Saturday, October 4

my paycheck came, complete with september 23 postmark. why so long? I dunno, just glad I have it. also got my i.d. badge at work--as did catherine, michelle, and martha--which is (pathetically) very exciting for all concerned.

college hill festival today. lots of social interaction, always a good thing. carra wasn't ignoring me, just...thinking that I was busy. lots of nice lookin fellas down that way. but when you have my rapunzel's-tower-like existence, john goodman starts to look lush and tasty after a while (disclaimer: not really).

I'm supposed to be at the kudzu wish show tonight, but I'm kinda tired. was going to go to a party at corndale house tonight, but I'm kinda tired. I think I might just stay in and watch drowning mona. that movie is soooo horrible. why do I like it? and for some reason I think casey affleck is really cute in it. maybe it's because his character's so lame. I've always had a nerdy guy thing.

IMed nicole for quite some time. at medical school they apparently put brains in freezer bags labeled "brain" with a sharpie, and do the same with various other organs and such. does anyone else find that as hysterically funny as I do?

speaking of school, my to-do list for the morrow includes typing up a letter of inquiry to send out to film program directors at various and sundry colleges. is this really what I want to do? am I sure? we shall see.

in closing, next week is mental illness awareness week. I'm aware of my mental illness. how bout you?

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