Wednesday, August 27

can't believe I'm awake and didn't even bother to drive into the surrounding countryside to check out mars.

I drove a little aimlessly on my way home tonight, across 311 through downtown high point and on through jamestown. it didn't even occur to me until I was almost there that I was very near the u.s. 29 underpass...home of lydia. for those of you unfamiliar with the legend, it's said that the underpass (or rather, the ruins of the old nearby underpass) is haunted by the ghost of a girl killed there in 1926. many men have claimed to have stopped for a well dressed hitchhiking girl there and dropped her off in town, only to see her disappear. supposedly lydia only appears to men driving alone at night. I wasn't in quite the right area...but it's not too awfully out of my way, is it? morbid curiosity...

catherine and michelle are threatening to fix me up on dates with their various hommasexshul friends. I don't know what to think about that. all joking aside, it's not like being single is miserable. who would want to date me with my schedule anyway?

I really need to start dieting. but here's how my diet logic works:

1) buy groceries.
2) when 50% of groceries are gone, look at remainder and say, "damn. I need to stop eating crap. I'm going on a diet! but I won't waste food; I'll finish what's in the cabinets first."
3) cabinets emptied. by this time, motivation to start diet is gone. "fuck it," I think resignedly.
4) return to step 1.

I should at least use my exercise bike for something other than a coat rack.

I should also attempt to curb my sleeping--9 and 10 hours a day is a bit excessive. I'm not sick or depressed to my knowledge, just perpetually tired. and sleeping so much leaves me time for absolutely nothing but work. I don't even have a spare few minutes to waste at tate street anymore.

well, I need to stop all this kvetching. it's officially wednesday--payday eve, a holiday celebrated with much mirth at o.d. viva los paychecks!

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