Saturday, November 6

it has always irked me that, when preparing oneself a pop tart, it is necessary to either eat two or clumsily attempt to reseal one within the foil wrapping. I have long been an advocate for individually wrapped pop tarts (if those loyal readers who know me well were unaware of this...well, it very rarely comes up).

perhaps, I've pondered, kellogg's simply expects their pastries to be so wonderful that the consumer can't eat only one. not only is that faulty logic, it signifies egotism on the part of the kellogg's company and a sadistic desire to contribute to the obesity problem in america.

I finally decided to research the matter. I discovered that kellogg's went out on a limb introducing pop tarts in 1962--there were serious doubts as to whether they would sell. to save money, they were packaged two to a wrapper. and still are.

my mind is at ease. however, when I began writing this I'd only eaten one pop tart. I fear that I must contradict myself and prepare the other posthaste.

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