict when a radio station will play chaka khan. useful, and how!
man, picking up stakes and moving to vancouver really does look better every day.
posted by Jeremy at 11/09/2004 08:17:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 6
I don't know how seriously to take this, but oh! the happiness.
posted by Jeremy at 11/06/2004 07:13:00 AM 0 comments
it has always irked me that, when preparing oneself a pop tart, it is necessary to either eat two or clumsily attempt to reseal one within the foil wrapping. I have long been an advocate for individually wrapped pop tarts (if those loyal readers who know me well were unaware of this...well, it very rarely comes up).
perhaps, I've pondered, kellogg's simply expects their pastries to be so wonderful that the consumer can't eat only one. not only is that faulty logic, it signifies egotism on the part of the kellogg's company and a sadistic desire to contribute to the obesity problem in america.
I finally decided to research the matter. I discovered that kellogg's went out on a limb introducing pop tarts in 1962--there were serious doubts as to whether they would sell. to save money, they were packaged two to a wrapper. and still are.
my mind is at ease. however, when I began writing this I'd only eaten one pop tart. I fear that I must contradict myself and prepare the other posthaste.
posted by Jeremy at 11/06/2004 07:00:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 4
heluva lot going on the past few days. halloween was...eventful. to chapel hill with justin and nadine--I dressed as ignatius reilly. I had a lot of captain morgan's. a whole lot. so much that, for the first time in my life, I began disrobing in public. apparently I decided to change my costume and go as "disheveled man." good times. I think.
went to concord/charlotte on saturday. spent an outrageous amount of money on a new suit, only to come to my senses and call nordstrom to return it before it was altered. also picked up some birthday presents for justin. oh, and ruined my new cell phone by dropping it into a cup of coffee. the trip was of questionable merit, although I did find a spaghetti measurer after months of searching, which made it all worthwhile. now to explain the phone to alltel...
I called in sick to work on tuesday. I really needed a day off to decompress and also to work around here; I've been feeling the need to stand in the middle of the apartment and scream. so the living room and kitchen are clean--and will stay that way, I'll be bound--and my bedroom is forthcoming.
I'm don't even want to comment on the election results. suffice it to say that I did my part, and will be doing my share of bitching for the next four years, thank you very much.
last night I dreamed an entire musical. it involved my going into eckerd, buying a chapstick and a roll of strawberry mentos, and getting into an argument with the cashier about my credit card. that was the basis for the whole thing. it was very dramatic.
posted by Jeremy at 11/04/2004 07:50:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 30
it's a shame that it took john peel's death to call my attention to the undertones. that said, I've got some cd shopping to do today.
I had an unfortunate realization at carolina's this morning with nadine. being a friday late night, the place was jam packed with drunks, and there was an especially amusing booth behind us. they were having a conversation about sky bar, and some guy that they'd all met there. "he was not gay," one of the guys said. "he was wearing baggy clothes. gay people don't wear baggy clothes."
nadine and I looked at each other. then we looked at my sweater and jeans. and an epiphany! I like girls after all! none of this homo bullshit for me. the truth has been with me all along, in the generous cut of my garments, and I was too blind to see. all these years I've been living life as a spandex swishbuckler, when I've really been a saggin straight guy. time to hitch up my belt, revel in the acres of fabric swathing my testosterone laden, lady lovin bod, and pick me up some girls. or do I mean score some chicks? or procure some pussy?
posted by Jeremy at 10/30/2004 01:10:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 28
earlier today I headed to the dryer to get out some socks. before I knew what I was doing, I opened the fridge instead.
they weren't in there.
shawn colvin is releasing a greatest hits album.
dr teal's jasmine vanilla vapor bath is the greatest stuff ever.
stupid clouds, making everyone miss the lunar eclipse.
at least it's thursday.
posted by Jeremy at 10/28/2004 08:14:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 26
john peel died. what a terrible loss. the music world will miss him deeply.
posted by Jeremy at 10/26/2004 03:18:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 25
thppt. monday. humph. at least the weekend was a great one as they go. the barbecue festival was as festive as ever. and despite some major traffic problems, justin and I got to raleigh in time for dinner and to see jeff dunham at charlie goodnight's. quite funny indeed.
visiting with family in winston yesterday was nice, but the highlight of the weekend is most certainly willow! the new kitten has arrived, and I'll take photos to post asap. she's the cutest. she slept next to me all day. which will improve weekends indefinitely--I get the guy at night, and the cat during the day. sleeping alone is overrated.
eez time for shower and to pick up medicine.
posted by Jeremy at 10/25/2004 03:17:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 23
grr. aargh. the past couple days have found me in some very obnoxious moods, ranging from depressed to annoyed to downright postal. you know those times when you look around your life, see it as a prison cell, and muscle up to the bars and yell "LEMME THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!" yeah. perhaps it's the promise of the barbecue festival that has lightened my mood. at any rate, I'm now once again semi-sane.
this is where I have to interject that justin is perhaps the only aspect of my life that I tend to run to rather than away from. he's a saint to put up with me. hell, what I'm talkin? we're saints to put up with each other. a match made in heaven. heh. saints, heaven. I made a funny.
sunday I see the 'rents and granny and get my kitten! monday the new couch arrives. so many nice new things. well, my parents and grandmother certainly aren't new, but they're nice old things. um, that came out wrong. never mind.
did anyone see the video of fidel castro falling down a few days ago? I heard that he fell, and thought, "aw, shucks. that's too bad." then I saw the video. I'm sorry, but fuh-nee. he even knocked over some chairs, a la mary catherine gallagher. fidel castro, SUPERSTAR! I'm a mean person, but at least I know it.
P.S. have just learned that castro did in fact break some bones in the fall. dammit! why is it still funny? I'm going to hell.
posted by Jeremy at 10/23/2004 03:21:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 19
Monday, October 18
yeah, another monday rolls around. spent a nice/productive weekend cleaning 4109 and hanging out with some of justin's family in mount airy. also bought the sofa, but not the one I mentioned--I got to the store and realized that I hated it. so I found another, which will be here a week from tuesday. hooray for spending $900. time to crack open a savings account and start socking dough away for the house.
as much as it pains me to do it, I'm cancelling my netflix membership. I just don't have time to make use of it. oh, well.
so early voting got underway in palm beach county today, and issues have already arisen--as in paper ballots missing pages. other areas of florida have experienced computer glitches in the voting process. dammit people, get it together already.
oh, and if you're a friend of mine named chris and you left your number on my windshield today: sorry to have to ask, but which chris are you exactly? gotta narrow it down for me.
posted by Jeremy at 10/18/2004 03:36:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 13
well, monday night was...unexpected. I found myself with no one to see rilo kiley with, so I just drove to carrboro to offload my tickets (I sold one, but not both) and back home. thought of calling charles, since he's also a fan, but he probably wouldn't have gone anyway. everyone else was just plain tied up for the evening.
found a sofa, yay! and stephanie's taking the old stuff off my hands. I'm going to see if they can deliver it on saturday.
got a swank new cell phone. it be havin a camera and shit.
I really, really want to see the movie bright young things, but it ain't playing here yet. if anyone reading this is in a more cosmopolitan area than greensbohemia, please go and tell me how it is.
peace out.
posted by Jeremy at 10/13/2004 03:31:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 12
I just read that belle and sebastian is one of parker posey's favorite bands.
posted by Jeremy at 10/12/2004 04:15:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 11
ah, what a lovely couple of days. went to justin's bel canto concert on saturday, which was smashing as expected. out with him, rachel, josh, and heather (!!!) to friday's later that evening. yesterday off to asheville for dinner and to deliver rachel back to unc-a. she has a darling pet hedgehog now. I've always wanted one.
as for today, justin has been very naughty and taken a day off work to lie around with me and run errands. talk about nice surprises! later, this jet setter is off again to carrboro for the rilo kiley show.
tis shower time.
posted by Jeremy at 10/11/2004 01:05:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 9
saturday's here and so is my long weekend! off work on monday to see rilo kiley. beautiful.
I was unaware that saint bernards were still used to rescue people in the alps. well, they are, but they haven't rescued anyone in 50 years. so the group of monks in charge of the dogs is putting them all up for adoption. wow. best Christmas present ever, people. hint, hint.
random observation of the day: some people aren't sexy until you hear them laugh.
office mayhem: nadine and I spent 20 minutes trying to think of the name of the quidditch announcer at hogwarts (lee jordan). finally we had to seek out ginger, the administrative assistant, who knew--more proof that she is an invaluable asset to the o.d. team.
wow, that was a lame story. I apologize.
speaking of lame stories, think I'll go catch a few minutes of degrassi.
posted by Jeremy at 10/09/2004 04:01:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 7
I'm starting to find it disheartening that, in the generally articulate world of national politics, both "flip flop" and "flip flopper" have worked their way into the working vocabulary of the--gulp--punditocracy.
just needed to share.
posted by Jeremy at 10/07/2004 04:07:00 PM 0 comments
it wasn't the best night at work. we got quarterly evaluations, and I didn't get the raise I was expecting. well, I guess I just have to work a little harder.
and my job has become such a conundrum. I like it, and I love my salary. and honestly, I've started to think that wouldn't bother me to do it indefinitely. but the world doesn't keep my hours, and I feel like everything's just passing me by. I don't know what to do anymore--if I ever did.
yep, it's been one of those days.
posted by Jeremy at 10/07/2004 04:07:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 5
marvelous weekend. tate street festival with justin and nadine, indian food to follow. sunday was shopping at southpoint (nordstrom in particular) and cheesecake factory. the weekend's highlight was my confession to justin. yep, the l-word, and make no mistake about it. imagine me saying it first! meaning it and everything. but I've seen enough to know wonderful when it's staring me in the face. with its beautiful eyes. okay, I'm going to stop before I get into "middle school girl" mode and start tracing names on notebooks.
sorry, snapple sub zero. I love ya, but tropicana twister raspberry lemonade has surpassed you as my fave bottled beverage. it's astin-tastic (a dumb and annoying expression that I keep using anyway).
must buy new furniture this week. not look, not pick out, but buy. I just don't have time to go traipsing all around the triad looking for THE perfect sofa that's within my budget AND is made in n.c. so I'm hitting three stores max and getting something already.
I think I'm going to scotland next summer for the edinburgh arts festival. it just occurred to me as something that I really want to do. but hopefully I'll have bought a house by then, so my budget may not allow it.
I dozed off on justin's futon an hour ago and had some dream involving the city of south el monte, california. maybe I can pick up with that now and find out what the hell that was about.
posted by Jeremy at 10/05/2004 07:49:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 1
I have stone lions on my mantle.
life is good.
posted by Jeremy at 10/01/2004 08:04:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 30
before I get on to the main post...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAD!
and now, the top five things that have recently begun to irritate me:
1) car washes turn their bill changers off at night. this inconveniences me to no end.
2) my apartment is being taken over by giant mutant crickets. some mysterious radar always leads them into one of the many plastic grocery bags lying around the apartment, where they make incredibly loud rustling noises that sound like rats scurrying around.
3) this is over a year late, but I really, really miss fresh samantha. best juice drinks ever. stupid odwalla discontinuing the whole damn line of em.
4) hotmail's lack of support for any browser but IE. I'm teetering on the edge of going back to a yahoo address--I'll keep everyone posted.
5) lindsay lohan. in general.
must get to bed; the whole department has had to go in at 5 every day this week, which has fucked over my sleep schedule. one day I'll get my full eight hours again, and what a day it will be.
posted by Jeremy at 9/30/2004 07:53:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 28
so josh and I saw wilco in raleigh saturday night. excellent, as always and expected. they didn't play most of the songs that I'd really been aching to hear, but the asheville show would have been hard to top as a jeremy pleaser.
over the past few days I've had a couple of revelations that have really altered my outlook on life. seriously. I now realize that, after 23 years of feeling inferior most of the time, I've developed a genuine superiority complex. and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. in fact, I'm going to start introducing myself thus:
"I have better taste than most people. I'm probably more intelligent than you are, and I'll only be feigning interest in 90% of what you say. if you're already offended, than you might as well give it up. but if you can say any of that about yourself, stick around and we'll see how long we can tolerate each other."
I know it's extreme, but I've got a lifetime of meekness and self-deprecation to make up for.
also, this morning I took inventory of my life, as I am wont to do on occasion. I have a swell automobile. I have a nice apartment. great friends, great family. as far as I know I'm healthy as the proverbial horse, and in almost the best shape of my adult life. the cherry on the cake, of course, is justin, aka The Wonderous One. after taking stock I realized that there's not a lot more that I could want. a house, but that's pending. my dream job, but since I haven't ascertained what that is yet it can wait. I'm damn lucky.
ordinarily I shy away from making statements like that. when I do I usually knock on the nearest door frame hard enough to fell a mighty redwood and mumble something about "jinxing things." well, I'm tired of waiting for the other shoe to drop. I'm just going to sit back, relax, and remind myself that there isn't always another shoe. because you can't enjoy the ride if you're too preoccupied with crashing. I'll worry about the carnage when AND IF it happens.
that said, my superior ass is getting into my holier-than-thou bed so I can get some arrogant sleep.
posted by Jeremy at 9/28/2004 07:54:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 24
my mind has been in random overdrive lately:
Q: if charlie tuna had a band, what genre would it be?
A: alba-core.
the next time someone starts telling me how great the atkins diet is, I'm going to respond with, "well, personally I'm a big fan of the edgar atkins teagarden diet. alllllll watermelon!" if the person actually knows what I'm talking about, I'm proposing marriage right there (sorry josh, you're disqualified; I'm already aware you're in the know on this one).
I realized tonight that time travel will never be discovered. if that was destined to happen, no high profile war/assassination/atrocity would have occurred. ever. at some point some enterprising person would zip back in history to stop them all. yeah, I know that's paradoxical, but everything about time travel is anyway.
posted by Jeremy at 9/24/2004 08:14:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 21
okay, so I found my stepmother is an alien in the $5.50 dvd bin at wal-mart, which pleased me to no end. I remembered that alyson hannigan plays dan aykroyd's daughter, but forgot who plays her date. seth green. fellow buffy fans, isn't that the most twilight zone-esque thing ever? it's willow and oz, age 13.
since I haven't mentioned him in a bit, let me take this opportunity to say that justin is still the greatest. weekend + sexy, funny, sweet, intelligent guy = happy me.
it's 9 am. why am I awake? must remedy that posthaste.
posted by Jeremy at 9/21/2004 08:50:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 18
random blurbs:
the september issue of GQ has so many pictures of iman in it. I like that.
how often do you wonder what would happen if you stopped worrying about everyone, everything, and the future in general and just went for broke? personally, I try for 5-6 times per day. it's like window shopping at neiman marcus when you're on a big lots budget. frustrating, but such pretty possibilities...
white chocolate kit kats rule.
angelica huston is the greatest living film actress. no contest.
the frigid breeze tonight means fall is definitely coming up, and fast. I've always professed a dislike for autumn--especially in the piedmont, where the leaves just turn brown for a day and fall off--but somehow it seems to be the season when I'm most in tune with myself. maybe I'll crank out some good prose before the first snowfall. I should designate a lucky writing sweater before october rolls around.
posted by Jeremy at 9/18/2004 04:56:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 17
Thursday, September 16
just a quick note to the folks at the north carolina d.o.t.:
I'm pleased that work is being done to improve the area around the new 85/business 85 interchange; I'm sure that pretty much every triad resident is. also, I realize that late at night is the most efficient time to get that work accomplished.
however, the madness must stop. lane closures with little warning, hastily constructed abrupt merging lanes, and being guided down exits THAT ARE COMPLETELY BLOCKED WITH CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT that forces drivers to swerve back onto the interstate and take the next turnoff. uncalled for. it's all fun and games until someone loses a fender.
just needed to vent.
posted by Jeremy at 9/16/2004 04:06:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 15
stupid bi-lo can eat it. I was all set to buy some serious groceries tonight and they had to close the store because their computers were down. at least that's what they said--I'm sure it's all part of the big conspiracy. anyway, hit steak n shake instead. I'm going to get so freakin fat.
had a great conversation with nadine tonight about polyamorous relationships. what is it with my fascination with that topic? as a psych guy, I can say it's one of three things: need for affection, commitment phobia, or being raised in a rather non-traditional household. as a psych guy who also happens to be me, I can say it's probably all three.
bought a new refrigerator magnet on e-bay; it has a 1965 buick wildcat on it. the things I spend my money on.
call from carra today--carra, if you're reading this, I WILL call you this week! and I'm serious about coming to richmond to visit. a little change of scenery is always nice, and the woodham ladies sure know how to show a fella a good time, iffn you know whatta mean.
posted by Jeremy at 9/15/2004 04:33:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 13
the franz show kicked asssssss. there were two opening bands, the futureheads and the delays. the former not anything special--sort of a poor man's franz ferdinand, really--but the latter purveyed some very nice synth pop sounds; I'd like to get their record. and f.f. was amazing as expected.
after the show it was me, josh, charlie, hannah, and michael at a bar in chapel hill. great bar, but I will never again drink four vodka martinis in one evening. never. no embarassing puking scenes or anything, but some scary drifting in and out of consciousness that I don't want to repeat.
so justin said tonight that he wants to be "exclusive." so I sez to him, "if that's what you want." meanwhile, I was thinking, "SCORE!" I mean, he's not my ideal or anything, but he requires a lot less compromise than most guys. definitely exclusive material.
now that I'm seeing someone and have more friends in gso that I want to spend time with, I'm thinking about changing shifts at work and going in at 7:30 instead of 6:00. I'll get a little less overtime, but I think it would be a boon as far as social interaction goes. I mean, I could actually have dinner with people! during the week! wow!
of course I COULD transfer to a day shift position...and take at least a $10k per year pay cut. nope, not gonna happen. but I really should start thinking about the long term, I guess: what I want to do and what classes I could take to do it. I still love my job, but in addition to the hours grating on my nerves, there's very little possibility of moving up the corporate ladder from where I am now. hmm.
also speaking of work, I turned in a vacation day for next month to see rilo kiley. technically that day was unavailable, but I was wearing really cute shoes when I asked christy about it and I think that did the trick. yeah, I'm now the proud owner of a pair of doc martens saddle shoes. I'm so cool.
having just washed down twizzlers with sweet tea, I'm good to go for a while. time to do some energetic tv watching.
posted by Jeremy at 9/13/2004 03:17:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 11
okay, so the interestingness seems good. there's this guy, see; his name's justin. he's pretty fantastic. our first date was only monday, but we've seen each other twice since then (stayed at his place last night, haw haw) and have averaged one phone call and two e-mails per day. I could get very serious about him, and he says he's getting that way about me. the "says" is in italics because I subscribe to the theory that all gay men--except for myself--are intrinsically evil. time will tell. I'm trying to keep my feet on the ground, but it ain't easy.
seeing franz ferdinand tonight! kick ass.
not a lot more going on...but it's enough. I'm out.
posted by Jeremy at 9/11/2004 04:43:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 8
re my september first entry on life being boring: I must make a mental note to be careful what I wish for, lest I get it.
all I'm prepared to say right now is that life has become interesting. I'm not sure yet if that's good or bad. when I figure it out, I'll have some more to say.
posted by Jeremy at 9/08/2004 03:52:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 5
things I learned about myself tonight:
it doesn't matter what I do to change my looks. it doesn't matter how much new information I take in, or what trends I follow, what my philosophy is or whether I have one at all. there will always be fundamental things about my way of thinking that I can't change. and they're always going to make my life difficult.
I'm sick of always being the one taking the picture and never being the one in it.
and I'm really, really fucking tired of sponging off other people's popularity. too bad it's all I know how to do.
sorry about the negativity. it's not that I hate life. I just hate mine.
posted by Jeremy at 9/05/2004 06:24:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 3
I have too much time on my hands, so here's another one:
You are ALVY SINGER. You would never wanna belong
to any club that would have someone like you
for a member, and you're into garbage, that's
your thing.
Which Woody Allen are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
posted by Jeremy at 9/03/2004 07:59:00 AM 0 comments
like most pop culture quizzes, the answers are obvious. but how could I not take it? and I was honest...
You are Angela Chase. You blend in to everything
and you're sick of it. You distance yourself
from the old ways in order to find your
"new" identity. You want to be
noticed, especially by a certain someone. Hey,
we all struggle during adolescence...
Which My So-Called Life character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
posted by Jeremy at 9/03/2004 04:41:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 1
I've always prided myself on my inability to bore easily. "I get restless," I've been known to say, "but not bored." and it's true that my quirky brain is pretty good at amusing itself when external stimuli fail.
however, in recent days I've started to believe that it's a case of not seeing the forest for the trees. I admit it. I'm bored. not on a momentary level, but bored with the whole shebang.
I'd do something about it if I could figure out why. contrary to popular belief, my job isn't boring. greensboro isn't boring; I enjoy tooling around it in my very not-boring roadster. my friends certainly aren't boring. in fact, with my recently burgeoning social existence you'd think I'd be much more interested in life these days. nope. bored.
is it because I'm single? well, here's where I fess up and say that I have once again been consulting the online personals services. I've had considerable luck getting cyber hit-on, and have done a bit of correspondence with potential dating candidates.
guys bore me too.
I could chalk it up to being intrinsically boring myself, although I've been assured (and by fairly interesting people) that that's not the case. I mean, not that they'd tell me otherwise, but still.
granted, life could suddenly get interesting. I could break my leg. 4109 could fall into a sinkhole. martians could land, resurrect the body of balboa, and have him claim luke wilson's nose for spain. these things would be bad, and boredom is certainly preferable to them.
if you're still reading this, I'll bet you're bored. I'll write again when something interesting happens.
mmm hmm.
posted by Jeremy at 9/01/2004 04:47:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 29
man, tonight was so weird.
there was a lady in a bridal gown impersonating a rockette. there was a man yelling out "DIRTY SANCHEZ!" there was a fella wearing corduroys and a feather boa (and little else).
I took a tour of a half-renovated house. I ate cheese fries. I got a random guy's phone number. I slipped and fell down the hill in front of my apartment.
you know, hanging out with hannah is proving to be very, very interesting.
God bless her.
posted by Jeremy at 8/29/2004 06:36:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 28
another week grinds to a close with the usual lack of fanfare. although my attitude is much improved since last weekend. my brain shifts gears waaaay too fast for me to obsess about things. that can be a good or a bad thing, though.
mom's getting two kittens tomorrow, one for her and one for me! mine's named willow. hers is named fostina. seriously. they're both purebred himalayans. I'll have to make a trip home in a couple weeks to pick her up-- if I decide to bring her here. as much as I love cats and as independent as they are, they're still a responsibility. and stripped down though my life is, I sometimes have trouble handling the ones I've got.
I actually did some real writing tonight. for a while there I was afraid I'd forgotten how.
I'd like to encourage everyone to join the fight in flipping the electronic bird to internet explorer. get firefox. it's the bee's knees. no pop-ups, no crashes, just brutal and unadulterated web surfin. and the built in wikipedia search still hasn't ceased to delight me.
call from sarah love today! must go out with her and catch up on things.
no call from hannah. does that mean she hasn't done anything exciting to catch me up on, or that she's too busy doing the exciting things?
after many months of trying, I think I've finally convinced my co-workers that I'm bonkers. for no good reason I brought up tramp steamers, then laughed for several minutes about the sheer existence of the term "tramp steamer." everyone looked at me funny. except nadine, who was too busy laughing herself. our brains definitely have some overlap.
all recent drunkenness aside, the fact remains that there's still a lot of p.b.r. in the fridge and it's my duty to help drink it. I will savor a can while reading selected passages from the westing game before turning in for the evening.
posted by Jeremy at 8/28/2004 06:06:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 22
the following is a post that I made early this morning. I was tempted to delete it--it's so self-indulgent and whatnot--but instead I'll do a line-by-line analysis. editor's notes in brackets:
josh's birthday was today. happy birthday, josh. [yes, it was indeed josh's birthday]
we had a party. [yes, that too. pretty good]
I got drunk. in fact, I'm still pretty drunk. [oh, yeah. drunk was the word. vodka martinis all night long. no embarrasing puking or anything, but moving around became quite an adventure]
some people came. including hannah and her almost-but-not-quite boyfriend. [actually, they'd just spoken online a few times before last night. his name's travis. she just randomly IMed him from here and invited him down to chill.]
I'm in love with hannah's almost-but-not-quite boyfriend. he's as close to perfect as anyone I've ever met. [okay, that's a little overstated. change "in love with" to "remakably infatuated with," or "sweet on" if you like. take out that whole perfect sentence...no, leave it but change "perfect" to "my ideal guy." sounds less insane that way.]
jeez. I'm going to be single for the rest of my life. [that can be left as is.]
my parents are coming in six hours. bed. [they did come, and I took them and Josh out to ruth's chris steak house. yum. I did not go to bed immediately following this, though; I hadn't spent quite enough time feeling sorry for myself yet. but I did find the bed before passing out, at least.]
[end post; begin today's ACTUAL post]
yeah, it was quite an evening, and one that I haven't quite had the chance to recover from yet. but I've yet to spend an evening with hannah that hasn't required extensive recuperation time, and I mean that as a compliment. although I must say, seeing her with that cute little number is mentally taxing. I once said that my personal hell (because I believe that heaven and hell are both subjective) would involve spending eternity in a studio apartment with a group of sexy guys that all have sex with each other but never with me. I take that back. same scenario, but with hannah and travis in place of the men! but don't spread it around--don't want to give satan any ideas in case I fuck up too much in this lifetime.
which brings up an excellent point. straight people seem to recognize most of the personal issues involved with being gay--being shunned by the hetero community, feeling pressured to fit into the gay community, stereotypes, health hazards, etcetera. but I don't think that many people realize the gravity of the greatest problem of all. with the exception of those bastards lucky enough to be happy in committed relationships, we spend our lives wanting people that we can never have. and it's hell.
I'm not talking about spoiled kids seeing forbidden puppies in pet store windows. I'm talking about, "there's an enormous piece of my life missing, and wow! that guy's shaped exactly like it!" but it won't work. it's not even that he doesn't want you, he just can't. so you have to keep looking. and you find some new pieces, sure. but none of them ever really fit. and you start to think that living with a gaping hole in your world isn't really that bad. but you end up going back to the square pegs, just like you always do.
too many times I've bragged that I don't let myself be defined through other people, that I don't need validation through affection. any you know what? I could have saved a lot of syllables and just said, "I'm not human." because we all do, and we all need. it's part of who we are, just like that funky part of us that makes us need specific shapes of puzzle pieces.
I can't believe I just typed all this crap after berating myself for being self-indulgent last night. but I'm not depressed, or even moderately melancholy. a little disappointed, and a little discouraged. not with the way I am or the way anyone else is, really, but at the general state of things.
stupid things. they get you every time.
posted by Jeremy at 8/22/2004 07:51:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 19
a list of bests
best doctor's office reading ever: harmonizer, the official magazine of the barbershop harmony society. I don't know how it wound up in the waiting room of lebauer healthcare, but I'm glad that it did.
best create your own pasta combo at macaroni grill: bowtie pasta, garlic cream sauce, green onions, sundried tomatoes.
best lemonade based alcoholic beverage: venetian lemonade at the aforementioned establishment.
best thing to ever happen to me at jiffy lube: getting a free oil change because it took twenty (gasp!) whole minutes.
you know, today was a pretty good day.
posted by Jeremy at 8/19/2004 04:04:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 17
ah! nothing like coming home from a hard night's work to...house cleaning. it's a little known fact that the man who originated the phrase "it's a dirty job but somebody's got to do it" was also a prognosticator. yep, he could see right into 2004-era 4109. however, it should noted that he couldn't see himself in anything here--floors, windows, mirrors...
life-affirming moment of the day: reading that phish just played their last show. ever.
I'm by no means an ageist, nor do I routinely make superficial judgements. that said, old fat guys need to not hit on me.
have put on no less than seven pounds. kit kats have become too much of a guiding force in my life. must stop the insanity. remember susan powter? most people seem to have forgotten her, poor thing.
posted by Jeremy at 8/17/2004 04:18:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 12
the teenage and twenty-something guys of america really need to stop trying to look like johnny knoxville. there's a lot to be said for the man himself, but as a mainstream look it's gettin old.
why aren't there many songs written about ships anymore? I think it's a shame. come to think of it, trains don't get sung about much either these days. the world's songwriters need to start giving mass transportation props again.
someone needs to randomly give me $35,000. that's about the difference between what I can afford to spend on a place to live and the cost of one of the new lofts at smothers place downtown. grr. well, the planned purchase is still almost a year away. anything could happen.
recalling an excellent observation bryan and I made some years ago: any food that can't be improved by adding peanut butter can be improved with barbecue sauce. the two magic culinary liquids.
posted by Jeremy at 8/12/2004 04:20:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 8
great visit with tiffany this weekend. just BARELY got her to raleigh on time for her plane; the continental desk people were none too nice about it, either. in fact, I've never seen anyone less suited to dealing with the public than the personnel at that airport--the security people were just as bad. if anyone reading this can avoid flying out of rdu, please do so. gso might be pricier to fly from, but you don't get treated like a second class citizen.
anyway, she's off to seattle. am I sorry I'm not going with her? no. I'd love to live with her in a spiffy city like that, but I'd just have to give up too much. for her it's a great idea; she's got nothing to keep her anywhere else. but I've made a life for myself here. I may bitch about it to no end, but it's comfortable and familiar. although there are certain aspects of my circumstances that I'd like to change, I thank God for the others every day. if that makes me stodgy and lacking in adventure, then maybe I am. or maybe I'm just all grown up.
bought a pocket watch today. just the thing for a weak-wristed typist who enjoys looking quirky yet fashionable.
at nadine's recommendation, I've been reading good omens by neil gaiman and terry pratchett. I don't know when I've been given a better book to read. hi-larious.
progress on furniture: have found very possible sofa and chair for very reasonable price. progress on car repair: none. the neon green paint remains. must call tomorrow for estimate.
I've got errands to run. given the BEST WEATHER EVER we've had lately, it's happy miata time.
posted by Jeremy at 8/08/2004 06:22:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 4
I think that collecting kites is one of the most romantic things I've ever heard of.
on my way home tonight I heard "like a rolling stone" on the radio. for the first time in at least ten years, it didn't make me feel nostalgic or melancholy. is that a good thing? or am I losing touch with who I used to be?
the search for new furniture begins tomorrow. I'm thinking sofa and armchair in contrasting browns, cushy enough to be comfortable but not so puffy as to look trailer-trashy.
excitement for the week: got cedric's oil changed. as per usual, jiffy lube got it done in about five minutes...but didn't tell me it was ready for twenty more. if I hadn't said, "uh, is my car finished?" I could still be sitting there. yep, two days later. you never know.
I bought a magnifying mirror the other day. I'm pretty sure it was one of the gayest things I've ever done.
cigarettes are so gross. I have to stop smoking. note that I didn't say I will stop smoking. but I might.
when I'm supreme ruler of the universe--it won't be long now--I'm starting a harem composed of celebrity guys 5'9" and under. amongst others, seth green, tobey maguire, and the aforementioned scott caan should start packing their bags immediately. tiffany is reserving men over six feet, and ali has dibs on the 5'10"-6'0" bracket. no one is safe from us.
the sun is a risin' and I've started looking at my bed more often than my monitor. peace out.
posted by Jeremy at 8/04/2004 06:02:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 29
I KNOW they're on automatic timers and all that nonsense, but I hate driving home on rainy nights and seeing sprinklers going full blast. what's worse is when they're continously watering the road instead of the grass. that's inexcusable.
I have a theory that everyone should have a friend named rhoda; I'm sad that I don't. but if everyone felt this way, then parents the world over would start naming their daughters (and sons, for that matter) rhoda so that they'd have friends. and really sucky people would start changing their names to rhoda as well. the cachet of the name would be gone.
therefore, I'm glad that more people don't think like me.
random moment at work: nadine going on a rant about tipper gore that culminated with a proposal to fry her up and eat her for dinner. you kinda had to be there.
posted by Jeremy at 7/29/2004 06:03:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 26
ten things I learned on my spur-of-the-moment trip to d.c. this weekend:
1) ritz-carltons really are very cushy hotels.
2) despite my dislike for northern virginia as a whole, drivers there are actually quite courteous (they even signal to merge. north carolinians, take note).
3) every painting by modigliani at the national gallery is currently in storage. bet he's turning over in his grave.
4) for some reason, d.c. theaters tend not to start movies between 9 and 10 pm.
5) on occasion, metro cars are completely filled with a single southern family consisting of around 30 loud people that have about 10 teeth between them (and one disdainful homosexual with most of his intact).
6) although classy and intoxicating, cognac is gross.
7) I dig feather beds.
8) the beltway isn't as bad as I've been led to believe (well, not on a weekend anyway).
9) ikea no longer makes the knopf table lamp.
10) when in the throes of the second half of an all-nighter, I find hare krishnas inappropriately funny.
oh, and I didn't make this an item because its weird enough to deserve a separate mention: over thai food last night I joked (with james) that, with so much fragile kitchen stuff in my trunk, it would be just my luck to get rear ended on the drive home.
I did.
however, the driver of the vehicle was very apologetic and damage to my vehicle (cedric, thankfully, not ophelia) is minor. no broken ikea glassware, either. damage to myself: nil. oh, wait--I mean TERRIBLE! yes, the whiplash is awful and I must now sue for many thousands of dollars!
any ambulance chasers reading this?
posted by Jeremy at 7/26/2004 12:12:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 23
gracious me! sofia coppola and quentin tarantino are dating? I don't know what to think.
speaking of filmmakers, I think I came across as a real asshole at work tonight for defending woody allen a little too vehemently against some critics. but it's not my fault that people are stupid.
and as a final word on the subject of hollywood, I've decided to be annoyed with scott caan. I realized that, although no one man embodies my physical ideal, he's awfully close (for those who aren't aware, short, dark haired, muscle-y guys are my type). but he has this bad habit of being in either lame "guy movies" or artsy flicks too obscure even for me. I'm tired of gazing longingly at still photos; he needs to do moving things that I can enjoy. wow, did that come out wrong...wait, no it didn't.
admitting a weakness for fun, old fashioned, good pop music is nothing to be ashamed of. as such, I'd like to highly recommend the cardigans' back catalog. first band on the moon is such a great record, but from what I've heard of life it's even better. and can I find it anywhere in greensboro? hell no. guess half.com can get some more of my business.
finally saw office space. pretty good. the similarities to my daily routine are pretty crazy. there's a woman in the ratings department whom I've really begun to worry about; I think she might set the building on fire someday.
think I'll lie down and concentrating on digesting my waffle house and slim jim dinner.
posted by Jeremy at 7/23/2004 04:07:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 16
ever drink pomegranate juice? as I just discovered, it's good. but damnably expensive.
at work I'm moving into an actual cubicle, which is very exciting (until now I've just had a sort of desk with built in walls). I need to think of things to get agitated about so I can pace back and forth between partitions.
I'd like to nominate don henley's "dirty laundry" for the most striptease-conducive song ever. come to think of it, all don henley songs lend themselves to burlesque. I can even see a slow, contemplative bump and grind being done to "boys of summer."
nothing new with "the dave situation," by the way. currently drama free, knock on wood.
does anyone know where I can get a statue of the venus de milo with a clock in the stomach? you'd think those would be easier to find. maybe I'll just have to make due with a rain lamp. I'm feeling awfully kitschy lately.
going to get new glasses on saturday. old school indie hornrims or professional black wire frames? part of me just isn't ready to let the scenester image go; I might have to stick with the former.
sheetz burger and fries for dinner. the exercise bike calls.
posted by Jeremy at 7/16/2004 04:23:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 12
so I've got this friend...dave, yeah his name's dave. dave was sitting at home the other night when one of his co-workers randomly showed up at his door (it was 3 a.m., by the by). dave invited said co-worker in, and they had a chat. turns out co-worker is secretly gay and has a crush on dave, who does not return the sentiment. co-worker also offered dave sexual favors, which dave wisely declined. the best part? co-worker's married.
wow, glad I'm not dave.
so anyway, fabulous night at two friends' apartment with dinner, wine, and chuckles (but not the gummy candy kind. do they still make those? I kind of hope not). it's good to know that I can still function in social situations.
must go register ophelia tomorrow. I've been driving around in an illegal car for weeks. tsk, tsk.
I've been browsing real estate books lately. not that I'm buying a house anytime soon, but financially it would be a possibility in the not-so-distant future. knock on wood; no job's safe nowadays.
off to lie down, ponder dave's situation, and go to sleep.
posted by Jeremy at 7/12/2004 06:16:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 8
work tonight taken up with meetings and bull sessions, so not too productive. but what a night! got a raise, which is fab. also, I've gotten praise from middle management before, but tonight I got kudos from upper middle management. gotta love that corporate structure.
haircut today. I need to stop cutting my hair so short; it makes me look like a monkey. also FINALLY got my NC driver's license today, so I look like a monkey on it.
I'm pleased that john edwards is running with kerry on the prez ticket. the dynamic duo is winning over the hearts of queer groups left and right; the national stonewall democrats call them "the most pro-gay, pro-family ticket in the history of presidential politics." isn't it sad that we have to say that about two men who don't endorse equal marriage rights? well, baby steps in the right direction.
belle and sebastian's "books" ep might be their most fun non-album release ever; it's certainly the peppiest one since "legal man." I like.
I love my co-worker nadine. when she's not gabbing with us on break she's taken to studying a textbook on the proper usage of old english, just for kicks. it makes me want to go out and learn things.
so I just went and learned this: monkey wrenches were invented by charles moncke, hence the name.
what's with me and monkeys?
posted by Jeremy at 7/08/2004 03:34:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 3
well, today was just crap on a crap cracker. first of all, the sexiest man who ever lived up and dies, casting a pall over things. I slept too late to get anything accomplished other than going to work, where I had an irritating night overall (the entire city of rialto, california can go straight to hell). the good news? long weekend! woo hoo!
not to jump on the bandwagon and make my musical taste still more indie-stereotypical, but franz ferdinand is just about the greatest band ever. an easy 10 out of 10 on the fun scale.
no plans for the fourth. but then no one I've talked to has had plans for the fourth. patriotism is so passe.
in the absence of buffy, I've taken to watching my so-called life reruns. yeah...I've got your so-called life right here for ya.
speaking of reruns on noggin, enough bitching before I start sounding completely daria-esque. the weekend's here and I could use a vodka rocks. heh...that's funny. "VODKA ROCKS!" well, it does.
posted by Jeremy at 7/03/2004 02:47:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 27
just realized that I've missed buying the last THREE belle and sebastian singles. what the hell's wrong with me?
cleaned my oven today. exciting.
tagline from my favorite movie, lawless heart: "is the life you have the life you want?" poignant. I remember when life used to be about...anything.
I'm not depressed. I'm not shouting for joy, either. I just am.
what am I doing wrong?
posted by Jeremy at 6/27/2004 04:18:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 25
not a lot of interest happening, but I need a brief rant.
I admit it, I enjoy listening to the radio. and yes, I mean commercial radio. I grew up on oldies and eighties tunes, and since my childhood was a pleasant one I rather enjoy reliving it through cheesy old brainless music. on my way to and from work I tend to switch back and forth between two stations (each catering to one of the aforementioned genres). a little motown here, a little genesis there, and I'm ready to knock out some bills. it's like junk food for my ears.
but the testostazene commercials have to stop. if I have to listen to old kermit-the-frog-soundin, impotence-curin, "I-sound-like-I've-never-had-sex-anyway" doctor richard cohen m.d. (men's health specialist) just one more time I think I may go postal. the airwaves are polluted with his nasal, annoying, horrendous voice. if messr. cohen and I ever meet face to face, he's going to need a lot more than testostazine to feel like "the man he used to be." he's going to need all the royalties from those radio spots to pay for reconstructive surgery. if I hit the number 4 preset on my radio, I'm lookin for some billy ocean. I do NOT want to hear about erectile dysfunction. even hearing the commercial once a day would be all right. but no, I have to hear it 5+ times. once I myself am over the dreaded age of 35 (according to herr doktor that's when things start to go downhill), maybe I'll feel differently--although I certainly hope not. at any rate, keep an ear open for reports of a wild gunman holed up in the city club and opening fire on downtown. I may just get pushed too far.
that wasn't brief. I apologize.
posted by Jeremy at 6/25/2004 05:40:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 16
question for the masses: in "shout," exactly what are the things that tears for fears can do without?
dumb things I get excited about at work: after working at o.d. for almost a year, tonight I finally got to send something to a branch of kaiser permanente. I wish it had been a credenza. but I bet all their offices already have credenzas.
okay, so I'd tried to put off posting this until I took pictures, but a couple weeks ago I bought a second car. her name's ophelia. she's a silver 2000 miata. in theory I wanted a smaller car to save gas, but who am I kidding. driving that car is more fun than at least 80% of the sex I've ever had.
if memory serves.
every night this week I've actually gotten 8 hours of sleep, so time to go and keep up the good schluff. unless the men come to fix the holes. yep, still got the holes.
posted by Jeremy at 6/16/2004 06:23:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 13
ah, weekend! how do I love thee? well, there was a fabulous party at sarah rosenblatt's new digs this evening--I wasn't sure about going, but ended up being glad that I did. I'm glad that I'm not as heavy a drinker as I used to be. it makes heavy drinking so much more enjoyable when I do endulge in it.
so I bought the first season of northern exposure on dvd today. wow, best show ever (almost; it's up there--no buffy, but you know, what is). watching it makes me really want to go to alaska. right now. I know that it was filmed in washington state and that the real alaska is probably nothing like the idealized tv version, but whatthehell. I'm going. not sure when, but it will happen.
my apartment has big holes in the ceiling. all these workmen came in and cut them out. something to do with the plumbing. I dunno. they're supposed to repair them soon, but for now it's all about the holes. the other night I was concerned about the dilapidated state of 4109 and spent the night at the high point radisson. what a fantastic night's (day's) sleep that was! note to self: get window shades and fluff pillows more throroughly.
note to all blog readers: find me a date. I'm headed straight for dirty-old-man-dom, and fast. the only answer is to put a stop to all this single/celibate nonsense.
speaking of putting a stop to things, this whole drunken stupor thing is getting tiresome. off to bed.
posted by Jeremy at 6/13/2004 04:27:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 6
before I say anything more, believe it or not I've updated petrified fountain with reviews of harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban (a new not-so-much) and delicatessen (an old favorite).
so about this time I should be full of wild stories about the caffeinated days, the flannel clad nights, and the rainy afternoons of seattle. well, I ain't. being as how I was feeling kinda homesick and just not feeling the crosscountry trip thing, I decided to just head back to dubya-vee-ay for a couple days instead. I went ahead and took my two vacation days last week, though, and thoroughly enjoyed spending some time lounging around 4109 and resting my fingers.
"but jeremy, how will you know if you want to move to seattle if you didn't go?"
which brings me to the big reason I didn't go. that's easy...I'm not moving. my reasons are multiple:
1) money. I currently can't afford to shell out the $3k dollars it would take to move bag and baggage to the west coast, and I certainly wouldn't have the money it would take to keep me going until I got settled into a new apartment/job/etcetera.
2) sanity. something that I momentarily lost when I considered giving up my cushy, pleasant, $36k a year job to sink over $14k into film school when I've barely touched a camera. I might hate making movies. I might despise it. and I want to rearrange my entire life to devote a year to doing it, a year that would be a waste of time and money if I ended up being miserable and/or no good? riiiight.
3) familiarity. I'll be the first to admit it. I'm in a rut. I'm in the freakin grand canyon. but it's a nice enough rut to stay in just a little longer, and there's something to be said for a predictable life. and when you're in a rut, it's safer to ease out slowly--not blast yourself out like a torpedo.
4) family. at the risk of sounding like a pansy (can't have that), being 3000 miles away from my loved ones would be as hard for me as for them.
5) opportunity. picking up stakes and starting fresh would give me the chance to start an entirely new life. but staying put gives me the chance to improve the one I've got. I'm currently without any loose ends, so I can focus my energies on things like losing weight, being more organized, socializing more, getting involved in the community. all things I've been wanting to do...and things I've been neglecting in light of the impending move.
I'm not going to be doing data entry ten years from now. too depressing. but one year...that doesn't sound so awful. just one more year to think and plan and scheme. I can't let myself take much more. otherwise I'll only be a little better than the kids from high school who stayed in bluefield and are currently employed at the d.q. and similar establishments, the kids I've always felt sorry for. the ones who are just too scared to live. I'm not scared. I just want to make sure the pool's filled with water before I dive in.
I graduated from guilford a year ago now, and a year is ample time to have made up my mind. but in grand tradition, I haven't used my time wisely. meanwhile, I've become much more comfortable than I'd anticipated. so I've just got to keep on truckin (wow, given my occupation I should add "no pun intended" there) for a while until I know what I want. not what I guess I want.
I've got more to say, but I'm running out of energy for the evening. this has been jeremy, live from the real world. until next time!
posted by Jeremy at 6/06/2004 03:39:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 25
just another happy peppy post to remind y'all that life is dull and unexciting. but better that than lively and filled with drama. I used to think that I'd trade my banal existence for some dramatic happenings any day, but I'm older and wiser now (note: I believe that I last had those thoughts about four months ago).
although changes are in the works. or are they non-changes? can something be said to remain static and yet be changed? I suppose not. then again, maybe there will be true changes after all. this is getting confusing. more to follow soon.
seattle comin up this weekend, which is sure to result in fascinating blog material. I wish that the thought of going didn't make me feel cranky. let's face it; it's really just the thought of losing sleep to make my flight that does it. I guard my sleep jealously. for those of you that don't already know the embarrassing tale, I tried to convince the bad news bearers (walter matthau) on the morning of 9/11 to let me go back to sleep.
buffy season 6 on dvd today! since wal-mart hadn't yet put them out as of 3:30 a.m., I'll have to hope that I can track one down this afternoon.
I miss carra. no connecting thoughts there, just thought I'd throw that out.
let the wild rumpus start! on second thought, I'll just go to bed instead.
posted by Jeremy at 5/25/2004 04:58:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 17
oh, and here's that self-esteem boost I've been needing:
You're Rubik's Cube!! You may think you're
popular, but you're actually extremely
annoying. Seriously.
What childhood toy from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
posted by Jeremy at 5/17/2004 05:41:00 AM 0 comments
another week of non-exploits. actually I did go to the beach yesterday, which was nice. however, given the rising price of petrol I'll have to start just going to wet n' wild (the carolinas' biggest waterpark, that is, and right here in g-boro) for sun and summer fun. yes, it's $22 per ticket. but getting to wrightsville and back costs about $40 in gas and around $10 for a day's parking. easy math, even for me.
of course, there is that pool a hundred yards or so from my front door. eh, why be sensible?
I ate vegetarian beef jerky today. honest. shiitake mushrooms and soy protein. tasted pretty good. but it didn't set very well on the tummy. but then what's a little nausea when you know that somewhere a cow is smiling without knowing exactly why?
regardless of the mixed jerky experience, I'd like to recommend earth fare's organic apple pie to everyone in the triad. here come those few pounds I've lost, floating back.
now that I've done my food reviews, I really need to write some more movie reviews in petrified fountain, and will do so soon. for now, suffice it to say that I recently saw band of outsiders (I'm not enough of a film snob YET to call it bande a part) and have come to the official conclusion that french people are weird. sorry, that's an unfair generalization. french people in the 60s were weird. I say that without fear of contradiction.
organic pie and new wave film. I disgust myself. I'm getting away from this thing to try and stop the encroaching pretentiousness. are there any adam sandler movies on the cable right now? I thought I might watch one while drinking hawaiian punch and scratching naughty body parts. that should hold it off.
posted by Jeremy at 5/17/2004 05:01:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 11
wow, blogger looks different. I don't like it. but I could just be in a crabby mood; details to follow.
why today ruled: the folks at jiffy lube changed my oil and filter, checked my air filter, vacuumed the floor, cleaned the windows, and checked out the wipers...in under 10 minutes. this will amaze me for days. unless things start falling off the car.
why today sucked: my toilet doesn't work right now. well, it does, but I have to keep it turned off or the whole bathroom turns into a lake every hour or so. maintenance was supposed to come and fix it today. they didn't, making this the second time in a row that they just haven't bothered to respond to my request.
maybe I should ask the guys at jiffy lube to fix it. until such time, thank goodness we have two bathrooms.
only had to work until 3:00. luxurious!
had to change desks at work, though--I'm now stationed at what's known as "the cursed seat," because no temp employee has lasted more than a few weeks after moving there. as a permanent I should be safe, but several people have commented on my bravery.
good times in winston sunday. aunt kay kept conversation lively with her frequent outbursts of "shit!" and "God-a-mighty!" I love that woman.
time for suppa and telly.
posted by Jeremy at 5/11/2004 03:58:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 8
another long non-writing interval. but talk about a whole lot of nothing going on! well, except for work. not once have I had to work under a 10 hour shift all week. well, time is money, and money is good.
I'm going insane. there's a pulsating high pitched noise outside that sounds sort of like a tuning fork. it's just soft enough to make me wonder if I'm imagining it. grr. annoying.
having a tough time at the supermarket lately. I'm running out of ideas for meals that are quick, easy, cheap, tasty, and healthy. here's an idea. someone needs to invent this special lasagna, see. it should come in one pound servings. it must be fat free and under 100 calories, despite being made with premium meats and cheeses. it should cost fifty cents. also, it should require no preparation or heating appliances. instead, a special magic wand will be provided that, when striking said pasta, will instantly heat it to the proper temperature. someone invent that.
was going to spend a day at the beach, but the forecast calls for storms. besides, I have to get up and drive to winston on sunday to hang with family. well, the ocean will still be there later.
hilarous conversation at work tonight about using a seadoo as a hearse. but you really had to be there.
I should really go to the guilco graduation, but as it's in five hours and I haven't gone to bed yet, don't think I'm gonna make it. sitting through one scorching hot grad ceremony was enough, truth be told.
am REALLY getting psyched about seattle. it's a shame that ali won't be able to get the apartment with holly and myself if I move. but miss golightly and myself together in "b-field with all the cool stuff" (affectionate nickname for seattle) would be a blast to end all blasts.
off to dream of the space needle.
posted by Jeremy at 5/08/2004 05:32:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 25
a week and a half without rambling here. whafuck? two good weekends, tho. last sunday went to death cab in asheville with carra. third time I've seen that marvelous band, and it certainly was the charm--they were in their best form ever! ben was insanely hyper, doing crazy stunts on stage. and they all seemed really glad to be there, which can make such a huge difference in the quality of a show.
tonight was super-social. dinner with josh, tammy, tabitha and her hubby at carrabba's. then coffee with heather. then friendly gathering at lexington house with that whole crew.
the seattle venture has been postponed until memorial day weekend, as the days I wanted off work were taken. the closer it gets to d-day (and by that I mean decision day--to move or not to move, and where to move to), the closer I get to really, truly, and actually wanting to do it. screw making money. I need a life. I mean, I have one, and it's not bad. it's good. but how else will I ever know if it can be great?
decision: june first. at the latest. I never could work well without a deadline.
speaking of decisions, no new couch I don't think. I should really save my furniture buying stamina for when I have tons and tons of money (if that ever happens) and can do my entire living room in 60s mod style. I'm serious; I'd do it, but I'd have to have enough cash to buy every piece at once or it'd look funny. complete with hi-fi and tiki bar. I'd love it.
posted by Jeremy at 4/25/2004 04:40:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 14
so guess what? if I can get off work the 5th through the 7th of next month I'm totally going to seattle for a long weekend. isn't that a gas? I could use a few days away from the hustle and bustle...and in a different hustle and bustle...and I'm going to schedule an appointment at s.f.i. to check out their facilities. if I like it, there's my plan for the fall. yeah doing things!
I filed my taxes, finally. am getting a swell refund. I think I'll invest it in a new sofa. mine has holes. holes are bad.
death cab on sunday with carra! I wonder what ben gibbard would do if I called his cell and asked him to have dinner with us before the show. I'm thinking he might be a little taken aback. ours was a fleeting encounter, after all. me and my celebrity friends. there's ben himself, whom I spent 20 minutes interviewing; jenny lewis, who never seems to quite remember me; and the star of a reebok commercial whom I kissed one new year's. I'm a regular hedda hopper.
speaking of hedda hopper...wow, that gives me a segway into absolutely nothing relevant to my life whatsoever. now I must dash; I have an unusual new hat to try on before I start writing my column about lunch with bill holden.
posted by Jeremy at 4/14/2004 05:46:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 12
hoppy Easter. rolled in from wv a bit ago. drive report for the 'rents: fog between big walker tunnel and wytheville, rain ended in hillsville, but major fog between there and the blue ridge parkway. only a little fog on fancy gap mountain.
why the new sheetz in walkertown sucks:
1) no snapple sub zero.
2) slightly different menu defaults buffalo chicken sandwich to lettuce and tomato with no way of modifying it on the touchscreen.
3) employees become completely overwhelmed if more than 2-3 customers waiting (resulting in over 20 minutes to complete my order tonight).
why the new sheetz rules:
1) snazziest decor ever. I feel like I should wear a tie in there.
2) touchscreens at the gas pumps to place my food order while filling my tank.
3) espresso bar. do y'all understand the ramifications of that? we're talking about the ability to order a latte at 3 a.m. here. that is unprecedented.
since #3 on the suck list will probably diminish as time passes and #3 on the rule list will never cease to make me happy, I've decided that it's utopia. all hail!
while on the subject of food, one of the greatest injustices of our time: fizzy bottle caps, the greatest candy delicacy of my generation, ceased to exist about ten years ago. so why are our nation's candy counters still polluted by oddities such as smarties, clark bars, and--horror of horrors--chocolate velamints? who should I talk to about this? and no, "mental health professional" is NOT an acceptable answer.
experiment in progress: how to make people laugh when they don't expect to. in any not-too-serious conversation, when someone asks you a question (provided you haven't tried this before), look confused and respond with, "did you just call me phyllis?" so far I'm 2 for 2 on it working. tomorrow I try it at the office.
speaking of office, go me and my latest evaluation! a $2.08/hr raise. gotta love those eight cents. that new maserati gets closer every day.
eez time for wal-mart. must buy fixins for big honkin lowfat lasagna and printer cartridges and other exciting items (the names of which I'm not privileged to divulge at this time). okay, you drug it out of me. toothpaste. now all my secrets are out.
posted by Jeremy at 4/12/2004 12:54:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 8
buffy is beginning to become a problem. first I laughed at it, then I watched it, now I invest money in it so I can watch it all the damn time. now I realize that respect for said series is crucial relationship criteria, right up there with admiration of belle and sebastian. also like b&s, I'm even starting to feel sorry for people who don't like it. well, hopefully the fever will die down before the sixth season comes out on dvd (on may 26th--46 days, 16 hours, and 29 minutes from now).
I had a marvelous dream the other night that I went to a church where dolly parton was the preacher. well, she did play an angel on "designing women" that time.
josh is in germany--er, he will be within a few hours. he'd better find a paternoster while he's over there, that's all I'm sayin.
lemon italian ice does not equal lemon sorbet. nope, not at all.
my upper teeth are killing me. just another happy byproduct of sinus congestion. grr.
"the bad people put a chip in my head...I want to be queen, and I'll fight 'til I'm dead. queen diana. queen dianaaaa!!!" (just felt like typing that)
that's it. going to bed before I get any weirder.
posted by Jeremy at 4/08/2004 07:41:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 5
splendid weekend, snotty nose notwithstanding. went with josh and hannah to the q and not u show in the underground, where hannah and I inadvertently ended up working their merch table for a bit. then to friday's, then back here to watch rosemary's baby while playing drinking games (one drink each time one of the following was mentioned: baby names, tannis root, a play that guy was in. and a chug when minnie yells at roman for spilling vodka blush on the carpet). josh went to bed and h. and I to mcdonald's. fell into a marvelous vicodin-induced sleep around 9 a.m. seeing hannah again was great. hope we'll start hanging out on a regular basis.
perhaps josh's greatest observation ever: "whenever you go to a place where you're told you'll meet people from 'all walks of life,' you'll never meet anyone you'll like."
get this: 4109 is now (temporarily) a nielsen household. the greatest news of my life.
time to get my debilitated self up and clean various household things.
posted by Jeremy at 4/05/2004 01:24:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 2
hope everyone had a happy john l. lewis day--april fools' day to non-mountaineers. and I hope y'all remembered to groom those eyebrows properly.
does anyone know what the difference between a denver omelet and a western omelet is? really? just curious.
pizza was bought for us by management at work as thanks for the crazy couple of weeks. I ate some. it was domino's. I managed to break my diet and my boycott at the same time. that corner booth in hell gets closer every day.
at last count, I am managing to be four of the seven dwarves at once: sleepy, grumpy, dopey, and sneezy. I'll be happy when I'm no longer sneezy. on occasion I'm bashful, but I'll never be doc. nicole can be doc. her and christopher lloyd.
posted by Jeremy at 4/02/2004 04:50:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 31
oh, what a world. tonight at work wasn't too bad, but last night I was there for over 12 hours thanks to our lovely computer issues. at least I used the down time to sit at my desk and write dirty limericks about my co-workers.
I'm ill. josh is also ill, but whatever it is seems to be making the rounds so I can't hold him responsible. incredibly painful sore throat and aches. I'll go to the doc's in a couple of days if I don't perk up; could be strep.
tonight I advanced the theory that tv weathermen should work on commission. payment per correct forecast. now, I'm well aware that meteorologists essentially just pass along the messages given to them by their high tech equipment and shouldn't necessarily be held personally accountable for poor forecasting. however, I still think it would do the viewing public a lot of good to know that these false prophets are suffering for misleading the masses. I know I'd enjoy it.
spent waaaaay too much money yesterday. buffy season two, a light for dario, and a dvd recorder. that last one was semi-unplanned, but circuit city had the same one that I'd seen at wal-mart for over $100 less. just because it was a floor model and didn't have a box. screw the box--it works beautifully regardless.
and now for two magical foreign words: sauterne and shiatsu. best way to round off an evening.
posted by Jeremy at 3/31/2004 04:46:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 29
got all amphetamined/caffeined up to do household chores, but I took things a bit far. I'm getting coffee-induced paranoia. does that happen to anyone else? no, I thought not. but hey, I even did my hand washing. that doesn't happen.
fun at guilco last night. serendipity and all that. enjoyed annoying everyone with my video camera. the evening was a strange mixture of "hey, I remember that person!" and "who the hell are all these people?" but good overall.
much conferencing with ali and tiffany about future plans. could it be that I actually have some? mebbe.
diet seriously screwed with by trip to cold stone tonight. I clearly asked for sweet cream yogurt but was given ice cream instead. rather than call the guy on it, I chose to look the other way. bad me, bad bad me.
gonna go finish laundry and try to ignore overwhelming urge to jog to burlington. I'll sleep when I'm dead.
posted by Jeremy at 3/29/2004 01:45:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 25
time to revisit the subject of gay porn fan fiction. I'm glad that it's readily available about buffy; that's pleasing. there are web pages full of it--surprisingly (disturbingly?) well done pages. but people, please choose your matchups sensibly.
xander/oz = yummy.
xander/angel = quite nice
xander/spike = a little strange, but still okay.
xander/giles = NOT APPROPRIATE! anyone/giles = not appropriate.
I feel traumatized.
(I'm sure non buffy fans are busy not giving a damn, but I feel very strongly about this.)
posted by Jeremy at 3/25/2004 03:38:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 24
how can I have lived for 23 years and never heard of deep fried mars bars being a popular snack in scotland? they are. I want one!
posted by Jeremy at 3/24/2004 03:33:00 PM 0 comments
you know those situations where person A accuses person B of something, and person B says "do I look like the kind of person who...?" I've decided that people who say that are automatically guilty. it's too suspect. for example: someone asks me if I was the second gun on the grassy knoll. if I try to answer back with the kind-of-person routine, then I did, in fact, shoot jfk. it doesn't matter that I wasn't born yet and probably couldn't hit the side of a barn from ten feet if I did have a gun, I'm guilty. this theory should be admissable in court, I think.
interesting survey results in usa today, which I'd link to but it's acting wonky. anyway, the best u.s. cities for "dating scenes:" austin, colorado springs, san diego, seattle...and raleigh-durham? actually r-d was fourth, beating seattle. is it just me, or is that odd?
I'm starting to feel like a human being again for the first time in weeks. hope my spirits stay high. c'mon zoloft, work your magic.
actually doing well with my diet, more or less. if I can just get the initiative to dust off the stationary bike I'll start shaping up nicely.
discussion at work tonight leaves a still unanswered question. I pose this to all the pimply, thugged out, tricked-out-car driving wannabe playas out there, and I know there are a lot of you. your vehicles are generally impressive machines--metallic paint job, k&n filters, exhaust pipe big enough to stick your head into--and I totally respect the work that goes into them. but why do you recline your seats so far back if you're just going to HUNCH OVER THE DAMN WHEEL WITH YOUR NOSE PRACTICALLY TOUCHING THE WINDSHIELD??? IT LOOKS STUPID!!!
posted by Jeremy at 3/24/2004 04:53:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 22
went home and got cedric back, woo hoo! no more gas guzzling 4runner for me.
ali's birthday! happy birthday. isn't 23 absurd? I think it is.
writing under the influence of half a bottle of tequila. since my job robs me of a friday night, I don't feel guilty about making the most of sundays. doesn't everyone deserve two weekend nights? I think so.
started to watch lost in translation, but decided to see speedway junky for the 1000th time instead. one of the guiltiest of my guilty pleasures, it still makes me cry every time.
and it has prompted a rant. first of all, everyone stop for a minute and think about how lucky we all are to have been born human beings. I mean, couldn't we have just as easily been apes? or cockroaches? or paramecia? humans have the decided advantage of being tops in everything--intelligence, reasoning, the food chain. we're all damn lucky.
however, I feel that we're still bound by one major constraint: that of sexual orientation. all higher life forms are subject to the demands of the sex drive. in darwinian terms that makes sense. the survival of a species depends on its desire to procreate.
but, given the current state of our planet, is the predominant disposition toward heterosexual relationships really a sensible one? I won't explore that avenue any further for fear of sounding like I'm quoting the wanting seed. ever read that? it's pretty fucked up. I mean, it's by anthony burgess who wrote a clockwork orange, so of course it is. anyway.
still, think of what it would mean if everyone was completely and across the board bisexual! we could choose our life partners based solely on emotional and psychological attraction, and never mind the primal physical urges that we're such slaves to. divorce rates would plummet. societal tolerance levels for alternative lifestyles would surge. and, as far as darwinian principles go, I believe that the human race could still thrive while the problem of global overpopulation could be kept in check. as the "highest form of life," isn't that kind of freedom what we deserve?
sadly, there's still enough of the animal within all of us to make that kind of openmindedness impossible. perhaps human beings have made every possible stride in physical evolution. but who's to say that we won't continue to evolve psychologically? it is my hope that, even if it takes dozens of generations, we will reach this state of mind. only then can we live in harmony, fulfilled on every level. if you put aside societal convention, you'll see that I'm right. not that it matters--primal urges and whatnot--but I'm right. so there.
best get to bed soon. have volunteered to go into work an hour early every day. I have no life to speak of anyway, and I could use the money.
good morning, all.
posted by Jeremy at 3/22/2004 05:18:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 19
feeling down tonight...this morning. once in a great while I get in this frame of mind I call "reality crash;" getting into the details of my thought processes is depressing, so suffice it to say that I feel a little hopeless at the moment. and, due to other situational factors, lonely. but before I get completely maudlin I'll shut up.
at least there's getting my car back to look forward to. going to wv on saturday morning to get the freshly repaired cedric. no more gas guzzler for me.
sticking to the diet, but feeling hungry and grumpy. I need to eat more regularly--part of the anorexic mindset (and ex-anorexic mindset) is equating the feeling of hunger with the sense that one is losing weight. the hungrier, the thinner. of course I'm more rational than that these days, but old habits die hard.
TGIF, baby.
posted by Jeremy at 3/19/2004 06:50:00 AM 0 comments