Saturday, April 9

I know the whole point of the game is to come up with the best answer yourself, but just in case you ever need to resolve a dispute this is phenomenal.

by the way, did y'all know that pam grier is from winston-salem? just what I need, more evidence against the home team in the ongoing gso v. w-s coolness debate.

update: have just learned that jackée harry is too! but--sorry to disrespect the dead one and his loyal fans--the annoyingness that was howard cosell was also. which just about cancels both out.

ha! I've always wanted to be a rake. next stop: cad!

Your Seduction Style: Siren / Rake

You possess an unbridled sensuality that appeals to many.
The minute you meet anyone, you can make the crave you almost immediately.
You give others the chance to lose control with you... spiraling into carnal bliss.
A dangerous lover, you both fascinate and scare those you attract.

Wednesday, April 6


note to self: cut back on cryptic, whiny, one/two line pleas for attention when posting in blog.

I ask again, why do I never have any money?

I could never be a vampire. giving up garlic would be a fate worse than undeath.

you don't hear nearly enough about leona helmsley these days.

go here. donate money. get bracelets.

I drove home from work the other night with ophelia's top down. in the rain. it was totally sweet.

it's funny how a significant other really starts to become "your other half" after a while--the same comments, the same jokes, feeling incomplete when apart, etcetera. "better half?" well...maybe.

I must diet. if I start looking much more like an eggplant, I'll try to eat myself. which, I suppose, would take some of the weight off.

Tuesday, April 5

googling the phrase "miserable failure" ought to link to this blog.

sorry about the negativity. guess it's been one of those lives.