Sunday, March 30

aargh...need today to recover from last night. shana brought down some jello shots, and with some whiskey to boot I felt pretty funky. went upstairs and talked to folks, then over to 731 for the Tiger Bear Wolf et al. show. the apartments were as jumpin as I've ever seen them; I couldn't even guess how many people were milling around. hugged/talked to charles for a minute. went back to bryan with carra, ashley and crew for a few minutes. fell into bed late but woke up early. all in all, it was a great night of staggering and chit-chatting.

got to talk with my dream boy last night too. I was proud of myself--it was the first time I've even been able to say hi in quite some time. he makes me want to act like a spoiled kid in a toy store. I feel like throwing myself down on the floor, kicking and punching, and screaming "WANT THAT! WANT THAT!" repeatedly. fat lot of good it would do. damn breeder.

went to waffle house and the mall with ali today. ate way too much hashbrowns and looked at shoes I couldn't afford. at light years they have this "mullet shampoo" that comes in a car wax like bottle and smells like armorall. funny.

I need to clean, do work, study, and make about a million phone calls. eh, I think I'll go get some coffee instead.

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