Monday, March 31

random philosopical bullshit:

I see nothing wrong with jealousy. under the right circumstances, I think it can even be healthy. if a person is jealous, there's no shame in admitting it. "that's a nice apple you've got there. wish I had one."

I do take issue with covetousness; it's a sad thing when someone is so selfish as to want to deny someone else happiness so that they can have it. "that's a nice apple you've got there. think I'll steal it and eat it when you're back's turned."

but the worst: when one becomes so vindictive as to wish unhappiness on another when they have nothing to gain themselves..."that's a nice apple you've got there. think I'll hide it and let it rot just so you won't have something I don't."

lately I find myself wanting a lot of what other people have. and if I can't have whatever the commodity in question is, I'm becoming less and less averse to watching said other people suffer. I guess it's just the old "misery loves company" theory, but that doesn't make me a better person.

(note: I'm not actually in a pissy mood this evening. just giggling at my inhumanity. think I'll chuckle my way into bed.)

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