Monday, September 22

another week passes. it was one of the strangest I've had post-guilford, to be sure. tuesday night the computers at work crashed around 12:30. amid promises that they would be up and running shortly, we had to stick around...until 4:30, when they still weren't up. hey, we didn't care. we still got paid, and I got to meet some of my more bizarre co-workers--people who wear pajamas to work and sing children's songs while their busty co-horts discuss their sex toys so loudly that people in salisbury must have blushed. I loved it!

the hurricane: man, what a let down. other than standing outside in a little wind and rain to grab a quick smoke, it might have been just another rainy night. but I guess I should be glad that it wasn't the apolcalypic event we'd all been anticipating.

tonight I went to see anything else, the new woody allen flick, with the heathers and gary (heather #2's boyfriend, aka "the cute short guy who works at tate st. coffee"). it doesn't touch the fabulousness of his earlier movies, but he comes closer than he has in quite a while. it's kind of a reworked annie hall, but in a way that's incredibly refreshing given the mediocrity of his recent work. go see it.

talked to tiffany for an hour and a half tonight; a nice chat that also served as a reminder of our plans to relocate together next summer, hopefully with ali in tow. my sanity depends on this idear panning out at least a little. it's sad, but I'm just not brave enough to strike out completely on my own, even if I will be headed back to school. part of my reason for staying so downtrodden here is being lonely, and I don't want to get stuck in a frying pan vs. fire scenario. I wish I had the intellectual capability to be a misanthrope. alas, tis not for me.

haven't written since the jay farrar show. so wonderful. "windfall" made me cry--a concert first for me. several shows coming up that I can actually go to, which is a miracle.

soon's my laundry's done I'm off to bed. I made a daring impulse purchase at wal-mart the other day: new pillows. a great idea, but it makes being in bed that much more attractive.

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