Saturday, September 27

oh, and:

monday, october 27th...

the carolina theater in durham...

belle and sebastian.

(cue sing-song voice) somebody's not going to work that night! oh, and if anyone's interested, I went ahead and bought 2 tix since the show is seated and I'd like to actually go with someone. let me know.

no lameo quiz result postings in a bit, so...

You horny're Victor! Everybody
thinks you get more than you do. You wear short
shorts. Your hair is...poofy. You are the only
one who knows how to navigate the river. And
you risk your life for the love of a woman.
You're just a love machine.

What Wet Hot American Summer Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, September 26

grievance to air: I found out why I STILL haven't gotten my employee number at work yet. in spite of the fact that I told the idiots at medzone that I take adderall, my drug screening still came back positive for amphetamines. they referred the results to their cmo out in the midwest somewhere. they sat on it for weeks and finally called me today to get the scoop. long story short, the error has been corrected and I should be official o.d. next week. so annoying.

yet another grievance: my paycheck didn't come today. aroo? guess I'll have to give united staffing a ring.

finally heard the strokes' new single today (I imagine I'm the last person in the hemisphere). it's like they're trying to sound like the postal service trying to sound like the velvet underground (although I naturally hold the latter two bands in higher esteem). if it's any indication of the album, it sounds like their sound has "evolved" enough to keep the critics happy but doesn't stray so much from the old fomula as to alienate loyal fans. my prediction: room on fire will outsell is this it. hell, I'll probably end up buying it myself.

immaturity in the workplace: several of us sat around on the 12:30 break discussing at some length what a great butt scott has. following him back into the building, laughter was stifled with much difficulty. funny. middle school, but funny.

get ready, all ye nyc peeps--preparations are underway for a trip to the big apple in about 6 weeks. this time I PROMISE to try and see everyone I need to see! tiffany, shana, becka, et al. you know who you are.

and now, to ingest many calories that will go straight to my hips as I sleep.

Thursday, September 25

got off work early and still have bit of energy. first I went to wal mart. warning--"jeremy is evil"alert: after picking up about $50 worth of useless crap to buy, I came to my senses and abandoned my cart and left (after skimming the latest spin cover to cover). I know it's awful to just leave merch around the store, but's wal mart. I just can't feel remorse. I just feel glad that I was able to curb my spending; lately I've been throwing money away most awfully.

I'm currently simmering a pot of chicken tikka masala on the stove. 4109 has never smelled so heavenly. speaking of 4109, anyone have any sure-fire ways to get rid of fleas? josh and I are clean and decent people. we don't deserve this.

I dreamed last night that I was being violently accosted by randall flagg (the "dark man" from the stand) when I suddenly realized, "hey, this is my dream. I don't have to put up with this shit." with a flourish superman himself swooped down to rescue me, promptly flying me to hogwarts castle where madam pomfrey healed my wounds and harry potter looked on. wouldn't it be nice if we had that kind of control over real life? hey, it'd be nice if we usually had that kind of control over dreams.

guilford pals, take note: I was bored enough last night to watch an episode of "the love boat." one of the guest stars looked so much like jeff jeske (or lady elaine, if you will) that I briefly wondered if it actually somehow was. but the voice wasn't quite right and the teeth were all wrong. still, I wish I'd taped it to show everyone.

random observation: any sentence that contains both the words "homosexual" and "oldsmobile" is going to be confusing.

I just took a break from writing to check on the tikka masala, and I find myself returning to the keys having eaten half of it. I shall bury my face in shame in my pillows.

Monday, September 22

another week passes. it was one of the strangest I've had post-guilford, to be sure. tuesday night the computers at work crashed around 12:30. amid promises that they would be up and running shortly, we had to stick around...until 4:30, when they still weren't up. hey, we didn't care. we still got paid, and I got to meet some of my more bizarre co-workers--people who wear pajamas to work and sing children's songs while their busty co-horts discuss their sex toys so loudly that people in salisbury must have blushed. I loved it!

the hurricane: man, what a let down. other than standing outside in a little wind and rain to grab a quick smoke, it might have been just another rainy night. but I guess I should be glad that it wasn't the apolcalypic event we'd all been anticipating.

tonight I went to see anything else, the new woody allen flick, with the heathers and gary (heather #2's boyfriend, aka "the cute short guy who works at tate st. coffee"). it doesn't touch the fabulousness of his earlier movies, but he comes closer than he has in quite a while. it's kind of a reworked annie hall, but in a way that's incredibly refreshing given the mediocrity of his recent work. go see it.

talked to tiffany for an hour and a half tonight; a nice chat that also served as a reminder of our plans to relocate together next summer, hopefully with ali in tow. my sanity depends on this idear panning out at least a little. it's sad, but I'm just not brave enough to strike out completely on my own, even if I will be headed back to school. part of my reason for staying so downtrodden here is being lonely, and I don't want to get stuck in a frying pan vs. fire scenario. I wish I had the intellectual capability to be a misanthrope. alas, tis not for me.

haven't written since the jay farrar show. so wonderful. "windfall" made me cry--a concert first for me. several shows coming up that I can actually go to, which is a miracle.

soon's my laundry's done I'm off to bed. I made a daring impulse purchase at wal-mart the other day: new pillows. a great idea, but it makes being in bed that much more attractive.