Sunday, December 29

word of the day: yark. it fits. dad's dizzy, mom's vomitous, and I sit fuming about how crappy it is that I'm not in AL. had to stay here and be respectful and witty with relatives, bleh. no boyfriend visiting for me! or carra, for that matter. hmmph. still heading for chattavegas tomorrow, at least.

tiffany and I had a fantastic time, though, the past couple days. friday was W-S/GSO. shopping, thai food, and too much coffee. bought a leather coat at banana republic that was marked down $125 from the original price. yesterday I took her to the airport in roanoke by way of b'burg.

I hung out in roanoke for a while after dropping her off, and I forgot how nice roanoke is, esp. compared to GSO. imagine downtown greensboro if the whole thing was like south elm st. all the old buildings turned into coffeehouses, yuppie eateries, and galleries. the museums on the square. narrow streets busy with as many pedestrians as cars, even at night. and all of it spotlessly clean--and somehow european. unfortunately I got lost in the warehouse district after that and it was very frightening. still, I lived to tell about it.

and being around tiffany was really affirming. it's like having an identical mental twin. well, almost identical. but there are so many occasions that one of us will say exactly what the other has just been thinking, even when it seems random. and get this, cruel world: I just learned she thinks robots are as scary as I do. I look forward to going to NYC next month.

gonna head to wal-mart for a new cd case, as there's no room left at the inn for all the new acquisitions. will write again in 2003! wish me a new year's as delightfully debaucherous as the last.

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