Thursday, October 16

point of interest: had a car accident on monday. I was on my way to work and about to merge onto freeman mill rd. the car in front of me pulled forward and out of my field of vision--I was checking for a break in traffic. smart guy that I am, I didn't notice that the car hadn't merged...and I sort of merged into the car. the corner of the other lady's back bumper caught the passenger side of cedric, scraping him all the way back to the rear wheel. the car behind me was, luckily, an off-duty gso policewoman who called for another cop (a cute one, too) who politely filed the report and didn't even write me a ticket--which I think pissed off the other driver (really tacky lady with big hair in a gold jaguar). ha, ha. but now I have big scrapes. well, they shall be remedied.

today was clear and beautiful, warranting a sandwich from bruegger's and a trip to the bicentennial garden. but the nights are so cold now. I've promised myself a cashmere sweater before winter sets in; doesn't look like it'll be too long.

wonderful/creepy coincidence: driving down 85 today I got this random urge to hear the belle and sebastian song "big john shaft," and I searched fruitlessly for storytelling; must be in the case in my trunk. driving home tonight, turned on wuag and there it was. haven't heard b&s on the radio in ages, and to hear the very song...way cool.

I'm tired, but sleep may be some time in coming due to my (completely rational, thank you) fear of the emergency broadcast system. I was trying to watch monty python and they kept testing it, and it put me right on edge. well, here goes nothin.

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