Saturday, July 12

ah, weekends at last have some meaning. it's mighty peculiar not to be heading off to work, although I'm shortly heading off to winston to make a last ditch effort to see all the real girls at the stevens center with james. viva el triad.

although, speaking of work--and I'm sure this will pass in time--I'm enjoying my job a lot more than I feel is appropriate. I tell myself, "dammit, you're a freakin billing entry clerk," but honestly, I can't help liking my work! everyone I work with is so nice, and for some reason the billing itself is kind of addictive. scott is auditing our work; I got my audit last night. he says I'm doing a great job, and I'm getting my stuff done faster than any other trainee save one--and she's been doing billing for nine years. so all's well at h.q.

know what's really good? the frozen california pizza kitchen pizzas. I had a bbq chicken one tonight. mmm. good stuff.

eric mentioned a possible party soon (actually, given his boston accent, it will be a paaaty), to which I am invited. mmm. good stuff.

I think that I should use the lawn in front of 4109 to set up a maypole. then I'd like to have all my friends dress in white linen and come dance around it while fiddlers play on the lanai. I'm feeling very feudal lately.

also, is there some kind of mental illness that compels one to listen to the spin doctors? because I think I've caught it, and it's not pretty.

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