Thursday, January 1

happy new year, everyone. and rabbit rabbit.

new posts at petrified fountain: rat race and george washington. jeez, what a combo. more to come as soon as I get around to it.

my resolutions (which I'm sure to break, now that I'm making them known):
1) stop smoking, cause it's bad for you.
2) eat tofu at least once a week, cause it's good for you.
3) lose ten more pounds.
4) shoot at least one decent film short. hey, it's a start.
5) be more diligent about keeping in touch with people. just in general.

so what will 2004 bring? 2003 gave me a lot of insight into relationships, my personal strengths and weaknesses, and my long-term goals. most importantly, it taught me a lot about being self-sufficient; it's not the scary bugger-all that I always anticipated. I think the key to having a successful new year is to use that knowledge to the best of my ability. yeah. let's hope that works.

speaking of scary bugger-alls, I have to be at the office at 10 a.m. thankfully I am a lazy enough slob to have prepared by sleeping until 7:30 p.m. beforehand so I can just stay up. yee haw!

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