Thursday, April 8

buffy is beginning to become a problem. first I laughed at it, then I watched it, now I invest money in it so I can watch it all the damn time. now I realize that respect for said series is crucial relationship criteria, right up there with admiration of belle and sebastian. also like b&s, I'm even starting to feel sorry for people who don't like it. well, hopefully the fever will die down before the sixth season comes out on dvd (on may 26th--46 days, 16 hours, and 29 minutes from now).

I had a marvelous dream the other night that I went to a church where dolly parton was the preacher. well, she did play an angel on "designing women" that time.

josh is in germany--er, he will be within a few hours. he'd better find a paternoster while he's over there, that's all I'm sayin.

lemon italian ice does not equal lemon sorbet. nope, not at all.

my upper teeth are killing me. just another happy byproduct of sinus congestion. grr.

"the bad people put a chip in my head...I want to be queen, and I'll fight 'til I'm dead. queen diana. queen dianaaaa!!!" (just felt like typing that)

that's it. going to bed before I get any weirder.

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