Thursday, February 15

it's generally known that I loathe and fear robots. that said, will someone please buy me one of these? $24,500 seems quite reasonable.

I hope that everyone had a pleasant v-day, whether or not you viewed it as a holiday. justin and I exchanged goodies. as my big contribution, I reserved us a lakeview crown suite at the ultra swank chetola lodge in blowing rock for a few weekends from now. except for trips to asheville, I haven't been to the n.c. mountains for many years and am looking forward to it.

a note to my creditors: if you don't enable me to pay your bills online, you're just asking for them to be paid late. just thought you deserved a warning.

attention all hot tea drinkers! you should buy an ingenuitea; they're great. my only regret is that I paid $24 (including shipping) to order mine and then found them at teeter for $14. still, it's well worth it. of course, if your idea of a cuppa involves the use of teabags then it doesn't really apply. I'm only speaking to serious hot tea drinkers here.

today's pet peeve: captions on photos that identify the people in them WITHOUT doing so from left to right. it's just common sense.

I enjoy the new apples in stereo album. it's kitschy without being nauseatingly cute--a line that they haven't always drawn well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love loose tea and I loved Apples in Stereo until they kicked out their female drummer.