Monday, September 12

yeah, yeah. the bill's going to be "terminated." I get it, we ALL get it.

speaking of homos, I was driving home the other night and realized that I'd like to move to san francisco. right now. the crisp air, the great chinese food, and the stunning scenery would more than make up for the fact that the sidewalks roll up even earlier than they do here. I just have to convince justin, buy some trendy clothes so I won't feel underdressed, and find a job paying twice what I make now so I can afford to eat. then there's josh and rachel...well, I guess gso will have to do for now.

hard to believe that it'll soon be time to dry clean the old sweaters. strike me down if you want, but I'm so glad that summer's almost over. bearable temperatures, holidays, and--yes, that's right--movies that are worth watching. I've got an eye on the indies, you'd better believe it. if anyone gets to see either thumbsucker or junebug before I do, let me know how they are (note to shana: junebug = alessandro nivola. reason enough).

does anyone else find it disturbing/appalling that, despite the recent oil crisis, the wheels of nascar keep on turnin? on top of the obvious big issues that this nation has, these little issues just keep me convinced me that, across the pond, our british cousins are just shaking their heads in dismay in our general direction. of course, there's no need to look that far. I'm sure that the head shaking in canada has made the populace look like they're watching a tennis match. lucky bastards.


Anonymous said...

Indie films are the best kind but I must admit to liking the flashy films too once in a while. Junebug is a must see. I saw the preview for Thumbsucker the other day and am very curious about it. I wanted to see Pretty Persuasion but it was out of theatres before I got a chance. I did however see The Aristocrats....I laughed my head off the ENTIRE time! One couple got up and left... I guess it was too vile for them.

Alessandro Nivola= love.

Did you see Laurel Canyon? OMG he was soo yummy in it!

Anonymous said...

Oh and go see the Constant Gardener, very good film but quite sad.