Saturday, July 19

another week drawn to a close. nothing fascinating to relate, really. the job is going quite well. next week I start working overtime, but for $15 an hour I won't complain too much.

I may be going home next weekend, depending on whether or not the following monday will be a good time to go to the dmv about my tags. woo. exciting.

oh, but this is a nice little package in the mail on wednesday. yup, bartleby has arrived! I've watched it several times already, naturally, and it keeps getting better. although watching it before work is probably a bad idea...

charles has decided that he hates me, for no immediate reason other than I let our engagement slip on sunday. he harbors so much resentment for me; it's really unfair. I understand that ending our relationship hurt him, but that doesn't make me a bad person. I feel that I can say these things honestly about myself: I'm a good and loyal friend, a generous person, and emotionally supportive to those close to me. I don't think that any of my friends or family would deny that. charles is so wrapped up in my not wanting to be around him every second that he's become blinded to any good qualities that I--and our friendship--have. but if he's going to be that immature and petty about things, I guess we're better off keeping to ourselves. although I am disappointed that I'm no longer appointed the best man at snow white and the raptor's wedding. sigh.

I want to take advantage of my night off by being social. time to get on the phone and pester people to that effect.

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